One way ticket #3

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is a free DIY monthly fanzine based in London. write us here:

send us your stuff here:

3, Hilsea Street E5 0SG London

One Way Ticket Crew Editor in Chief Raissa Pardini

Contents by

Neus Ruiz Adrian Alfonso Raissa Pardini Fish Love Mauro Venegas Cretin Crowley Jenny Green Katherine Tuck Stefano Barki Bert Cabot Keith Milla @ Bad Vibrations

Editing by

Raissa Pardini Chris Hicks A big thanks to Maria Cecilie Midttun for her Nobunny’s illustration ©

Graphic by

Raissa Pardini

Printed at

CLP London

Follow us on facebook: One Way Ticket

We also host a monthly night with bands and djs for free to cover the costs of the print. Every last saturday of the month.

AN INTERVIEW WITH NOBUNNY By Neus / Illustration By Maria/ Pic by Neus Ruiz

A few weeks back, we caught up with a blue-eyed cotton tail on tour. Half man, half bunny. Often wearing little else than a fuzzy rabbit mask, a chewed up leather jacket and some dirty white pants. Yes, meet Nobunny. The creation, others will say the alter ego, of Justin Champlin. This dude started back in the day impersonating Elvis to earn some cash. Champlin already made a name by himself as the drummer of the Okmoniks and later on when he co-founded the pop-punk duo Sneaky Pinks, (both must-listen bands!). As Nobunny, he started in 2001 but it wasn’t until 2008 when he made his recorded debut album Love Visions. The album was recorded mostly at home, and with Champlin handling most of the instruments! His latest album First Blood was released in September 2010 by Goner Records. Born in Tucson, AZ and re-located to Oakland, CA; it seems these days he ain’t got a permanent home. In fact, when he feels most steady is when he’s on tour, or so he told reporter Eric Allen: “The road is good, because at least I know where my next meal is coming from. I find life much easier on tour. It’s not being on tour that is hard for Me.”, but then who isn’t… free food, free drinks, free holidays. The good thing is that Nobunny loves you. Yeah, Nobunny loves you and he loves getting stoned too (for that we know, first hand). On stage, he delivers this catchy lo-fi garage punk and bubblegum powerpop influenced by The Ramones and The Cramps and I would say a bit of GG Allin too, which instantly makes you go spastic!! A curiosity of Nobunny: in 2011, and celebrating Nobunny’s 10th year anniversary, he played at The Playboy Mansion with all those bunny girls, [insert joke in here]. Well, let’s peep inside and see what we can find in Nobunny’s...rabbit hole. Neus: First off, how’s the European tour going? Any crazy things happen so far?

Nobunny: In the words of the Ramones, “Touring’s never boring”, except for when you forget to bring enough books in English. Touring is pretty much always better than “real life” to me so I’m happy. I finally shit on stage on this tour which I’m pretty proud of. I also experienced death and was spiritually reborn which was wonderful, intense, and, yes, crazy.

should be. I am very happy to have fans and to entertain and excite people, and equally as happy to have haters, and to fuck with people’s expectations and disappoint.

Neus: Ahaha, we heard and saw some pics of what you did in Poland… A very GG moment. Now, how did you meet Bad Sports, and how did they come to be your supporting band? Nobunny: I’d toured with bassist TV’s Daniel before when his old band Wax Museums and Nobunny hit the road in 2008. A year later I met the other guys when we were all judges at a hand job competition in Little Rock Arkansas during a huge blizzard. They are a great band and cool dudes and I’m happy to be on tour with them. Neus: For any of our readers who may not know. What

is the Nobunny Philosophy?

Nobunny: The same as DEVO

Nobunny at Shacklewell Arms © Neus Ruiz

Neus: You’ve had a lot of different people form your

backing band on stage, but have any of them been more permanent? At this stage of Nobunny’s career, has the concept of one-man band dissipated?

