The Dispatch December 2023

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Dispatch The newsletter for Watco

December 2023

Table of Contents Cybersecurity Tips___________________________________________________________________________________3 Message from Watco CEO Dan Smith _______________________________________________________________ 4 Cancer Screenings Help with Early Detection_________________________________________________________5 Team Member Takes Extra Steps to Keep Railroad Safe and Clean_____________________________________6 Spend Your FSA Money Now or Risk Losing It_________________________________________________________7 Revitalizing a Railroad______________________________________________________________________________8-9 Rallying for a Cause_________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Winter Freeze_______________________________________________________________________________________ 10 New Eureka Terminal Expands Existing Service in Montana__________________________________________ 11 New Washington Bridge Reopens After Wildfire ____________________________________________________ 11 Weddings__________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Revealing the Winners of Watco’s 401(k) Contest ____________________________________________________ 12 Team Member Anniversaries_____________________________________________________________________ 13-14


Get Ready for 2024 with Watco’s New Calendar Each team member will receive one complimentary calendar Purchase additional calendars at 2 The Dispatch | December 2023

On the Cover

Lumber is moved from rail to truck at Watco’s new Eureka Transload Terminal in Montana. Photographer: Kurtis Lindsey

Safety Anniversaries Congratulations to the following locations who celebrated November Safety Anniversaries:

November 1 - Livonia Dedicated Terminal - 1 year November 11 - Powder River Switching - 2 years November 15 - Pecos Valley Southern Railway (TX) - 11 years November 15 - Phoenix Transload Terminal (AZ) - 6 years November 24 - Crafton Transload Terminal (TBT) (PA) - 3 years November 25 - Geaux Geaux Railroad (LA) - 3 years November 29 - Refugio Transload Terminal (TX) - 5 years

Cybersecurity Tips Beware of Text and Call Scams Watco leaders will NEVER ask you for money or to purchase gift cards Suspect phishing? (620) 308-5777

December 2023 | The Dispatch 3

Watco team: Our company, like most others in our line of business, faced many challenges in 2023. Increased fuel costs. Continued inflation. Severe drought in some regions that hurt ag production and harvest – lowering volume across virtually all transportation modes. I applaud each of you for the ownership you demonstrated throughout 2023. No matter what was thrown at you, you overcame the challenge and accomplished some major wins this year. • We hit a milestone of 40 years in business. We remain an extremely resilient company. Statistics say that only 25% of companies make it to 15 years, and Watco has more than doubled that. • Newsweek recognized Watco as a Top 100 Most Loved Work place globally. • Watco opened a new warehouse and logistics operating center in Springdale, Arkansas, bringing northwest Arkansas team members into one location and strengthening the retail logistics part of our business. • We made numerous infrastructure improvements that are helping us continue to provide safe, efficient operations. • We improved our overall safety record and associated safety costs. Let’s keep these wins in mind as we continue to celebrate the holidays and welcome 2024. I’m extremely proud of the job you’ve done and grateful for all you do. Enjoy a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Dan Smith Watco CEO

4 The Dispatch | December 2023

Cancer Screenings Help with Early Detection Cancer Screen Week in the U.S. is December 4-8. It’s a good time to be aware of cancer screenings, what they involve, and who should get them. Screenings can reveal cancer in people who don’t have symptoms and increase the chance of detecting certain cancers early. Many screenings are covered by insurance plans as preventive procedures. Check your insurance plan to learn your coverage. Here are six common screenings and a summary of the American Cancer Society’s guidance for people who are at average risk. For detailed screening information, see this fact sheet. Breast Cancer – Mammograms are recommended on the following schedule: • Women ages 40 to 44 should consider annual mammograms. • Women ages 45 to 54 should get a mammogram every year. • Women 55 and older should get a mammogram every 1-2 years. Cervical Cancer – See the fact sheet for thorough guidance, including when to start screening. Even people who have been vaccinated against HPV, the virus that can cause cervical cancer, should have a screening. Colorectal Cancer – People 45 or older should be screened regularly. Covered procedures can include colonoscopies, CT colonography tests, flexible sigmoidoscopies, and at-home tests. Lung Cancer – Ask your health care provider if a screening is right for you. The Cancer Society says it’s a good idea if you meet all these criteria: • Age 50 to 80 • Are smoking or have quit within the last 15 years • Have at least a 20-pack-a-year smoking history • Have received counseling to quit smoking if they currently smoke.

