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HEALTH systems












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Four key partners Amref Health Africa in Kenya. African Centre for Global Health and Social Transformation (ACHEST). Wemos. Health Action International (HAI)




The intervention will cover four counties namely Homabay, Siaya, Narok and Kajiado Counties. At the County level, the project is working with two key partners, Health NGOs Network (HENNET) Mobilizing Advocates for Civil Society (MACS).

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Execute advocacy related activities at the County as well as the national level. Conduct advocacy for policy change, review and analysis on Reproductive Health and Sexual Reproductive Health through direct engagement with the County assembly, ministries of health departments and key decision makers at the County. Establish partnerships/ networks platforms to work with at County level- Identify and participate in multi-stakeholder platforms Create project based health programs evidence for local level adocacy, providing the local level link to country level and broader evidence for advocacy. Assess county/national HRH and commodity policy gaps and needs through the project baseline survey Identify local level health stewards for further development and motivate them to take up local level role within their communities Build capacity of Civil Society Organisations, health stewards and communities on advocacy Act as a gateway for access to communities, in order to develop community level capacity for advocacy on issues related to health systems.


AFRICAN CENTER FOR GLOBAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION ACHEST Undertake analysis and studies to generate information and knowledge for evidence based advocacy and lobbying for Human Resources for Health in the relevant policies. Develop and disseminate evidence based policy briefs and position papers on HRH in order to create conducive climate of opinion to accelerate appropriate actions. Build capacity and support CSOs to sharpen management and implementation skills in mobilizing and fostering action on HRH in the Country. Engage governments and national parliaments, CSOs, development partners and other stakeholders in policy dialogues for responsive HRH policies that increase access to quality SRH services for achievement of Sexual Reproductive health as part of strong health systems and universal health coverage. Advocate and lobby for stronger leadership for HRH at the highest levels of governments at national and regional level through active participation in key events such as National Health Assemblies.


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HEALTH ACTION INTERNATIONAL In cooperation with in-country Civil Society, adapt existing WHO/HAI methodologies for the assessment of price, availability and affordability to specifically monitor SRH commodities. Mobilize health CSOs in the selected countries to create an integrated regional network of SHR commodities expertise, this will include both country-to-country learning and knowledge transfer and advocacy capacity and capacity development from HAI. Together with expert in-country partners train civil society in the use of data collection, policy analysis, agenda setting, priority identification and lobbying in a multi-stakeholder environment. Use its in-country expertise to develop existing and/or establish new multi-stakeholder dialogue space for policy change, driven by both in-country and international knowledge.

Together with partners undertake evidence-based messaging and intervention through robust data analysis on health systems strengthening as a precondition to achieving sexual and reproductive health and rights, by way of ensuring sufficient human resources for health, commodities, good governance and adequate finance (mechanisms) for health; Lobby and advocacy interventions reinforcing the link between local, national, regional and international levels in global space on health systems strengthening as a precondition to achieving sexual and reproductive health and rights; Through its membership of non-governmental advocacy networks such as Medicus Mundi International (MMI), who is in official relations with the WHO, provide partners and other relevant CSOs with access to the WHO governing bodies – the Executive Board meetings and the World Health Assembly - in Geneva for lobby and advocacy (mentorship); Increasing joint lobby and advocacy on health system strengthening, target a wider scope of relevant decision making fora, and intensify L&A capacity building activities towards other CSOs. The Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2), founded in May 2016 and presided by Wemos, will be instrumental in these ambitions. Enabling civil society voices in African countries to be heard at debates on health topics in the Netherlands and at EU-level. They have a crucial role to play in pointing out what the weaknesses of the health systems are and engage in a dialogue with other actors, including state-actors in the Netherlands and at EU-level about possible (policy) solutions.