Nobunny: There are no permanent members of Nobunny and that includes me. Some have played with me quite a bit more than others such as my friend Jason Testasecca who has done more than anybody else. But just like life, nothing is permanent. I don’t wish to get married, and having a permanent band sounds like marrying a bunch of people. I still do solo shows though I love playing with a band the best. Neus: Is there anyone you’d like to collaborate with?

And if you had to pick a dream team of musicians dead or alive to be in a band with, who’d you pick?

Nobunny: I’m gonna have to say the Jimi Hendrix Experience Neus: You had the 7” “maximumrockandroll” released

A sweat and naked Nobunny at Shacklewell Arms © Neus Ruiz

Neus: Back in 2011, you celebrated your ten year

anniversary playing in the Playboy mansion, I mean, that’s pretty spectacular in itself, yet it seems these days Nobunny’s recognition is massive, the tours seem to only be getting longer and fan bases spreading out all across the world… Thinking about how things were in 2001 to where things are now, do you feel under a lot more pressure nowadays?

Nobunny: In 2001 there was more pressure from me to follow thru with this dream and to survive and not give up. Now there is no pressure, but with more people paying attention there are more expectations of what Nobunny is and or

on Goner Records last year, it received mixed reviews, some referred to it as sounding like an ‘art project’, do you have any thoughts to statements like that?

Nobunny: No, not really, except that aren’t most records art projects? Neus: What does Nobunny like to do when he’s not performing? Nobunny: I like to read and travel and make collages and smoke pot and have sex and eat good food n stuff. Neus: This isn’t your first time here in London, so would

you say you’re familiar with the place now? Do you get to go around have fun, and where are your favourite places to go when you’re over here? Or is it all about

getting to the gig, playing then needing to move on out to the next city? Nobunny: I was only in the UK for a few hours before, so I am unfamiliar. I’d love to see some cheesy RnR tourist stuff like where Keith Moon took a dump or where Johnny Rotten sharpens his teeth.

achieved any significant success or mass popularity at all in over 30 years, an impressive enough achievement. But if those aren’t credentials enough for you, there’s always bassist Steve McDonald’s HAIR. Soft, strong and very, very fucking long, those luxuriant tresses are a thing of (huge) wonder! Wow. Watch him swish it about on the video to that aforementioned Carpenters cover if you want a glimpse of it at its most gorgeous.

Neus: Believe it or not, here in the UK we really love hearing new music from you, but your latest full length album was “First Blood”, now almost 3 years old, are we going to hear any news of a new Nobunny LP anytime soon? Nobunny: This summer my new LP “Secret Songs” comes out on Goner Records. Neus: Sometimes it takes a while for new music to make its way over here. So are there any bands you’d recommend to us from the states, in particular where you’re from? And have you heard any new English bands that you like? So anyway, this was it, the ‘Kross’ one shot at the Big Time, Nobunny: A few new-ish bands I heard and liked are Anna Hillburg, White Fang, & Glitz I can’t say I know any new English bands but would like to… bring mix tapes/CDs (to the gigs)… and bring weed! Neus: When you think of England, you think of… Nobunny: Billy Childish, The Dole, Austin Powers, Cold weather and those guard guys with the hat.


A wise man once said to me “A life without Third Eye is not worth living!”. An outlandish claim perhaps, but at the time (when I thought I’d lost my copy, the morning after some riotous birthday shenanigans), I was in full agreement. Redd Kross have always been an awkward bunch to categorise (Cali powerpop icons? Hardcore punk inspirations? Cartoon and breakfast cereal-championing, soft rock-loving, harmonypeddling cheeseballs?). They covered the Carpenters’ “Yesterday Once More” with the utmost sincerity and their first gig was supporting Black Flag. Does that help?? Let’s just say Redd Kross are a one-off, and as such have never

