6 minute read
from 10_2018
by Emily Taylor
With Zachary Caldwell
Community Submissions
By Bryant E. Culpepper
United States Army officer & a Union General in the American Civil War
“Those know, do not speak. who speak, do not know.”
Chinese Philosopher, from the Tao-Te-Ching
“Somewhere I read of the freedom of assembly.
Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech. Somewhere I read of the freedom of press. Somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the right to protest for right. And so just as I say, we aren’t going to let dogs or water hoses turn us around, we aren’t going to let any injunction turn us around. We are going on.”
Dr. Martin Luther Kind, Jr.
United States Civil Rights Leader, passage from his final speech in Memphis, TN, I’ve Been to the Mountaintop, on April 3, 1968
As I sat out on the verandah, my mind had taken me onto a pondered thought. The thought was of mankind. Yes, the both sides of our human nature. The good, and what some might see as the bad…Dr. Jekyll, and Mr. Hyde. All throughout the day I become sort of a transparent type. Our spirits are filled with joy and the goodness that comes along with it. Constantly we think of ways we can be good to the presence of society. We want to share what has been given to us. Our thoughts are always the good that comes out of other folks. If one says half, I say full. If another says dark, I think of light. It’s such a good feeling to give others accolades they so much enjoy and deserve. Yes, Dr. Jekyll is on the prowl. Looking to uplift another when all to them seems down. I want to heal hurts, open closed doors, turn frowns into smiles. Dr. Jekyll I am. I am he that makes the best of me. My smile is your smile. My mile is yours that I walk all to allow you to rest from a day that has beaten you down. A day that has grasp hold of your goodness, only to make you cry. Ah, I am the Jekyll of your eye. I am here. Touch me, feel me, hold me for comfort. I am the Jekyll that silenced the heckle from an opposing society. I am the good that was made from good himself. Oh, but lo and behold, Mr. Hyde is now on the scene. The sun has set. The transparency has fallen asleep. The pupils of life have now awakened and open wide. Yes, wide for Hyde to cruise tides of the night. The red-light district has opened for business. Miniskirts and torn shirts to magnify all types of hurts.
Just Had To Get Right
By Brian Belcher ·
To struggle on a daily basis has me always with a feeling. Just like when I was younger.
On a day when business was slow and I was dealing. Out there hungry as ever doing things, I said I would never. I knew, I just had to get right!
Then another note to take. No break to stop the flow be wishing and dreaming. To be on top getting this cake, I’m pushing to the limit. The max with extreme thoughts of. All, I would do with a strong team. Just had to get right! Know that this is all it would take. To stand up for everybody in my circle and put up a strong fight!
Walid Jumblatt
Leader of the Lebanese Druze, quoted in the London Sunday Times December 29, 1985, speaking of the events in Lenanon in the wake of the Israeli army’s withdrawal
Hey, do you have a dime for the pocket of mine to lure you into deceiving good times. My hat’s pulled low to cover red-shot eyes that houses many lies and false prizes. Don’t sleep because Mr. Hyde is on the creep, hunched over limping on one side to crutch Hyde’s bad side, all to stand in deception. I don’t understand the bad that I do. Don’t want to do it, but wickedness takes control of the flesh that lands many into lots of mess. Mr. Hyde has stepped up on the stages of life only to cause much strife. Tell you that it’s half empty instead of half full. He’ll tell you that it’s dark and never light. Yes, deception is his title. Oh, wicked man that I am. I touched what was hot, and I knew it. But my Hyde instincts tells me that it’s o.k. To you in the darkened lights of night, I look tempting and tasty. Come, take a bite of my forbidden fruits. Come walk on the wild side. Allow me to make you cry. I love your tears of heartaches and pain. I love to see you captured in cages of confinement. Allow me to swallow the keys of your captivity. Allow me to love you falsely and never be true. Lift down your head, let me bound your arms never to free you from incarceration. I’ve got you captured. I am the guard that won’t ever let you go. Lay on my bed of loneliness. My darkness will cover your light. My cup is prepared to capture your sadden tears overflowed. My hammer is stretched far back, allowing my triggers of darkness to ignite and pow!!! Blow your mind of innocence into confusion…Mr. Hyde is still on the prowl, seeking to devour and destroy all that stands in its way. But wait!!! My Jekyll and my Hyde is all one created by HE, the great I AM. The HE that created, has given choice to us all. His most expressed created. And that creation was man. Good versus evil…we all have the choice… just to sit and chat about the things of your desire. When will the bad turn to the good then come to an end? Let it out!
For me to see later down the line what things could be like. Through all in all, and for all! I just had to get right. Do the best that I can to run a tight ship. To stay afloat even on this struggle daily. When I’m feeling broken thinking just maybe. Mentally all shook up with hope. That by the end of the day, I’d get the whole hook up to cope. Just had to get right!
I will come to you soon out of the dark to shed this light. No need to go fishing in a river that has no fish to bite. A waste of time no matter the bait you deliver. When it gets late you’ll shiver with no food for the fire. Then hurt with hunger!
Then know that everything will be alright. When things pull together you’ll then see. That in all through the process of things. You just had to get right!
Iman Ali
Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, the last prophet of Islam
Gary Gilmore
Condemned criminal’s last words before he was executed by a firing squad in 1977
Zachary Caldwell
Zachary is a One Step Away vendor and writer. He studied history at Temple University, which informs much of his writing.

· By William Powell
Hello and how are you and to all my supporters this is William. So, what has been happening how do you like that heat out there it is out of this world. Things look like they are coming along just well, and I am confident, I can’t wait until this thing with my apartment is solved. I just keep on putting this thing together and it is coming along little by little. It is like a mystery, you see how it all began and you try and guess the ending. Just a little bit more and I will see you in a few.
I Shot The Devil
· By Bryant E. Culpepper ·
I shot the devil, but I did not shoot the deputy. He tried to destroy me, and truly get the best of me. But only with the help of God, did I take down this foe. To allow His light to shine in me and pick me up from below. The sting of death is no more, on eagles’ wings I soar. I gaze above the heavens, as I ascended from the floor. Only to spread the love of my savior to all those around. To let more light shine in them, as they ascend from the ground.
So, go on live life and be free, be all that you can. A new life has been born of shedding that age-old man. So, I did shoot the devil, crushed his head with my heel. And the love of God inside of me is all the love I feel.