2 minute read

Add the Agawa Canyon Tour Train to Your Travel Bucket List

Here’s your chance to take in the beauty Northern Ontario offers by riding Watco’s Agawa Canyon Tour Train. This year’s tour season kicks off August 1.

This all-day rail adventure takes passengers on a 114-mile journey through the Canadian wilderness to reach its ultimate destination – the Agawa Canyon Park. Accessible only by train, the park features walking trails, three waterfalls, and a 250-foot-high lookout point.

Last year, Senior Real Estate Analyst Teri Kinyon traveled to Sault Ste. Marie to experience the train tour. She said: “The views were absolutely stunning. I lost count of the many lakes we passed on the train ride. Just when I thought the views couldn’t get better, they did.”

New this year to Watco’s passenger train is the Stone Gardner theater car. This rear coach features a panoramic window and theater-style seating for passengers to get an even better view of the great outdoors. For more information on this one-of-a-kind tour experience, email contact@agawa.com

This upcoming tour season also marks 32 years of working for the train for Marilyn Ambeault. Over the years, she’s played many different roles from working at the gift shop to serving as a manager on duty. In 2016, her daughter Lindsay Ambeault followed in her mom’s footsteps by joining the tour train.

Train tickets are available through October 14. Purchase yours online at agawatrain.com or by calling (844) 246-9458.

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