Atlantic having signed them after their preceding efforts had made them darlings of the college rock underground. (And it’s hardly worthy of a “spoiler alert”, but yes, here’s the bit where, sigh, I tell you that obviously, the album tanked and the band got dropped.) Nearly a quarter of a century on, I’m still gutted for them. That said, they seem pretty happy with their lot, and they pretty much always have, really. It’s one of the many things to love about ‘em. Despite their roots in fast and furious hardcore, they’ve always been about winning you over with sunny, joyous pop hooks and a smile, rather than snarling as they bludgeon you into submission. It can’t be that bad being one of the McDonald brothers anyway - one of them went out with a Bangle, or a Go-Go, (I can never remember which. Either which brother or which band! Where’s my researcher?), and another went on to produce the Donnas and Turbonegro, which is a fine job in my book. Other ‘Kross albums get championed more loudly: debut “Born Innocent”, with its 60-second bursts of teenage fury, is the one with all the punk cred (for having inspired, I dunno, Sonic Youth or whoever), and some will have you believe “Neurotica” is their best album, cos it invented grunge or something (it didn’t, and it’s not), whereas “Third Eye” can get dismissed as the overly poppy major-label folly that didn’t work. (Though bitching about Redd Kross being too poppy is about as logical as complaining about Slayer being too aggressive, or Johnny Thunders being too messy) OK, the production’s maybe a bit clean. That’s as much as

I’ll grant any detractors! So, that mysterious “unknown model” on the front cover posing in nothing but a spooky mask, is that really Sofia “Lost In Translation” Coppola? Never mind that, the burning question has to be, is that really Paul bleedin’ STANLEY doing an uncredited vocal turn on “1976”? Surely you wouldn’t get HIM doing something for no money?! Well, it turns out doing jaw-dropping impressions of Paul Stanley must’ve been guitarist Robert Hecker’s party trick! What a thing! As it goes, Hecker’s a big factor in this album’s greatness. I mean, he’s not exactly the coolest dude in the world. For one thing, he wears his guitar so high it’s almost like he’s trying to wind me up personally. But this album – the last he made before “taking leave” from the band – is where his versatility, from heartbreaking lap steel to ludicrous widdling, is best showcased. The warm-California sun-inflected hooks and harmonies are relentless, reaching their extreme on the unapologetically saccharine “Bubblegum Factory”, the album’s most polarising track. Some have complained of toothache with this one, but I’d like to nail my colours firmly to the mast on this one – I LOVE “Bubblegum Factory”! That perfect guitar solo! That “we know this is probably overkill, but sod it” second key change! Seems I have a sweet tooth after all.

TOP 10 TOUR ESSENTIALS with Will Carruthers from Spacemen 3. Say Hi to our new column dedicated to the life on tour. This month Raissa asked to Will to give us his top 10s. 1. Your Self. If you forget yourself it will be impossible to go on tour . Luckily, the self, as we understand it, is pretty much malleable and modular, so you can leave bits of it at home or along the road somewhere . For instance, It is normally considered a good idea to hold on to a little dignity and self respect but these things are not essential for a touring musician. 2. Other people . They might be a pain in the arse sometimes, but other people are pretty good to have around. It is pretty difficult to scrounge a cigarette from yourself and nobody wants to be sat around laughing at their own jokes all the time. If you are in a band, other people are pretty much essential. 3. A champagne sabre, a commando knife, and a multi tool so you can get stones out of horses hooves. 4 A mojo navigator …or two. 5. Ginseng, Milk thistle, anti- inflammatories, painkillers, uppers, downers, zoners, emotional cloners, wiggly pills, donkey sedatives, Immodium,anti allergy pills, Berocca maracas. Please use responsibly.

Anyway, no one knew what to do with this album, least of all Atlantic, who gave up after one single (the classic “Annie’s Gone”), baffled as to how to market this bizarre, androgynous-looking crew with a drummer who had just left – bloody drummers! - in the pre-”Nevermind” world. Would “Third Eye” have fared better a few years later? Hard to say. Kurt Cobain was a fan (probably) and would surely have championed them – actually maybe he DID, but I and rest of the world stopped listening to his “recommendations” fairly quickly. One of the album’s belters is an ode to all-girl punk heroines Shonen Knife, who with classic Japanese politeness, returned the favour. Let’s give ‘em the final words: “Crazy people in LA. Genius people in LA. Long haired boys in LA. Oh I can’t explain more!”