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POLITICAL CONTEXT IN KENYA Kenya is a devolved state which has two arms of government that is the National government and fourth seven county governments that are being over seen by County governors. Devolution is the pillar of the Kenyan constitution 2010 that seeks to bring the government closer to the people with the county governments at the centre of dispensing political power and economic resources to Kenyans at the grassroots level. Devolution is meant to promote the democratic and accountable exercise of power, ensure equitable sharing of national and local resources throughout the country, protect and promote the interests and rights of minorities and marginalized communities. However, with devolution, Health care was devolved the the county, which further constrained HRH: the following are challenges that keep on emanating/ experienced at the counties, terms of employment for health care workers and delayed salary payments resulting to frequent strikes. Weak legislation is currently affecting the human resources management in Kenya. On SRH commodities, supply chain management is still key concern for health facilities. Some counties experience delays in supply of commodities including SRH from the national government. This in turn affects provision of quality of services at health facilities. Ineffective leadership and accountability mechanisms at the county level, also weakens the situation.

2017 The country will be going through the general election in 2017, and as such the legislators are gearing towards the campaign period. The project will work with the county teams to ensure matters of HRH and SRH are prioritized by the county and national governments. Some of the themes that relate to HRH and SRH that is currently in agenda that relate to the political arena are; the free maternity care being offered by the national government. The first lady of the republic of Kenya is championing the beyond zero clinics in every county with an aim of ensuring that women access reproductive health services in remote areas. POLICY AREAS FOR HSAP IN KENYA Currently, Kenya is in the process of developing and revising bills/laws governing health and three bills on HRH and SRH are under development. These include the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Bill, the Reproductive HealthCare Bill and the

national level, through committee meetings to contribute to the respective bills, through the health workers unions as well as CSOs. The Alliance similarly made contacts with legislators at the national level to advocate for the two thirds gender rule to ensure increased number of women leaders in the national parliament. The current opportunities for the Kenya Alliance are signed treaties on the two themes HRH and SRH that Kenya is a signatory to, implementation, review as well as analysis of the existing policies bills and laws governing Human Resources for Health and Sexual Reproductive Health, Kenya’s constitution 2010 and vision 2030. The Alliance is riding on the manifestos of the ruling political parties in the respective counties to champion health care working conditions, stalled salary payments, delay in distribution of essential SRH medicines and the weak management of supplies and SRH commodities among other issues. NUMBER OF KEY LEGISLATORS IN KENYA KENYA















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WHEN: 18th May 2016 and 2nd June 2016 ACTIVITY Health System Advocacy Partnership held a series of inception meetings in kajiado County. The project was introduced to the governor, speaker of the County Assembly, Members of the County Assembly,County Executive for Health and a number of Civil Society Organisations that work in Kajiado County. 3







1. H.E Dr David Nkedianye Kajiado County Governor being briefed about the project by HSAP Kenya Project Manager Dorcus Indalo. 2. HSAP Kenya Samuel Saruni explaining a point during the meeting. 3. CECM for Health Hon. Gladys Marima Being briefed about the project. 4. CEC for Health Gladys Marima speaking to Kajiado County Stakeholders during a briefing meeting organized by HSAP Kenya. 5. One of the Civil Society oragnisation giving a presentation during the Stakeholders meeting Organised by HSAP Kenya. 6. Pauline Mwangi, Feed the Children, Kajiado giving a presenation at the stakeholders meeting facilitated by HSAP Kenya. 7. HSAP Kenya Project Manager Dorcus Indalo briefing Kajiado County Stakeholders about the new project.

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1. HSAP Kenya, Program Maneger Dorcus Indalo handing over goodie bags to the Speaker of Kajiado Countyn Assembly speaker Hon. Johnson Osoi. 2. HSAP Kenya Members with the Speaker and Kajiado County official. 3. HSAP Kenya members with Various County comittee members 4. HSAP Kenya members with Kajiado County Stakeholders and Civil Society Organisations from Kajiado County. 5. Kajiado County Govenor and officials from Kajiado County with HSAP Kenya Team.

