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New Arrivals

Team Member Anniversaries

11 Years: Robert Aldredge, Timothy Eccles, George Freeman, Cheryl Galler, Christopher Jackson, Charles Price, Eugene Stevens, Montez Tedford, Melissa Tuman, Joel Wilmoth 12 Years: Daniel Giacalone

13 Years: Pedro Balensia, Richard Buehre, Kurt Kilgore, Penny Wood 14 Years: Kevin Beam, Richard Hensley, Transito Pedraza, Jonathan Tavernaro 15 Years: Cedric Bonner, Matt Drake, Joe Mercer, Obed Valdez, Joshua Williams 16 Years: Michael Hensley, Rafael Hernandez, Crezentia Van Becelaere 17 Years: Johnnie Brown, Anthony Clark, Lonnie Johnson, Stephanie Mize, Ismael Mondragon

18 Years: John DeLeonyPena, Craig Richey 32 Years: Charlie Estes, Bruce McGinn, Manfred Nelly

19 Years: Roy Buckhalter, Ernesto Elizondo, Johnny Johnson, David Larch

21 Years: Thomas Cooper, Charles Karamales

22 Years: Richard Ofiara

23 Years: Anthony Tillman

25 Years: Alex Contreras, Israel Garcia, Bryan Miller, Lupe 26 Years: Michael Carr, Keri Gognat, Randy Pindell

27 Years: Sherry Miser

30 Years: Claude McGuff

Ferrebee, Kenneth Jordan 33 Years: Rodney King, Michael Ramirez, Roger Schaalma

34 Years: Ronald Faulkner

40 Years: James Miller 41 Years: John Herron

42 Years: Roderick Bodfield

New Arrivals

Nash Dale Karpyak

Susan and Adam Karpyak announce the birth of their son, Nash Dale Karpyak, born on November 5, 2020. Nash weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 21 inches long.

Nash was welcomed home by his brother, Jameson, and sister, Eden.

Susan is the Terminal Manager at the Fryburg Terminal in North Dakota.

New Arrivals

Raya Lee Perrigo

Lori Vaden is proud to announce the birth of her granddaughter, Raya Lee Perrigo, born on October 24, 2020. Raya weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 19 inches long. Raya is the daughter of Alex and Deidra Perrigo.

Lori is a Conductor/Engineer for the South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad at the Winfield, Kansas, location.

Iris Kay Holland

Michael and Natalie Holland announce the birth of their daughter, Iris Kay Holland, born on November 17, 2020. Iris weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 18 inches long.

Michael is an Engineer for the South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad at the Winfield, Kansas, location.

Hannah Marie Cox

Sean and Bethany Cox announce the birth of their daughter, Hannah Marie Cox, born on November 10, 2020. Hannah weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 18 3/4 inches long.

Hannah was welcomed home by her two brothers, Gabriel and Jayden.

Sean is the Senior IT Support Manager at the Pittsburg, Kansas, location.

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