6 . Luck. 7. A book you probably won’t read. 8. A picture of yourself and your home address, so you will know who you sort of were and where you used to live should you be lucky enough to get back there. 9. Earplugs. 10. Take some space in case you find something you want to take home but always remember that you probably need less stuff than you think you do. The more you know, the less you carry.


It’s a Thursday. Midday. I’m out for brunch with Alan Pardew, he’s 3 mojitos down and rambling; “I just don’t have much of a rapport with homosexuals, you know?” I grunt something of an agreement while staring at my food. He mutters something about an appalling set of eyebrow tweezers he got off amazon, before snapping at me in disgust. “For fucks sake!” He begins, shadily looking round the room to see if anyones looking, “you’re dribbling AGAIN!” I can’t help it. The low lights in this adequate, sparsely attended bistro coupled with the incoherent ramblings of Alan are sending me to sleep. Or it’s the ketamine. The waitress pops another round of drinks down on the table which jars me out of my coma - I wish it hadn’t as I’ve just noticed something. “Alan,” I enquire, tilting my head, “why are you wearing a bindi spot?” Without missing a beat he takes another swig of mojito, offers up a wry smile and replies, “Hey, carpe diem, baby!” followed by a wink. I am so incredibly appalled and disappointed by this I simply rise out my seat, tell him I’m going to the toilet and move to a seat just slightly out of his sight and open my laptop. I figure I might as well do something constructive, I gingerly open my e-mails and decide to do something I vowed never to do - answer questions for Some Wry Ticket. I imagine this is how soldiers felt before ‘going over the top.’

Dear Dr. Fishlove,

My girlfriend has recently discovered texts of a sexual nature on my phone from a woman at work. Although she can clearly see I haven’t replied or reciprocated in any way she’s still threatening to leave me! Can you help me to get her to see reason? Get a bird to see reason? At least you’ve got a good sense of humour, mate. I hear that’s what the skirt want and you’re gonna be out clumsily trying to pull anytime soon by the sound of it.

Dear Dr. Fishlove,

I have a problem. I’m a straight woman who has fallen for her best friend. The main problem is that he’s gay and has a boyfriend! What can I do? I’d go for it. But, then again, when you have as much sex appeal and charisma as me something as trivial as sexual orientation doesn’t even come into play. Actually, on second thoughts, forget it. You’re fucked.

These are all I managed to answer as Alan’s unmistakeable ringtone of ‘ooh ah G-Spot’ by Wayne Marshall started blaring in the Bistro and I saw my chance to escape while he was deep in conversation, I flanked his table and while he was nattering, deeply involved in the wine menu I darted out the front door and into the flash bulbs of a paparazzi (that’s Italian for photographing non-entity). WHAM! I punched the camera back into his now shattered eye socket, a splatter of blood and vitreous now adorning my cream slacks and I shuffled off into the neon glare and bustling (unfortunately with poofs) social hub of Soho cursing everything with the eternal quandary on the tip of my tongue - when will I be able to socialise with someone who isn’t suffering from the burden of being colossally shite?

VIEW FROM THE BACK BAR with Echo & The Bunnymen Say Hi to our new column dedicated to the life behind the bar of Brixton Academy and his point of views.