Prostate Cancer – While annual prostate exams or tests for prostate-specific antigens (PSAs) often are covered, the Cancer Society says there are benefits and risks to these screenings. So men should consult with their healthcare professional. Skin Cancer – The Cancer Society doesn’t have specific guidelines for skin cancer but notes that many healthcare professionals recommend that everyone check their skin, preferably once a month. Being familiar with all moles or other blemishes makes it easier to recognize any changes. As you consider screenings and consult with healthcare providers, remember the new SmartShopper tool that goes into effect on January 1. With this app, you can shop for eligible tests and facilities, and earn cash rewards. You’ll find SmartShopper in Select “Find Care” and search to compare pricing and more. For those on Watco health plans, breast, cervical, colorectal, and prostate screenings are covered — at 100% if using in-network providers, and partially paid for if you use a provider who is out-of-network. For lung and skin cancer screenings, there might be some coverage available to those on Watco health plans under the Blue Cross Blue Shield Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) policy. If you want help investigating coverage for screenings, email December 2023 | The Dispatch 5

Team Member Takes Extra Steps to Keep Railroad Safe and Clean At the Swan Ranch Railroad (SRRR), Conductor/Engineer Chris Warren stands out for taking ownership to keep the workplace safe and clean. Tidying the depot and cleaning locomotives are two tasks he regularly does without being asked. SRRR General Manager Cody Jensen said: “Chris takes it upon himself to do the things that most people overlook. He’s always in a good mood, ready to go, and cheers up everyone else.” Warren’s commitment to improving the SRRR extends to even the messiest of jobs. After recently noticing high winds caused trash to fall from a communal dumpster used by the SRRR and nearby businesses, he grabbed a shovel and began cleanup efforts. “If you know anything about Wyoming, you know we get a lot of wind,” Jensen said. “Thanks to Chris, the dumpster is cleaner, safer for everyone who uses it, and trash isn’t getting blown across the state.”

6 The Dispatch | December 2023

Spend Your FSA Money Now or Risk Losing It Many team members choose to set aside money in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) each year when enrolling for benefits. FSAs not only help set aside money to pay for qualified expenses, but the funds aren’t taxed. Under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules, there are limits to what you can set aside, and you’ll want to know your balance going into 2024 to ensure you avoid losing some or all of it. Check your balance by clicking on the NueSynergy icon using single sign-on at, or use the NueSynergy Mobile app. If you don’t yet have the app, see the accompanying article for how to download it. For assistance, contact Benefits at (844) 859-2826. Medical FSA: Going into 2024, team members can roll over up to $610. Funds in your account that exceed $610 must be spent in 2023 on eligible expenses, or you lose that money. If you have a balance to use, you could buy healthcare staples like pain relievers or adhesive bandages. A place to shop or get ideas is The FSA Store. For any services rendered on or before December 31, 2023,

Setting Up Your NueSynergy Mobile App • Download the NueSynergy Mobile app from the Apple App Store or GooglePlay. • Select Install and accept app permissions. • Select Register at the bottom of the sign-in screen. Create a new username and password. This will be different from your Watco participant portal username and password. • Complete the registration steps on the screen. Under Registration ID, select Employer ID and enter NUEWATCO. The Employee ID is your Watco team member number.

you have until March 31, 2024, to file a claim for reimbursement. Dependent Care FSA: Dependent Care FSAs help pay for care such as preschool, summer day camp, or care for disabled adult dependents. You can roll over $6 10 into 2024, and you can file claims on 2023 dependent care expenses until March 31, 2024. Unused Money: With either type of FSA, remaining funds exceeding the $610 rollover limit are forfeited.

December 2023 | The Dispatch 7

Revitalizing a Railroad Short lines like Watco’s South Kansas & Oklahoma

metals, and much more. Since beginning work in

Railroad (SKOL) provide first- and final-mile rail

June 2022, the SKOL and contractors have:

service to businesses across the U.S. They’re a

• Replaced 150,000 ties

vital connection to the rest of North America and beyond for small and large customers alike, especially in rural communities. It takes a lot to keep these lines running safely, and sometimes they need support too. Federal Railroad Administration Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement (CRISI) grants provide critical support to modernize short lines and attract new customers. The SKOL received a $27 million grant in 2020. After further contributions from the Kansas and Oklahoma departments of transportation and Watco, the infrastructure investment totaled around $42 million.

What does this investment mean and what are the benefits?