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COUNTY LEVEL 1. Held inception meetings and stakeholder forums at County level in Kajiado, Narok, Siaya and Homabay. The project team held inception meetings with key government officials in Narok, Kajiado, Homabay and Siaya Counties. The aim was to introduce the project and build rapport with the county governments. The team met with the respective Governors, Ministers of Finance, Ministers of Health, the Directors of Health, Chief Officers of Health, Members of County Assembly (MCAs), speakers of County Assemblies, CHMT members, SCHMT members, health stewards as well as CSOs. Mapping of CSOs was conducted and 82 CSOs were identified. The stakeholders were receptive and applauded the project as timely in promoting HRH and SRHR. Based on the meetings, the key discussions for HSA were to: Ensure tracking of HRH/SRH bills and policies, identify key influencers at all levels, as well as consider the capacities of the different CSOs.

2. Established project structures and reviewed TORs for the respective groups. In the period under review, the HSA partnership has been conducting monthly meetings with the alliance members to discuss and plan for advocacy activities. As a result of the country management group meetings, the management structure was established and respective terms of reference (TORs) developed:

Country management Group.

This has all Alliance partners and meets on a monthly basis to plan and review project activities.

National Advisory Committee.

This has various stakeholders that include: the Ministry of Health, Private sector and Public sector actors and is mandated to meet on a quarterly basis for review and provide the advisory role to project alliance members.

3. Conducted Partner Mapping exercise on Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) Commodities with HAI. Within the Kenya context, HAI is leading in establishing the Medicines Transparency Alliance (META) at the national level with stakeholders for SRH commodities. This is a multistakeholder platform of CSOs, public and private sector, manufacturers and distributors, ministry of health as well as other NGOs and development agencies who meet on a regular basis to dialogue and advocate on issues of SRH commodities. Through the mapping exercise the alliance members identified various stakeholders in SRH commodity and supply chain management. A comprehensive power mapping and stakeholder analysis will be conducted to identify the key stakeholders that the project will work with.

HSAP Kenya team ready to review contents of the Memorandum of understanding that would be signed with the counties.. The team included various members of AMREF health Africa projects in that given county. The meeting took place at Kyaka Hotel.

chain management. A comprehensive power mapping and stakeholder analysis will be conducted to identify the key stakeholders that the project will work with.

4. Participated in Stakeholder Platforms Meeting with MACS Mobilization for Civil society Organization (MACs) Alliance Members.

The meeting brought together various stakeholders in RMNCH so as to re-energize coordination efforts around advocacy for accountability for RMNCAH in Kenya. The HSA project shared on the project and its status updates. The MACS Evaluation findings were also shared, as well as updates on global and country advocacy processes- Global Financing Facility (GFF). Other partners -DSW’s SHAPE project also shared on their status. It was discussed that there is need for the HSA project to share partnership strategies in the four counties.

5. Drafted MOUs with County Governments. At the county level, the project is mandated to have MOUs with the respective counties for ease of operation. The MOUs stipulate the roles and responsibilities of parties (Health Systems Project- through Amref and the County governments) as they relate to health programming and engagement in the four counties: Kajiado, Narok, Homabay and Siaya. In order to draft comprehensive MOUs, the project worked with the respective Amref projects within the four targeted counties. The MOUs will be signed in the coming period.

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WHEN: 18th May 2016 and 2nd June 2016 ACTIVITY Health System Advocacy Partnership held a series of inception meetings in Narok County. The project was introduced to the governor, speaker of the County Assembly, Members of the County Assembly,County Executive for Health and Civil Society Organisations that work in Narok County.





1. H.E Sameul Ole Tunai being briefed about the project by HSAP Kenya Project Manager Dorcus Indalo. 2. HSAP Kenya Project Manager Dorcus Indalo introducing the project to CEC for Health Narok County 3. Narok County Govenor H.E Samuel Ole Tunai Having a discussion with HSAP Kenya Program Manager Dorcus Indalo 4. Kajiado County Office of Govenor Chief of Staff Maison Kuseyo, Dorcus Indalo and Robert Athewa having a chat 5. Some County officials and the HSAp Kenya team at Narok County Assembly.