By Kafftan

It’s a testament to my powers of delusion that I see my working self as a suave, stoic booze-wrangler straight out of an Edward Hopper painting. To the hordes of pop-pickers that flood through the doors of the Brixton Academy however, I’m just a dippy bird in a sweaty Tuborg t-shirt IDing them for energy drinks and standing on my tippy-toes to watch the bands for free. The first night I was on the VIP bar making pained conversation with a Daily Mail hack, who, to my great surprise, blended effortless misogyny with a pathetic inability to handle his Carlsberg. ECHO AND THE BUNNYMEN phoned in The Killing Moon from somewhere behind great drifts of dry ice. 4/10 I don’t care if JAMES are Dad-friendly chart botherers, they put on a fucking lovely spread. The singer was raving round his living room in a pair of yoga pants, there was a backing choir, stage invasion, sing-a-long, and a soppy little power ballad called ‘Just like Fred Astaire’, which has wormed itself into my playlists. Awww. 8/10 The correct term for STEALING SHEEP is ‘Rustling’, a better band name and a


© pork magazine

more tolerable noise. The keyboard player/singer was wearing one of those Game of Thrones headbands so I put some earplugs in. 1/10 If you’ve never heard of THE DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT and why would you, they’re fucking Christian Metal, imagine a Glee club comprised of creepy, slap-headed God-squadders, clad in matching hockey jerseys, starjumping their way through numbers called ‘Grace’ ‘Kingdom’ and ‘Bad Devil’, against a looping backdrop of computer generated visuals that merge the cutting edge design of an angelfire homepage with the visceral horror of subliminal religious programming. I can’t accurately report on the quality of the music; the only bit that made it through my earplugs was that horrible metal drumming that all sounds the same, and the singer’s occasional, needlessly aggressive outbursts of ‘WE FUCKING LOVE YOU’. I had to listen to some Creed afterwards, just to take the edge off. UNRATED.

- Hello! I’m Sean Aaberg, I run PORK magazine & GOBLINKO with my wife Katie. I am really into Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Ed “Big Daddy” Roth & Malcolm McLaren because I’m particularly interested in the place where conceptual art, music, scenes & commerce crash together. I got into MAD magazine as a kid, half because the old issues were only a quarter each usually & I’m a cheapskate! I was also way into Garbage Pail Kids & novelty music which led me to Punk which seemed like a similar mix of stuff: sick humor, a cynical/realistic view of the world, rejection of middle-class values, being obnoxious, taking the piss & stuff like that. This was all stuff I was into a kid & it took me a bit to feel secure enough in myself as an adult to get back into all of this junk, but here I am!

© pork magazine

Who or what has influenced you most through their visuals, and who by their ideals? Roth? Manson? Mickey Mouse? I feel the description of you as ‘A Back Alley Walt Disney’ is pretty accurate!

After finally getting my sticky mitts on an edition of PORK magazine in Goner Records last September, I was curious about who or what was behind this neon nightmarish clash between an Archie comic and real rock and roll journalism. I decided to bother the weirdo behind the weirdo world of PORK and see if they would enlighten us.

Hi! Pleasure to have you featured in One Way Ticket #3! Would you introduce yourself and tell us how you got into the weirdo comic illustrations that you draw today?

-I am the Back-Alley Walt Disney! I love the scale & depth of the Disney world, but I like the way someone like Ralph Bakshi looks at the world so much more. Disney got really into the square post-war cleaned-up view of America. Part of Disneyland was Walt’s reaction to the filth & decrepitude of the travelling fairs & carnivals. I want to keep the filth & decrepitude in there! Even play it up! The worlds Ralph Bakshi portrays from Fritz the Cat to Wizards is my cartoon home. Counter-culture informed 70s decay is where I’m at. I love Ed Roth because he did it for the kids AND for the bikers! Charles Manson is a yogi who I am always interested in, he is a back-alley Aleister Crowley!

Has your style changed over time or just developed since you first started contributing to zines? -My style has changed AND developed! Remember, I started doing zines in 1988 when I was 12. I’ve been doing them for 24 years now! Dennis Dread noted my my trickster-like ability to switch styles & tones with my art. For PORK, I pretty much always do my underground comix, worked over, ink-heavy style. This is my go-to & favorite way of drawing,

but I can draw in a bunch of different styles. It’s good, because we do so many projects, we can hire me as our own graphic designer for any job & I can make it look right. This is especially important because I have a very clear idea about what is the right way for things to look & be & have a hard time with things that are done wrong.

of Death Punk Rot I explored as a teenager.

