A home made craft project with a cutout shape for each day in the progression of awakening, awe and celebration. Do five or do them all, and then show the world!
for 40 years. And of course outdoor living brings many other associations during this turbulent year. Housing crisis and homelessness; the need to only congregate outdoors to prevent the spread of the pandemic; our closeness to nature, easily forgotten in urban living. There are many things that these holidays bring us together for:
HERE FOR HOSHANA “Save us” is the translation of hoshana, which is a tradition of creating a circle as we walk together, clutching our Four Species. Though in most contemporary expressions of the tradition it looks super awkward, with a bunch of people shuffling around in the aisles of a synagogue, it is actually the most ancient ritual there is - a rain dance. On each of the days of Sukkot we walk in a circle, and on the last morning we do seven circles, before the final moment of whipping our willow branches as we finish praying and leave the fate of our crops and sustenance in the hands of nature.
Here For Creation
finishing of the High Holidays by returning to the elemental and basic - outdoor living, just as we lived in the desert
Meditations and Thoughts
structure, and live in it for a week. It’s like a theatrical fantasy land. We are celebrating our purification and the
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
I am a set designer for theater, so Sukkot is totally my holiday - we are mandated to build a temporary, decorated
OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
WEEK SEVEN: Ripples of Hope
HERE FOR THE CYCLE Sukkot is an agricultural holiday, and thus part of the natural cycle of planting, crops and harvest. Today we get our food in a supermarket, or maybe a farmer’s market, or maybe a fruit and vegetable box. But these holidays are a chance to connect to the more elemental in the world, a reminder that we are not that far removed from or independent from what the land and the sky give us. The idea of the circle is expressed everywhere else in the holiday as well - the circles we dance in during Hoshanot and on Simchat Torah, as well as the rewinding of the Torah from the end to the beginning.
HERE FOR TOGETHERNESS The theme that runs through all of this is coming together. A circle cannot be made by one person; agriculture cannot be sustained individually; a Sukkah is meant for joint meals, with people coming together under the shade of its tree-branch roof. And in the meditation below, meant to be said before we bring together the Four Species, coming together is presented as the key to unlocking the bounty and plenty that we so
need right now.
May it be that with these four species The etrog, the palm, the myrtle and willows The letters of your divine name Will come together in my hand And in waving them May an abundance of blessings Flow from the wisdom of the heavens.
שר ִק ְ ּד ָׁשנ ּו ֶׁ ֲ א,עולָ ם ֹ ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ּ ָתה ה‘ אֱ ל ֵֹקינ ּו ֶמלֶ ְך ָה : וְ ִצוָ ּנ ּו ַעל נְ ִטילַ ת לוּלָ ב,ותיו ָ ְ ּב ִמ ְצ
Blessed are You, our God, ruler of the universe, who has made us holy with God’s commandments and has instructed us to wave the lulav.
Day 44, Saturday October 3rd OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Here For Creation
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
Day 45, Sunday October 4th OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Here For Creation
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
Day 46, Monday October 5th OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Here For Creation
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
Day 47, Tuesday October 6th OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Here For Creation
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
Day 48, Wednesday October 7th OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Here For Creation
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
Day 49, Thursday October 8th OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Here For Creation
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Day 50, Friday October 9th
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
Here For Creation
Day 51, Saturday October 10th OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Here For Creation
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild
Day 52, Sunday October 11th OneTable.org // @onetableshabbat // herefor.com
Here For Creation
UnboundJerusalem.com // @KAPwild