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First of all, the President is wrong for making America’s tax payers suffer for his border wall that’s leading to Mexico. Not only is he trying to make Americans pay for a wall that he originally said Mexico will pay for, he shut our government down and it really doesn’t seem to be Americans problem. This is going to be a big problem. If people don’t receive paychecks how can they pay bills and take care of their families? Does President Trump even care? Now it seems instead of finding another alternative he has decided to stop other government programs, so many people are already without income. Why does he take everything away from Americans? Even if the border wall gets built, I will always wonder if this can happen to Americans again, and if so, how many more people will suffer?



The Universe that began as a moral nullity has, by evolving us, given itself meaning and purpose. That’s the miracle of reality. And it will complete its redemption through us as we fulfill our potential as a species-being.



As I sat listening to president Trump delivering the state of the union speech. He spoke on several important issues. Mainly the wall subject. In my opinion, I kind of agree with the wall proposal. But only to the point where it may actually provide safety from the animalistic homicides that America suffer from the hands of foreign illegal criminals that slither their way into our country. But as far as that goes, that’s it Mr. president. Sorry, but I do believe that you job is done. There’s no need in trying to platform African Americans such as Alice Johnson, and Matthew Charles by pardoning them on non-violent drug charges. All in lure of swindling the minority vote to your favor. So I guess now all minorities suppose to dance a jig? Because you featured those as well as other minority individuals in your address to the nation? But what about all the minorities, blacks as well as Hispanics mainly, that are still lock down in our city jails on minor drug offenses just sitting in jail awaiting a very long court date. And bails that cannot be paid? But getting back to the wall issue. Although I do think that it’s a very good power move to alleviate the crime that add on to our already heightened crime rate we’re currently experiencing ourselves here in the U.S.. but still I ask. Why does this president risk the humanitarian welfare of many, many Americans regarding this wall issue? Is the safety of our country the mainstream of his plea? Or is it the sole fact that this is the way to have a type of monument built, honored and remembered in his name? I personally agree with the latter. Just as the scripture talks about above. Beware of deceivers. They’re forms of what we might call the anti-Christ. They often come in a type of long awaited glory. Sure they speak eloquently and assuring. They may even bless Israel as to fulfilling the prophecy. But all the while in their minds they plan deceit and betrayal. They may even act as if they understand your type, while planning and counting your vote prematurely. Oh yeah, they talk a good game. They’re cunning, baffling, and yes, very powerful. But what they don’t know is that the authority belongs to the one who possess true love and care in their hearts genuinely for mankind. And so I ask. Do we, black, Hispanic, white, red, yellow, or brown, really want to endure another four years of this present administration? Power, respect, and dictatorship is truly what this administration is seeking. Let me tell you that destruction happens gradually. But at its maximum, it’s all of a sudden. We have the power to fight this tyranny. Even unto those that greet them and share in their evil deeds. Pray my people, pray. So in closing my fellow Americans. America will indeed win the war on poverty, on economics, and on faith. But before all of that, we as an American society should question and strive to eradicate the hypocrisies our current leaders possess. We do serve a very patient GOD…but a leader with a negative, reprobate mind-set could indeed hinder our progress to a slower reform. Thank you and God bless. (2 John 7-11)


Bryant overcame homelessness and now advocates for others through his writings. Here he is pictured reading an original poem at the 2018 Homeless Memorial Day in front of a sign listing the 270 names of individuals we lost that year due to homelessness. OSAPHILLY.ORG 27