When can we see Pork hitting the greasy streets of London? -International shipping is a mother-fucker, but if we can get a couple English advertisers we will gladly send boxes of PORK to the UK.

How did you get to the point where making your art for a living worked? Or is this not entirely true? Is there any Hot dogs or cheeseburgers? hope for the rest of us?? -This is true! Hallelujah! I worked my ass off! Work! Work! Work! I would read things like that Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy creator) effectively drew 10 pages of comics a day & I would use that as a goal. He had assistants, but he was executing them in his style & having that much work come out. Centrally though, it has been through understanding myself & how I work that I matched how I approach my output that has been the successful formula. I have a very clear vision of how I want things to be in terms of projects & so I don’t do well with art directors or anyone telling me what to do. I’m the boss. So, when people hire me to do art for them, they have to accept that I’m going to call the shots with the art. I’ve had to become very clear about how I want things to be in order to work with other people so that the projects we’re doing get bigger & bigger. I also taught kid’s art classes for a bunch of years & while doing that I refound my artistic voice & what I wanted to do with my work & it has become some kind of a spiritual calling for me, I feel like I am at war! I believe that if you can make your art speak to people & bring something out in them, you will find success as an artist. I believe that art must serve something greater than the artist.

-A good hot dog beats any cheeseburger, but any cheeseburger beats a bad hot dog. GOBLINKO PORK MAGAZINE


What is the Pork manifesto after 10 issues? Do you feel what you set out to do is getting accomplished? ‘Today ALL AGES RECORDS is an independent PUNK & HARDCORE record store located in Camden Town, your love, tomorrow the world’ right?! London, totally DIY since 2003. -Man, the PORK manifesto is kind of unspoken but you can AC4 - Burn The World LP/CD pick it up really easily by reading the magazine. But I’ll lay it out for you. PORK is PORK’s initial summary was “Coney Jello Biafra & The Guantanamo School of Medicine - White Island in magazine form”. I wanted it to be fun, down-to- People And The Damage Done CD/LP earth, trashy, crazed & be cool for ladies & dudes. Kremlin - Drunk In The Gulag 12”

What’s next for you and Pork? What’s Weirdo club all Cyanide Pills - Still Bored LP/CD about?

CRIME - San Francisco’s STILL Doomed LP

-There’s a lot of stuff in the works. We’ve lived in the sleepy town of Eugene, Oregon since 2004 & we’re moving up to Portland as part of our expansion. We’re talking about a book, another magazine, a record label, TV shows, a radio station, the real world PORK SHOP, the PORK ice-cream truck, clothing, shoes, an amusement park, skateboards, PORK fest, video games, Galleria Go Blinko & that’s just the short list. WEIRDO CLUB is a brand based off of the esoteric worlds

La Flingue - Maxi LP Sickoids - No Home EP FUK - Bad Drugs Competition 7” Modern Pets - Excessive 7” P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S - I Hate TV 7”

1st - Mousetrap “FUZZ FOR FREAKS”

JUNE PICTURAMA at TOE RAG STUDIOS with KING KHAN and The Shrines Raissa has been to Toe Rag studio in Hackney with Arisha and Fred from King Khan and the Shrines. They recorded their first album Three Hairs & You’re Mine more than 10 years ago here with the incredible producer Liam Watson. Below are some pictures of the famous analog studio, of Arish, Fred, Liam Watson, and Lewis from Kitty, Daisy, and Lewis who joined us to say hi to Liam.