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WHEN: 16th June 2016 ACTIVITY Health System Advocacy Partnership held a series of inception meetings in Homabay County. The project was introduced to the governor, speaker of the County Assembly, Members of the County Assembly,County Executive for Health and Civil Society Organisations that work in Homabay County. 2






1. Hon .Dr Lawrence Oteng having a discussion with HSAP Kenya Project Manager Dorcus Indalo.2. Peter Agwanda(extreme right) having discussions with HSAP Kenya members. 3. HSAP Kenya members introducing the project to Homabay KMTC principle Caren Oyugi 4. Homabay County CSOs in attendence to be briefed about HSAP project. 5. One of the CSOs giving a presentation. 6. Zaddock Okeno, Project Officer HSAP Kenya briefing Homabay County Stakeholders about the project. 7. Some key stakeholders who attended the HSA meeting at Cold Springs Hotel.

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1. Hon .Dr Lawrence Oteng taking notes from HSAP brief 2. A group photo of the HSAP team Kenya and members of Homabay County Health Department 3. HSAP Kenya members with all the heads of department Homabay KMTC 4. HSAP Kenya team with various county stakeholders 5. HSAP Kenya with various CSOs from Homabay County at Cold Springs Hotel.

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WHEN: 29th June 2016 ACTIVITY Health System Advocacy Partnership held a series of inception meetings in Siaya County. The project was introduced to the governor, speaker of the County Assembly, Members of the County Assembly,County Executive for Health and Civil Society Organisations that work in Siaya County.




1. AMREF Health Africa RMNCH Program Manager Peter Ofware briefing the CSOs about the HSAP project 2. HSAP Kenya project officer Zaddock okeno taking the CSOs through the project 3. HENNET John Paul Omollo adressing the CSOs about their roles4. Group photo of all the CSOs who attended the meeting at Bondo Pride Inn Hotel.

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The project will be working with the advocacy targets below in government and the private sector in advancing its advocacy agenda in HRH and SRH medicines and commodities. These include: the International partners/actors, Government players, Faith-based sector, and Service providers in the Private sector, the community, Training institutions as well as Civil Society and other NGOs. Depending on the spheres of influence, interest and control of the respective actors, the project will liaise with the teams for advocacy related activities at county and national level. Based on the clusters (champions and swingers), appropriate strategies have been developed to ensure evidence based advocacy. The roles of the respective actors are outlined below LEVEL NATIONAL LEVEL


International Partners/Actors- Sphere of interest and influence World Bank (lead for Global Financing Facility), WHO Kenya, UNFPA, Global Fund UNICEF, USIAD, The Partnership for Maternal Newborn and Child Health. Role: They have an interest on HRH and SRH issues and act as a link with international community



Government players- Sphere of control Pharmacy & Poisons Board, MOH Department of Reproductive Health, Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA), Office of the Chief Pharmacist- Ministry of Health, MOH Division of Non-Communicable Diseases, National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), Ministry of Finance, Kenya Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Trade, Kenya Medical Research institute Role: They are responsibe for mangagment of HRH and SRH commodities at national and county level


Faith-based sector, Not-for-Profit -Sphere of influence and interest Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK), Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Role: They are influencial to the community on SRH commodities and HRH issues hence an advocacy targetplatform for the Alliance


Service providers in the Private sector incl. Nurses, Doctors(sphere of interest and influence) Kenya Medical Association (KMA),Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPU), Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN), Kenya Clinical Officers Union (KCOU). Role: They voice out HRH issues and SRH commodities at the county and national level - platform for the Alliance Pharmaceutical industry (incl. Wholesalers, Retailers, Warehousing(sphere of Control/influence and interest) Federation of Kenyan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Mission for Essential Drugs-Kenya (MEDS),Kenya Association of Pharmaceutical Industry, Kenya Pharmaceutical Distributors Association, Pharmnet (Kenya Pharmaceutical Association). Role: They are directly responsible for SRH commodities and hence an advocacy platform for the Alliance