• Laid 60,000 tons of ballast • Upgraded 12 switches on the Tulsa Sub • Improved 66 crossings • Installed 34 miles of new, heavier rail • Repaired or completely rebuilt 27 bridges • Completed 200 miles of surfacing These upgrades mean safer, smoother crossings in our communities. The new rail allows customers to move 286,000-pound railcars at 25 mph, increasing efficiency and decreasing costs. And the improved switches and infrastructure help ensure our customers are served efficiently and railcars reach their destinations safely. “Many of our customers and Class I partners want to move higher-capacity railcars and want quicker transit times,” said Casey Harbour, Watco sales

It’s a major upgrade for a railroad that carries grain,

manager. “This allows the SKOL to do that, and the

aggregates, fertilizer, cement, petroleum products,

investments into safety ensure we’re not putting

8 The Dispatch | December 2023

the communities where we operate at any risk in

After seeing the positive effects of the SKOL’s grant,

the process.”

similar projects were approved for other Watco

The project is a public-private partnership success story. Government agencies, shippers, contractors,

short lines in Kansas, South Dakota, North Carolina, Washington, Louisiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

and Watco worked together to revitalize rural rail in southeast Kansas and northeast Oklahoma, spurring industrial growth and job creation. And we’re already seeing the effects. The modernized and more efficient SKOL helped secure a transformational $350 million investment into Montgomery County, Kansas: a soybean processing facility, scheduled to come online in mid-2024. Its construction has supported hundreds of jobs and will create many more. Several existing customers have expanded rail shipments or are planning to do so.

There’s more to come There’s still work to be done to modernize service for the new soybean facility and other customers on the SKOL. To help complete the upgrades, the railroad recently received another grant for a project totaling $39 million. “The CRISI that we just received is big for the soybean facility,” said Harbour. “The initial grant did not address the main subdivisions that the new traffic will traverse. When both are completed, every customer on the SKOL will reap the benefits of the upgrades.”

December 2023 | The Dispatch 9

Rallying for a Cause When there’s a need, Watco team members are best known for pitching in to help. That’s true for Safety Manager Tim Sharitt and members of Watco’s Port of Birmingham team. Together, they recently helped contribute to a lunch following a motorcycle ride in honor of a 2-year-old boy with terminal cancer. Sharitt owns a food truck, which he used to prepare eight rib slabs, 50 pounds of french fries, and 40 pounds of pulled pork for this event. While Sharitt prepared and served meals, the Port of Birmingham covered the food costs. Sharitt said: “We’re very blessed to give what we could for this family. Our team members and many others showed

For this special event, Safety Manager Tim Sharitt cooked and served lunch out of his Big Mit’s food truck.

up for them. It was an extraordinary day.”

Are You Up for the Challenge? December marks the start of Watco’s seasonal

this annual initiative empowers team members

safety program Winter FREEZE, which stands for

to take safety into their own hands. By reporting

Following Rules Everyday Ensures Zero Errors.

near-misses and safety suggestions, team

To participate, team members are encouraged

members are helping Watco make a difference

to report near-misses and safety suggestions to

in understanding potential winter hazards and

their location manager.

avoid future injuries. Be sure to ask your location

Often cold winter temperatures and holidays bring their own unique distractions. That’s why

10 The Dispatch | December 2023

manager for more information, including details on safety prizes.

New Eureka Terminal Expands Existing Service in Montana International. Multimodal. Diverse. Those are three of

“This project allows us to take our existing rail

the best ways to describe the new Eureka Transload

operations and bundle it with Watco’s terminal

Terminal in Montana.

expertise and first- and final-mile delivery solutions,”

The new terminal is located just 14 miles from the Port of Roosville on the Canadian border. This unique location allows our team to handle many

said Sales Director Kurtis Lindsey. “It’s perfectly positioned to bring those solutions to local, U.S., and international customers.”

types of local, domestic, and international freight. The terminal is served by Watco’s Mission Mountain Railroad (MMT), with seamless access to BNSF Railway’s network, and is located near two highways. The team is familiar with the terminal’s operation. The MMT provided rail service to the previous owner for years. Now, Watco brings its terminal and logistics expertise to expand the offerings. Eureka’s team currently specializes in transloading lumber but also has the expertise and ability to move most bulk products, like aggregates, and liquids, like fuels.