Liam’s little 4 tracks baby

Lewis, Arish and Liam Watson

Television Personalities’s old masters

AGENDA OF JUNE 1st - Fuzz For Freaks Allnighter Djset by Dr Robert, Pete Feely (Perfumed Garden), Rhys Webb (Horrors) & Rich Hero (Wolf People) £8, 10pm-6am. ORLEANS




5th - ELVIS


Live £17/28, 7pm. INDIGO2


7th - CRY

BABY on the big screen of The Amy Grindhouse £8, 7.30pm. HACKNEY ATTIC

21th - BLACKADDER & FRIENDS Djset by UFO + Telegram + Raissa. free entry 10pm, BLACKTOFFEE AND COFFEEMAKER

7th - JOHNNY

DEAN (Menswear) AND THE NUIS@NCE Live £5, 8pm. BUFFALO BAR

22nd - THE BOYS Deluxe Reissues Launch party 7pm. BORDERLINE

7th - UNMADE


BED Live free before 9.30pm. THE NEST


PARTY DJs Robert + Jeanie Crystal + Raissa 11pm. free before 12pm. 29a Kingsland High Street E8 2PB

7th and 8th - THE



28th -

10th - Bad Vibration’s NEILS CHILDREN LIVE + YOUNGHUSBAND + LOST HARBOURS + djset by Rhys Webb, Julian Mash. £4, 8pm. SHACKLEWELL ARMS

28st -

14th - HIDDEN DOOR CLUB Djset by Suzie Greengrass + Sini + Raissa free entry, 9pm, MASCARA BAR


Some Weird Sin’s PURSON Live + DEDWARDIANS £6, 9pm. BUFFALO BAR THEE SPIVS New Album Launch “The Crowds and The Sounds” 7.30pm. THE HALF MOON

29th -

ONE WAY TICKET #4 Party! free entry, 9pm. TBA. MASCARA BAR

29th -

with Rob Marienus on bass, they sought out to create a sound fusing all the high energy of punk, with the catchy hooks and melodies of the 60’s beat movement. This is what they called “New Beat”, which explains the title of their debut LP “A Treat of New Beat”, I know you’re probably thinking of loads of other bands that mixed pop with the aggressive guitars and energy of punk, but their approach was different in a way that’s really hard to pin point.


BY ADRIAN When The Netherlands comes to mind, what do you think of? Rembrandt? Van Gogh? Pointy hats? Clogs? Heineken? Windmills? Flowers? Windmills? Amsterdam’s “Coffee” Shops, and the Red Light district? Me too.. But I also think of cheese, The Netherlands has so much good cheese, and I don’t just mean Gouda. I’m talking about cheesy power pop. (hey what did you expect from me?) for those of you who don’t know, The Netherlands is the native land of several really great and highly underrated power pop bands. I could spend ages trying to talk about all the bands they had, but I’ll just focus on one. Ever heard of the Rousers? well, if you’ve listened to the first ‘powerpearls’ compilation, you’d have heard one of their songs, (Susan’s Day), which in my opinion isn’t even their best song.

The band was formed by brothers Cocke and Jan de Jong, inspired by the Ramones and The Damned, they formed their own band, initially only doing covers, but a couple years later joining forces with brothers Bonne and Wieb Zigtema,

The album starts off with the song “Rock N Roll Or Run”, With Cock (Don’t Laugh) enthusiastically yelling the bands name, followed instantly by Jan counting in actually being part of the song itself, straight up, you’re hit with the crash of a cymbal and the fast paced buzzsaw style strumming of the guitars paired with enthusiastic and harmonious vocals, then with each chord change you get to hear just what They mean by “New Beat”, making the most out of two guitars the constant unrelenting rhythm and the sweet ringing second guitar, it achieves so much without much technical difficulty, then we get to the chorus, and fucking hell, if you aren’t singing along by the next time it comes around you’re dead inside, so catchy it could easily be mistaken for herpes, I mean, that hook with really stay with you! The song ends with a vocal harmony near enough identical to the best 60’s pop acts, sweeter than honey, and lingering just enough to let you know there’s more goodness to come. Something about a clean guitar tone adds something different to this record in comparison say to other pop influenced punk bands like the undertones, it just really adds some more depth to the music. Also worth mentioning, the Dutch accent, Sounds like it’s coated in Gouda, this cheese factor is very important to Power pop. I’m a fairly poor writer, so I won’t continue this much further and try and talk too much more about the songs on the album, the whole album is a testament to the “new beat” genre they claim, and I agree they deserve it, they show versatility with a mix of everything that was great about the beat genre, from the slow and soft, to the fast and upbeat, they really nail it all, but the songs also have a good amount of gruff and guff about them, it’s not taken too seriously, which is probably why I like them so much, all the influences from the fun side of punk with bands like the Damned, especially with lyrics of their first single and my favourite song on the album “Magazine Girl”, a love song about a girl the singer saw in a porn mag, the thing is, the song is so bloody catchy, you don’t even realise just how funny the lyrics are til after the song finishes, and believe me, you’ll definitely be replaying it several times. So please, stop reading this zine already and go listen to this album! I insist that your life will be better for it!

