How do you talk about architecture when you don’t know anything about it? That was the question I struggled with most as I started my Knowlton journey. I had no prior experience in design, and I felt strange sharing my ideas in studio when I didn’t have the knowledge to back them up. Thankfully, these feelings changed throughout my time at Knowlton. Professors helped me build confidence in myself, classmates encouraged my ideas, and One:Twelve gave me a space to find my voice as a designer. I joined One:Twelve because I enjoyed writing, but it is much more than an academic journal. It is a space that fosters conversation amongst anyone who wants to think and learn, no matter their level of expertise. During my first year in the organization, everyone else was at least a year higher than me. Several were graduate students. I didn’t know anyone or anything, but was fully welcomed anyway. At many meetings, I just sat and listened. I soaked in the dialogue and learned from all the great minds. I wrote down precedents they discussed and looked up the ones that interested me. Soon, I began
to ask questions. These questions turned into writing topics to explore. Before I knew it, I finished the first draft of my article. Those involved in One:Twelve helped me with the research. They critiqued my work and expanded my architectural vocabulary. Most importantly, they helped me feel comfortable exploring and explaining my own interests. This allowed me to grow as a student and as a person. The community of the organization is special because it makes sure everyone has a voice. All ideas have value, and I am thankful to One:Twelve for helping me believe in mine.