Opening Your Table

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If you’re reading this, then you’re already a Shabbat dinner pro. You’ve figured out the best way to get dinner on the table, experimented with some ritual, figured out the rhythm of Shabbat dinner. In short, you’ve got this. Now you’re ready for the next step: Host Approval dinners.

WHAT'S A "HOST APPROVAL" DINNER? People seeking out Shabbat dinner opportunities can request a seat at your table. The description is public, but your address is not. You will receive the name/email of those individuals, and only guests that you approve will be given the full details about your dinner (time, address, etc). NOTE: “Open” dinners are open to anybody on the internet to see details and location of your dinner, and sign up to attend. This is intended only for public spaces.


Plan in advance:

We recommend posting your dinner on the platform and sharing on social

media at least two weeks in advance to give potential guests a chance to find your dinner and commit to attending.


Describe your dinner:

Be creative with your images and catchy with your dinner title, think

about including dinner themes, specific age ranges, tags and conversation topics in your description. Let guests know who your target audience is.


Update your host bio:


Invite some friends:

New guests want to know who they are going to be meeting.

Host approval dinners look exciting on the platform when a few

guests have already RSVPed. Let your friends know there will be some new faces at your Shabbat, and ask for their help making everyone feel welcome. They might even have ideas on who else to bring to expand the circle.


Use your Hub Manager and Shabbat Coach as a resource.

They are at the center of the

community in all of our hub cities. They know people who are looking for open dinners and would be happy to connect them to yours.

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CONNECT A guest who you don’t know requests a seat at your table. Bravo! You’re practicing the deeply rooted Jewish value of hachnasat orchim, or “welcoming others.”

Should you accept their request? Send a quick email or Facebook message (see if you have mutual friends) to check in and introduce yourself. You'll get a better idea of who will be joining you and they will immediately feel welcome. “Hey there I see you requested a seat at my table next Friday, how did you hear about OneTable? Have you been to a Shabbat dinner before? What are you looking for in your Shabbat dinner experience? ” What if you don’t want to include someone who requests a seat? You are the best judge of who is a good fit for your dinner. But also, people don’t like to be left hanging. Accept or reject their request while they have enough time to make other Shabbat dinners plans.


Your guests want to be a part of the community you’re creating! Send a reminder email, include important details and maybe your phone number in case someone’s running late or lost. “So excited to bring in the weekend with you all, the cheese board is going to be on point! Reminder: TIME, ADDRESS, CONTACT INFO” In the email you can ask guests to bring wine or desert, many guests reach out asking what they can bring on their own! Our go tos are: challah, wine, flowers or dessert - you can never have enough, and these are easy things to grab on the way over.


1. Leave something undone Often times there’s one person who is right on time or early, leave something undone for them, ask them to fill the waters, put out silverware, or mix the salad. Giving them something to do will make them feel immediately at home, and they will naturally help you welcome the next guests.

2. The Shmooze Once your guest is in the door, offer them a drink, from water to a cocktail. It helps people feel at ease to have something in their hands. If you have appetizers out, all the better!

3. A Seat at the Table Embrace the art of hospitality with intentional seating. Seat new guests next to old friends who are strong conversationalists. Create name cards for each person — a folded 3x5 card works!

4. Break the Ice Check out the Shabbat Ritual Guide, p. 22 for creative table topics.

5. Join Together Ask your guests if any of them are interested in leading the rituals, or adding a meditation of their own. Consider having extra tea lights available for anyone that wants to light their own candles.

FOLLOW UP Pat yourself on the back.

BOOM. You did it. We’ve

found that a quick post-dinner note

works wonders, send along a recipe from the night if guests loved it, or share some photos. Encourage your guests to sign up as OneTable hosts themselves to pay it forward!

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