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Teammates Honored for Making a Difference

We’re pleased to honor the latest winners of the Watco Be the Difference awards: Alina Robles, Johnny DeLeonyPena, and Jesus Cepeda.

“I’m proud we’re recognizing these outstanding team members,” said Chief Executive Officer Dan Smith. “They’re examples of what makes Watco such a great place – our people.”

Watco established the awards in July 2021 to recognize team members for outstanding contributions at work and in their communities. Through the One Watco, Extra Mile, and Safe Performance awards, the company recognizes people who are living Watco’s Foundation Principles: value our people, value our customers, and safely improve every day. In October 2021, Watco named its first-ever winners. And each quarter, new winners are named out of the prior quarter’s nominations. One Watco Award – Given to an individual or group of team members whose teamwork generates an exceptional result for Watco or a customer.

Recipient: Alina Robles

One Watco Award – Given to an individual or group of team members whose teamwork generates an exceptional result for Watco or a customer.

At a time when COVID-19 cases were rising, Alina Robles put aside any concerns about travel to help a short-staffed Watco office. The supply coordinator, based in Utah, also ignored any inconveniences she faced to make not just one but three trips to Texas to help the team that was in a jam.

Robles doubled down, working days in Texas and nights on operations back home in Utah.

Learn more about how she was able to make a difference for the team in San Antonio. https://www.watco.com/alina-robles-goes-the-distance-to-help-others/

Recipient: Johnny DeLeonyPena

Extra Mile Award – Given to an individual or a group of team members who go above and beyond the call of duty at work or in the community.

Johnny DeLeonyPena makes an impression, whether on his co-workers, customers, truck drivers, safety managers, people in his community, or even air quality inspectors.

One person who’s known DeLeonyPena for years says, “You don’t meet people like him every day.” A fellow community volunteer called him “golden.”

Keep reading to understand the ways this honoree consistently goes the extra mile. https://www.watco.com/hes-the-dependable-dedicated-detailed-johnny-d/

Recipient: Jesus Cepeda

Safe Performance Award – Given to an individual or a group of team members who take action to ensure safety for fellow team members, customers, suppliers, or property.

Railcar Coordinator Jesus Cepeda was driving on a Texas highway, returning from a customer site, when he witnessed a vehicle collide with a semi-truck. The accident left the driver of the vehicle temporarily unresponsive and the car hood in flames.

Read on to learn how Cepeda jumped into action to care for the crash victim, earning him the Safe Performance Award. https://www.watco.com/team-member-applies-safety-training-to-real-life-emergency/

These three team members will receive $250 gift cards to the Watco Gear store and an exclusive hard hat sticker signifying they’re an award winner.

Read up on the Be the Difference awards, and nominate a deserving Watco teammate. Nominations are open through mid-March, with Q1 winners to be selected in early April. You can nominate an individual or group of team members.

Find more team member stories at watco.com/stories.

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