COUNTY LEVEL Community members- Sphere of Interest and Influence Role: They are the ultimate beneficiaries of health care service. They are directly affected by adequate/inadequate or lack of health care workers and SRH commodities, hence an advocacy platform to champion HRH and SRH issues Training institutions - Sphere of influence Kenya Medical Training College- KMTC Role: Based on their sphere of influence they directly contribute to HRH and hence an advocacy platform to champion HRH issues Civil Society and Other NGOs- Sphere of influence and Interest Population Services Kenya- PSK, KELIN, Marie Stopes, Family Health Organization Kenya (FHOK) ,PATH, FHI 360, Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF), Center for Reproductive Health Rights, Health Rights Advocacy Forum (HERAF), Liverpool VCT Health, Jhpiego,Centre for study of adolescents Wem integrated health services (Wemis), Save the children ,Community health Partners, Lead Initiative Role: They act as a link between the legislators and the community. They are accountable to the community they serve and hold the county government to account hence advocacy platform to champion HRH and SRH issues


CHAMPIONS They share similar agenda, goals and strategies with the Alliance, they are knowledgeable about the change initiatives: and share as well as coordinate information project related activities.



SWINGERS They influence what happens in the sector on HRH and SRH .They have to be catalyzed to act, they are cautious of their interest. BLOCKERS They do not share similar agenda, goals and strategies with the Alliance.They are not knowledgeable on the change initiatives: They take active actions against your agenda and sometimes have political interest on the issues.

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PARTNERS IN SELECTED AREAS The HSA partnership will be cooperating with various partners mainly the County Health Management Team (CHMT), CSOs, the community, Members of the County Assembly (MCAs), Training institutions/Professional bodies, Judiciary, media houses, Private Sector providers in Health as well as the Health Workers Unions. They will work on the two key themes HRH and SRH commodities.

County Health Management Team

County Health Management Team (CHMT)

In terms of their interest they are duty bearers since they manage health matters at the county level specifically on HRH and SRH commodities. They are very influential and are critical players (agents of change in health care delivery). Regarding their level of opposition or support, they are a medium ally as they can easily be swayed.

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)

They are duty bearers as they act as a link between the legislators and the community, they help to voice out the needs of the community on HRH and SRH commodities. They equally hold the government accountable.

Civil Society Organisations



They are the ultimate beneficiaries of health care service and are directly affected by HRH and SRH issues; they also have a role in demanding for quality health care services.

Member of County Assembly

Members of County Assembly (MCAs)

Member of National and Senate Parliament: They are duty bearers since HRH and SRH bills at the county level are legislated by MCAs and at the National level the Members of parliament as well as the Senate. The MCAs approve budget allocations at county level and provide an oversight responsibility on County operational activities.

Training institutions

Training institutions/Professional bodies:

They have a responsibility to produce qualified skilled health workers. They stimulate innovations in provision of health care workers (partnerships with other research institutions).


Media houses

They are very influential since they have a wider audience in terms of passing information. They are equally perceived to be credible sources of information in the society.

Private Sector providers in Health

Private Sector

As duty bearers they complement the public sector in health care service delivery: they manufacture, dispense quality and standards on SRH commodities.

Health Workers Unions:

They are the voice of the healthcare workers at County and National level.

