Selected Creatives 001: Jonathan Diederichs

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Jonathan Diederichs

one small seed network | selected member # 001

Jonathan Diederichs student johannesburg, south africa

Jonathan Diederichs lives in KwaZulu Natal and is currently busy with his matric. After this, he plans to take a gap year in the Cape to work on his portfolio and then pursue tertiary studies. His passion for capturing beauty started after picking up his first digital camera at the age of 14 and he hasn’t stopped snapping since – regardless of whether his subject matter is flowers, insects, people or anything around him. After getting his first professional camera, he started embracing impromptu photo shoots, using anyone willing to model for him. Photographers such as Lara Jade and Zhang Jingna (zemotion) inspire him, showing him that it is possible to be successful at such a young age. And in Jonathan’s own words: “one small seed network has also provided much inspiration and encouragement, so thanks!”

Selected Creatives is a one small seed network initiative. Each magazine showcases the work of one member from and brings them a step closer to being in one small seed magazine. If you think this work should be immortalised in print click here and vote for it in our poll.




be free

sinister clan

evening paddle

a sweet time

autum night

Go to Selected Creatives and vote for this creative to be in the forthcoming issue of one small seed magazine.

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