Safety Anniversary BHRR Locomotive Department
3 Years Injury Free Pictured left to right: Dan Cain, Shawn McClendon, Ben Tarran, John Herron, John Gaither, Tim Boyd, Anthony Hoyte, George Freeman, and Michael Marino. Not pictured: JaCorey Murray.
Congratulations to the locomotive team at
“We’ve been to Idaho, New York, Houston, and a
the Birmingham Terminal Railway (BHRR) on
number of Watco properties to assist with their
celebrating their third injury-free safety
locomotive care,” said Herron. “It’s nice to break
anniversary. The Alabama group observed the
away and visit other parts of the country and see
occasion with steaks grilled by Chief Mechanical
different Watco locations and what they do and
Officer John Herron.
how they operate.”
Herron stated, “Working with such a great group
On top of celebrating three years, the BHRR recently
of guys that take pride in their safety and
received the American Short Line and Regional
everyone’s safety associated with locomotives or
Railroad Association’s Jake Award. To win a Jake
their department, makes my job much easier.”
Award, the railroad must perform better than the
The team works on the BHRR’s 14 locomotives as
Class II and Class III industry average for injury
well as locomotives for the nearby Alabama
frequency rate, as reported by the Federal Railroad
Warrior Railway and locomotive fleets for three
Administration during the calendar year.
customers. They also travel to Cherokee, Alabama,
David Tarwater, BHRR General Manager, said, “It was
where Watco performs switching operations
a group effort, and these guys are dedicated to their
to maintain the locomotives at that facility. The
job and the well-being of everyone around them.
experienced team also goes to several other Watco
They take pride in what they do and take being their
sites to assist with locomotive repairs, inspections,
brother’s keepers to heart. It’s their goal to put out a
and maintenance.
product that is safe for everyone who will be using it.”
May 2020 | The Dispatch 3