Health workers unions

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CONTEXTUALIZED THEORY OF CHANGE Update on the contextualiation of the theory of change. During the meeting in Uganda, the project discussed the baseline study in depth and drafted the matrices with key project outputs and project outcomes. In the matrices, the team described the outputs and outcomes, the respective indicators, questions to be addressed and the respective methodologies to be used. The Theory of change was discussed with the Alliance members during the County Management Group meetings. The team identified that in as much as the project is focusing on two themes, HRH and SRH commodities, other building blocks (Leadership and Governance as well as Health Financing) will be affected so as to ensure sustainable health systems. The community members need to equally be sensitized on their rights and roles to ensure that they hold their governments accountable. For effective policy and dialogue, various strategies were identified that include: • Engaging mainstream media- mapping media houses and media personalities, use of social media • Involving the judiciary- work with judiciary training institutes, stimulating relevant civil societies to take matters to court • Conducting Community Audits to ensure social accountability • Use of Civil Society Organizations- mapping and building their capacity on advocacy • Influencing the political arena: Identify members of parliaments able to push the project agenda Influence process on revision of bills / republishing of bills / establishing laws, Identify speakers of parliament / county government to give priority to HRH and SRH issues during relevant policy discussions, work with associations of women parliamentarian (Kenya Women Parliamentary Association- KEWOPA) • Involve representatives of AU and UN bodies / agencies -align with international level- Follow up at the national and county level on whether the treaties are being implemented • Conducting research for evidence based advocacy

Involve representatives of AU and Un bodies

Engaging the media

Engaging the judiciary

Conducting community audits

Civil Society Organizations

Evidence based Advocacy

1 8 | I N C E P T I O N R E P O R T - H E A LT H S Y S T E M S A D V O C A C Y PA R T N E R S H I P The tables below shows the output and outcome level indicators that were identified and the data collection methods. OUTPUT LEVEL INDICATORS



Number of media houses identified

Stakeholder mapping

Number of media houses identified

Training Reports

Number of media personalities identified

Stakeholder mapping/desk review

Number of relevant social media platforms identified (to pass messages on HRH & SRHR)

Stakeholder mapping/desk review

Number of judges and magistrates identified to work with on HRH & SRHR issues

Stakeholder mapping, Capacity assessment

Number of judges and magistrates sensitized on HRH & SRH

Stakeholder mapping, Capacity assessment

Number of CSOs addressing HRH & SRHR through community audits

Stakeholder mapping, Capacity assessment

Number of community events held by CSOs on HRH & SRHR

Social audits, score cards

Number of IEC materials printed and distributed (Fact sheets, policy briefs)

Activity Reports

Members of parliament/senate/county assembly identified to work with on HRH & SRHR (number)

Stakeholder mapping/desk review

Number of meetings held with decision-makers

Activity Reports

Number of bills on HRH & SRH introduced/revised/republished/blocked as result of advocacy work by HSA4A alliance

Activity Reports

Number of policy influencers identified

Stakeholder mapping

Number of meetings held with decision-makers in support of project activities- HRH & SRH

Activity Reports

Number of CSO members trained on rights based approach-HRH and SRHR

Capacity Assessment/Activity Reports

Research agenda identified

Desk review

Number and type of professional associations sensitized

Stakeholder mapping/desk review/ Capacity assessment

Number of champions/advocates identified and empowered at county and national level

Stakeholder mapping

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LONG TERM OUTCOMES Number of governments, international bodies and institutions and private sector actors that publicly

Presence of gender and inclusivity measures in public support by governments, international bodies and institutions and private sector Existence of an up-to-date national health strategy linked to national needs and priorities by topic (HRH, SRH commodities) Policies implemented support adequate HRH SRH commodities Policies implemented support access to SRH commodities

METHODOLOGY Policy reviews, Policy analysis, In-depth interviews Signed treaties, Desk reviews (e.g. HRH and SRH policies)

Policy reviewsper topic

Policy reviews, Policy analysis, In-depth interviews Signed treaties, Desk reviews (e.g. National health strategy) Key informant interviews, policy analysis, desk reviews Key informant interviews, policy analysis, desk reviews

Policies include measures to support gender equality and inclusivity

Health system review/desk review

Funding levels for implementation of policy by level (international, national, county) and by topic (HRH, SRH commodities)

Budget analysis reports, Budget tracking, key informant interviews, desk reviews

Amount and % of county and/or national budget assigned and actually spent on HRH

Budget analysis reports, Budget tracking, key informant interviews, desk reviews

Amount and % of county and/or national budget assigned and actually spent on SRH commodities

