What’s a resource or a person who you feel like you’ve gotten a lot from and it might be time to give back? How do our actions shape the world? What is one action you can take toward redistributing wealth in our society? What systems in our society feel like they no longer serve us? What small steps can you take toward fixing it?
How can this Shabbat help let go of the breath you’ve been holding? What’s something you don’t make enough time for? Why is making time hard? What can you do to prioritize your own revitalization and rejuvenation?
If you could add one thing to your life for a whole year, what would it be? If you could let go of one thing for a whole year, what would it be? What could a year of radical rest look and feel like for you? What changes or additions might you make in your life to achieve that?
How might you let go of metaphorically “collecting debt” from others (holding grudges, gossip, etc.)? What do you hold onto from the past? What needs to be restored? How or when can you commit to communal practices of restoration? How does this feel different from individual rejuvenation?
In what ways do you feel connected to the earth and nature around you? What makes you feel most rooted? What makes you feel like you’re able to blossom? What is your favorite memory in nature?
What’s a favorite ritual or routine of yours? What feelings and memories does it invoke? How could you refresh those routines? What kinds of new rituals might you incorporate into a “sabbatical” year? How could ritual help spark more mindfulness and intentionality into your year?
What’s one gift you receive from the earth that you are grateful for? What’s one gift you receive from a person that you are grateful for? What’s one gift you receive from yourself that you are grateful for? How can you express gratitude to these sources?
How did this past 18 months of the pandemic change you? What lessons did you learn about collective responsibility in this past year? How will you harness those teachings in the Shmita year? What lessons did you learn about healing in this past year that you want to carry forward?
Every seven days, we’re gifted the beautiful wellness ritual of Shabbat— a day to pause, relax, reflect, and rejuvenate. And, every seven years, we’re gifted Shmita—an entire “sabbatical” year where (biblically speaking) we are encouraged to let the agricultural land rest, free debts in society, and resolve any inequities that may have grown. It is (or could be) a year to restore. Starting on Rosh Hashanah this year, think of it as Shabbat on the grandest scale and an opportunity for us to restore ourselves and the earth. Use these conversation starters to reflect on how a year of radical rest might change you. Consider what is broken in our society and the earth, and what actions you might take to restore them. @ONETABLESHABBAT | ONETABLE.ORG/RESTORE