New Washington Bridge Reopens After Wildfire The construction of a new 210-foot steel and

and Kraemer North America. Team members

concrete rail trestle bridge in eastern Washington

worked seven days a week to meet the expedited

only took 33 days to complete, thanks in part

construction timeline and restore bridge service

to Watco.

as quickly as possible.

This structure replaces a 197-foot wooden trestle

The bridge is used by Watco’s Palouse River &

bridge that was destroyed in a wildfire earlier this

Coulee City Railroad and is estimated to carry an

year. Watco led rebuilding efforts alongside the

average of 2,600 railcars a year.

Washington State Department of Transportation December 2023 | The Dispatch 11

Weddings Long-Watson Wedding Carrie Long and Chandler “Chance” Watson were united in marriage on October 28, 2023, in the Rutland Bottle Gas Domestic Arts Building at the Meigs County Fairgrounds in Pomeroy, Ohio. Chance is a truck driver at the Nitro Transload Terminal in Nitro, West Virginia.

Revealing the Winners of Watco’s 401(k) Contest Thanks to all our team members, Watco’s 401(k) contest was a success! Three lucky contest winners received a Yeti Cooler for their active participation. Join us in congratulating: • Michelle Ivey, railcar billing analyst in Pittsburg, Kansas • Katelyn Wolfe, transportation coordinator in Springdale, Arkansas • Tena Smith, transportation coordinator in Joplin, Missouri

Tena Smith

Michelle Ivey

Katelyn Wolfe

12 The Dispatch | December 2023

Team Member Anniversaries Congratulations to the following team members celebrating December anniversaries: 1 Year:

1 Year: Eliecer Alfaro, Dillon Andrews, Cedrick Bradley, Callista Brewer, Kash Buckner, Tyler Chandler, Reuben Dane Chapman, Samantha Clay, Christopher Croslow, Hunter Crump, Jason DeShong, Wendell Elzy, Jonathan Glattfelder, Brenton Hendrickson, Amairany Hernandez, Angela Jeffery, Camilla Johansson, Alec Johnson, Eldridge Johnson, Katelyn Johnson, Robert Kanski, Cain Keating, NuRonn King, Ryan LeDuff, Trenna Lemons, Natasha Lock, Nathan Lyons, Melanie Martinez, Jonathon Mayberry, Shaun McCurdy, Matthew Nistico, Reginald Pardue, Daniel Perez, Daniel Rowlands, Stacy Salgado, Jody Sayson, Tracey Schnebly, Windie Sharer, Jonathan Shorley, Aubrey Stafford, Blake Tasos, Nikhil Thirkateh , Joel Van Akker, Joshua Ward, JaMarcus White, Symeon Whiteside, Anthony Wiley, Austin Williams

2 Years:

Duane Akkerman, Mark Anderson, Paul Bentley, Chad Blanch, David Bond, Rory Bradley, Nicolas Briffa, Clark Briggs, Noah Burns, David Burton, Steven Chester, Ashley Collett, Robert Cook, Michelle Cosner, Dale Cox, Martin Daniel, Noah Daniel, Scott Daubel, Joshua Doyle, Shane Doyle, Steven Eynstone, Alysha Ford, Mathew Fowler, Robert Frizell, Michael Fulkerson, Alexander Garcia, John Garner, Danielle Garrett, Jed Garvey, Grant Goertzen, Manuel Goncalves, Derek Goodwin, Dyquan Green, Anton Grlic, Adam Halliwell, Daniel Herbert,

Rushea Hodge, Graham Horobin, Jay Horobin, James Hrabovsky, Matthew Kennedy, Ronald Kissell, Daniel Koloski, Christoper Lewis, Kaitlyn Lustig, Gregory Marsh, Paul Mawson, Picardo Mays, Anthony McCabe, Geoffrey McGlashan, Jason McPhee, Walter Miller, Shane Mills, Bhuwani Mishra, Kyle Moore, Joseph Morse, Scott Murphy, Scott Neaves, Ellis Nicol, Jeremy Nicol, Kyle O’Brien, Jason Olson, Chad Osborne, Brett Packham, Shane Partridge, Richard Phebus, Reshandia Phillips, Michael Poole, Alfred Renko, Brett Sakoff, Joshua Sakoff, Jennifer Schroeder, Kaleb Sedlock, Gary Shakeshaft, Grant Smith, Reid Spencer, Paul Stenhouse, Molly Taylor, Aleksandar Tololeski, Vasko Tololeski, Dragi Toskovski, Jamie Toskovski, Carter Tracy, Paige Tuttle, Cameron Ward, Michael Ward, Matthew Weaver, Joshua Windisch, Dennis Yates