Budget analysis reports, Budget tracking, key informant interviews

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Number and kind of collaborative actions taken by (multi) stakeholder actors by topic (HRH, SRH commodities, gender & inclusivity) and level (international, national, County)

Stakeholder mapping & power analysis, key informant interviews, In-depth interviews

Number and type of government officials who publicly support the advocacy effort by level (international, national, district) and by topic (HRH, SRH commodities, gender & inclusivity)

Media reports, (newspaper cuttings, clips), In depth interviews, Stakeholder mapping, power analysis, key informant interviews & reviewing statements made

SHORT TERM OUTCOMES Number of CSOs with increased lobby and advocacy capacity Number of CSOs with increased understanding on gender and inclusivity Number of multi-stakeholder networks and platforms with increased lobby and advocacy capacity Number of multi-stakeholder networks and platforms with increased understanding on gender and inclusivity Number of communities with increased lobby and advocacy capacity

METHODOLOGY Organizational capacity assessment Organizational capacity assessment

Organizational capacity assessment

Organizational capacity assessment

Focused group discussions, KIIs

Number of communities with increased understanding on gender and inclusivity

Focused group discussions, KIIs

Number of health stewards with increased leadership and managerial capacity (disaggregated by gender)

Questionnaire, in-depth interview, Capacity assessment with health stewards

Number of health stewards with increased managerial capacity (disaggregated by gender)

Questionnaire, in-depth interview, Capacity assessment with health stewards

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ANNEX 1 ACTIVITY PLAN Based on the output of your Theory Of Change (ToC), what activities will be undertaken by the HSA alliance in your country (context) up to December 31, 2016? If you have information available on 2017, please add them here as well. The project will be conducting the various activities in order to achieve its goals and objectives as below:

OUTCOME 1 Governments, international bodies, institutions and the private sector actors support and adhere to international standards and policies with regards to HRH & SRH commodities • Sensitize 60 CSOs on Human Resources for Health (HRH) and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) commodities and Medicines • Train 40 CSOs and health stewards on advocacy • Sensitize 15 Media Houses on lobby and advocacy around HRH and SRH commodities • Conduct Lobby and Advocacy at the community, County and National level • Develop and Disseminate Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials on HRH and SRH commodities • Sensitize Magistrates and judges on HRH and SRH issues • Advocate towards ensuring that commitments made by the government at the treaty making bodies on achieving sexual and reproductive health rights are adhered to.

OUTCOME 2 National health standards and polices supporting adequate HRH & access to SRH commodities are adopted and implemented • Create partnerships and multi-stakeholder networks to work with at National and County level • Attend fora/meetings with private sector actors, Technical Working groups (TWG) and Interagency Coordinating committees (ICC) • Participate in stakeholder forums at the county and national level • Sensitize Members of County Assembly (MCAs), speakers, governors, health stewards on HRH and SRH commodities • Develop, monitor and/or advice on policies and standards on HRH and SRH Commodities to County and National Government. • Media coverage on HRH and SRH commodities • Baseline and Evidence Gathering- Assess the county HRH and Commodity gaps and needs • Planning, continuous Monitoring and Evaluation

OUTCOME 3 Sustained national funding and management of funding streams for implementation of polices and standards on HRH & SRH commodities • Establish/Strengthen County and National public private partnership forums for SRH and HRH • Establish the Medicines Transparency Alliance (META platform) at the national level • Work with CSOs to ensure community participation- Use of community score card /social audits to identify needs in the area of commodities/supply chain and reproductive health rights • Work with CSOs to ensure community participation -budget advocacy and tracking • Lobby relevant parliamentary committee and advocate for more support to County government and Ministry of health to get more funding. • Support Counties to develop policies for funding support

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AMREF Health Africa Langata Road, P.O Box 27691 - 00506, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: +254 20 6993000 Fax: +254 20 609518 health system advocacy ke

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