Chayyei Sarah: The “Exquisite Risk” of Love
Death, love, death.
Sandwiched between the death of our first matriarch and our first patriarch we witness the choreography of a dramatic, divinely directed love story between Isaac and Rebecca. How does this powerful connection come to be? What internal qualities or practices were active in the Rebecca and Isaac story that allowed them to be open to what poet Mark Nepo calls the “exquisite risk” of an open heart? I want to highlight three: chesed, meditation, and vulnerability
I. The Text
Isaac’s love for Rebecca is clear and unequivocal:
67. And Isaac brought her to the tent of Sarah his mother, and he took Rebecca, and she became his wife, and he loved her. And Isaac was comforted for [the loss of] his mother.
Bereshit 24:67
Rebecca brings Isaac back to life after the death of his mother. She literally illuminates the place in his life that was in darkness and despair:

“Three years Isaac mourned for his mother. Every time he entered her tent, and saw it in darkness, he would tear his hair. But when he married Rebecca, and brought her into the tent, the light returned to its place.”
Midrash Ha-Gadol 24:67
Does Rebecca love Isaac? The text is less clear, but something powerful happens to her when she sees Isaac for the first time:
63. And Isaac went forth to meditate in the field towards evening, and he lifted his eyes and saw, and behold, camels were approaching.
64. And Rebecca lifted her eyes, and saw Isaac, and she fell down from the camel. .דס קחציתאארתּוהיניעתאהקבראשּׂתּו :למגּהלעמלפּתּו
65. And she said to the servant, "Who is that man walking in the field towards us?" And the servant said, "He is my master" And she took the veil and covered herself.
Bereshit 24: 63-65
II. Rebecca and Chesed (kindness/generosity)
Rebecca’s kindness and generosity upon meeting Abraham’s servant at the well is as abundant as the water she pulls up to quench the thirst of the man and his camels. Avivah Zornberg writes, “as she runs back and forth at the well, eagerly providing for the needs of the servant and the camels, she resembles Abraham welcoming his angel-guests – impatient, energetic, overflowing with love (chesed).” In fact, the text uses the word chesed four times in the space of two chapters, underlining the trait in relation to Rebecca. Chesed is also the trait most commonly associated with Abraham.
Rebecca’s chesed should not be considered simply being nice. Chesed in the Torah can be defined more accurately as a profound generosity of spirit. Alan Morinis writes that chesed involves acts that sustain another. She gives from a bottomless well (pun intended) of this sustaining love and kindness.
Why does this make Rebecca particularly open to receiving love?
One possibility is that chesed works directly to counteract scarcity mentality, i.e. “I don’t have enough myself, how can I give generously to others?” Chesed abides by its own rules – generating love even as it “spends” it. As Shakespeare’s Juliet says, “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, / The more I have, for both are infinite.”