3 Years:

Austin Allen, Drew Andreas, Joe Critchley, Nathan Grimm, James Hearn, Bradley Holt, Amber Litke, Jeremiah Llewellyn, Patrick Michalski, Tayjione Nathan, Levi Phelps, Joseph Plowman, Stephen Quintanilla, Aaron Rachal, Robert Richie, Anthony Rogers, Adam Schwarzkopf, Myles Shanks, Seth Stamper, Justin Studaker, Matthew Ware, Clare Wilkes, Mourad Youssef

4 Years:

Chelsey Adkins, Timothy Allen, Jessica Austin, Jeffery Bell, Blake Blair, Clayton Bringer, Kenissa Brown, Kraig Butcher, Matthew Davis, Ruben De Leon, Kristin

DeBlas, Robin Fish, Robert Harvey, Michael Hawkins, Benjamin Jackson, Stephen Krupp, Jacob Linnebur, Rojelio Mancias, Kyle Morgan, Brandon Neal, Jared Northrup, Branden Shirley, Daniel Villamaria, William Vinciguerra

5 Years:

Steven Bernard, Daulton Brown, Anthony Caruthers, Drew Davied, Alison Denzel, Chris Goodwin, Rodney Huffman, Joseph Lehnert, Robert Lopata, Marcus Mask, Dominic Nicosia, Brandon Smith, Robert Snyder, Tayler Wright

6 Years:

Steven Bochman, Justin Brewster, James Clinton, Christopher Dunsworth, Casey Ediger, Jordan Garza, David Glover, Christopher Guillot, David Holt, Marcus Johnson, Perry Lambert, Michael Moore, Chase Norton, Amanda Olson, David Paspalofski, Robert Rae, Daniel Rowden, Alison Suarato, Wendy Trevizo, James Warma, Jennifer Welch, Jesse Winegarner

7 Years:

Joel Gibson, Michael Goss, James Langan, Kyle Loofboro, Luis Salmon, Kevin Thornton, John Turner, Michele Valdivia, Madison Williams

8 Years:

Jon Beach, Mark Coronado, John Peterson, Robert Rogers, Tyler Roshong

9 Years:

Lindsey Alexander, Rebecca Armentrout, David Baudoin, Jeffrey Brawley, Jared Duyck, December 2023 | The Dispatch 13

Team Member Anniversaries Scott Hallman, Nathan Higgins, Lena Kebert, Gus Luquette, Shaun Maurin, Jerrad Read, Latorrance Taylor, Leah Woods

10 Years:

15 Years:

24 Years:

Daniel Giacalone

Charles Karamales

16 Years:

25 Years:

Richard Buehre, Penny Wood

Robert Harbour, Ferdinand Jansen Van Vuuren, Stephen Potts, Joshua Roberts, Tiffany Schmidt, Nancy Vargas

17 Years:

11 Years:

18 Years:

Kevin Beam, Richard Hensley, Transito Pedraza, Jonathan Tavernaro

Richard Ofiara

26 Years:

Anthony Tillman

28 Years:

Alex Contreras, Israel Garcia, Bryan Miller, Roger Schaalma

Bradley Beckner, Kyle Brown, Michelle Ivey, Jason Jewell, Brian King, Brenna Prestholt

Cedric Bonner, Joe Mercer, Obed Valdez, Joshua Williams

29 Years:

12 Years:

19 Years:

Sherry Miser

Michael Carr

30 Years:

Dexter Cahill, Ryan Krull, Christopher Walther, Steven Wisniewski

Michael Hensley, Rafael Hernandez, Crezentia Van Becelaere

33 Years:

13 Years:

20 Years:

37 Years:

Lisa Powell, Gregory Rieben

14 Years:

Timothy Eccles, George Freeman, Christopher Jackson, Oscar Leon - Osorio, Kerry Luscombe, Charles Price, Eugene Stevens, Montez Tedford, Melissa Tuman, Joel Wilmoth

14 The Dispatch | December 2023

Johnnie Brown, Anthony Clark, Lonnie Johnson, Stephanie Mize, Ismael Mondragon

21 Years:

John DeLeonyPena, Craig Richey

22 Years:

Johnny Johnson, David Larch

Claude McGuff Ronald Faulkner

45 Years:

Roderick Bodfield

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