There are a lot of people willing to help the homeless; some give food or money, some give clothes or volunteer their time. Those are generous acts and badly needed actions to help a person who is homeless. But how can we play a bigger role in homelessness before it happens? It starts with children, we have to help these kids as much as possible. If a kid is getting abused physically it will affect them mentally. Sexual abuse affects a person mentally. Verbal abuse and living in fear will affect a person mentally. Of course, we have to start with our own kids, but what we do for our kids we need to do for all kids. We need to make sure they are well taken care of and protected at all times. If you’re concerned about the welfare of a child, then nobody can any longer tell you to mind your business. There’s a lot of parents out here beating their kids senseless. Hitting them in the head with blunt objects, burning babies with cigarettes, biting babies, starving babies. Then you have other adults who just want to have sex with kids, even their own. That is bullying at it’s worse to do this to innocent little children and I am outraged at the actions by these adults. So now every kid in our community is our business. Kids have to be watched and so do the parents. Some parents have done things so bad to their kids that I can’t even go into details. When a person is forced to deal with such acts as a child it can easily change their mental state. It can lead to anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, anger issues, abusiveness, drug use, P.T.S.D; which can lead to trouble at work, trouble finding work, which can ultimately lead to being homeless. Kids are not a punching bag; they are an extension of our families, an extension of our kingdoms, future leaders of our community. What part do you want to play in a child’s life? Jesus once took a child in his arms and said, “anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me, welcomes my Father who sent me.” Mark 9:36-37. Jesus taught the disciples to welcome children. This was a new approach in a society where children were usually treated as second-class citizens. Two-thirds of people in a national study of homelessness suffered physical or sexual violence as children or had been neglected or emotionally abused. About one-third had been sexually assaulted. Those exposed to violence or abuse as children are much more likely to experience longer periods of homelessness over their lifetime. This is also true for people who have been in foster or residential care as children. Childhood abuse has a lot of negative impacts on lifetime development. Such as higher levels of psychiatric problems, in particular personality disorder and substance abuse. The effects can be longlasting and heavily influence the life course of the abused individuals. Also, histories of abuse were found to be associated with being female and with having been raised in local authority care. When I found out that the number of women who suffered sexual abuse as a child was a lot more than I had imagined I started asking questions. I had a chance to talk to about ten homeless women, some were in shelters and some lived on the streets. I asked them all the same question, which was: “when you were a kid were you ever sexually abused?”. Do you know how many of them said yes? Every last single one of them. 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse. The No Child Left Behind Act was to make sure all children were properly educated. I think we need a No Child Left Unprotected Act to make sure these kids are safe before and after school. We must be the voice for those who will not speak, the muscle for the small and weak, and the courage for the timid. One person can change a community. Let us all stick together and protect our children. ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Kareem is a One Step Away vendor, who began writing poetry this year and then submitted “No Child Left Unprotected” as his first article submission. He can often be found in Old City distributing the magazine. He wants to hear your feedback on his article, and asked you to email osa@rhd.org with “Kareem’s Article” in the subject line with your thoughts. Hello, and how are you? So how have you been? I know that you are asking the same thing about me, I am doing fine thank you. I now have my school in on this illegal lock out situation. I found that it was better to have them in on it first, and then the Legal Services to follow through. I believe that I was backwards, I just came around to the school raid situation not so long ago and I want them to handle this thing for me, so it will be a little while and I want you to be patient with me until this thing is resolved. Sometimes it takes a while to recover, you just have to be a little patient a bit and take your time with that kind of nerveracking situation, the school is it and I am happy about that and thanks. What do you think about this month’s write-up? It should be an exciting one. How have you guys been enjoying the new Magazines? Alright, I suppose. They are just great news for recovery — they have been a tremendous help for me. What do you think about the price $1.50 that I pay for each Magazine? I like the price, but I like 2 or 3 Magazines for that price, it goes a long way. Now this other thing that I discovered just recently, the Dalmatian that is heading our way, you know that they then chose you and I for that position, and I am happy about that and what a way to recover. I got my school in on it and we are working on that project right now. You keep your eyes open and I got some good people and supporters out there just awaiting to hear the good news about the Dalmatian. Thanks. ABOUT THE AUTHOR

William is a One Step Away vendor and writer who uses his writing to keep in touch with all of his supporters.



Good day Philadelphia this is Kevin. Last month my fiancé and I went to Harrisburg to rally against the gun violence. The violence that has happened in Philadelphia, and all over the world. Keep us in prayer. God bless you all. Peace out and have a blessed day.

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