TOP TIPS! by Jenny

I find that tampons make a great quick-fix for my husband’s nosebleeds. Adjust the size according to the flow. Doesn’t he look handsome, girls?

Joan, Essex


The record I am getting the most pleasure working on this month would have to be Honkas ‎– Lied Für Fritz 7”. Its a super rare Deutschpunk classic on Pogar Records, the legendary Punk/Hardcore label from Berlin. It has been the reserve of only the wealthiest of Punks due to its scarcity. Fortunately for all of us mortals there has been a clutch of modern labels in Germany trying to track down members, find the master tapes, and reissue various much sought after titles of the early 80’s. I have had the distinct pleasure to work on a number of restorations and this by far has been my favourite. It is so fun to hear the songs with new clarity. Raw, catchy, fucked up, and sincere. You don’t have to speak German to enjoy it. Yet another eye opening task has been mastering the Pusher / Milisi Kecoa - Split 7”. The bands hail from Malaysia and Indonesia. I knew there was a scene in South East Asia but I had no idea the size, conviction, and how cool everyone is to work with. Through my contact and subsequent work I have learned of labels, distro’s, tours, bands, collectives, you name it. If you get a chance I would check out both bands if not just to see what they are up to on the other side of the world. On the melodic punk side Short Days (France) have just finished a new 7” with a killer A-side and Dulac (Germany) have also finished their LP. Every song is great and the record has a wonderful lush sound to it. Yet another German band and record, Levitations are teaming up with Cut the Cord That… Records for a 7”. You like the Slits? Yeah. You like the Raincoats? Yeah. You like Mika Miko? Yeah. You like Levitations? Yeah. We must not forget of course our local bands. Two in particular come to mind that are above and beyond the call of duty that have passed through my hands. Namely a new 7” for the Ricky C Quartet “Sweet Revenge” on Wanda records and The new Restarts LP “A Sickness of the Mind” on No Label Records. Both of which are great and should be procured once they are out in the summer. Also Thee Spivs will also have an album release show/party the 29th of June. See you all there!

Want the Boho look for your pad but tight on cash? Take an industrial bin liner, fill it with smashed up bits of furniture, Bailiffs letters and odd socks. You now have one stunning bean bag!

Jarvis, Broadstairs

For a lovely hot breakfast but without the hassle, pop a couple of Birdseye Potato Waffles in your toaster for 2 minutes for a speedy snack. Just lovely.

Nigel, East Enders

Editors Pick: Finding a decent pair of slippers in this recession is near impossible. Save yourself the time and effort by making a pair of tissue box slippers. Fill with used tissues, cotton wool or the tears of children. Decoration optional.


A new monthly feature between One Way Ticket and Bad VIbrations

by Keith and Raissa A few words about Bad Vibrations: “Bad Vibrations formed in, November, 2011 and since then we have promoted a large number of local and European garage, psych, shoegaze and post punk bands. We work in tandem with Fuzz Club Records. We distribute records for the label as well as scouting bands for and setting up launch shows”.

BAD VIBRATION’S AGENDA OF THE MONTH 8th june THE WANDS / thelightshines 8pm, £6 at VICTORIA 10th june NEILS CHILDREN/ younghusband, lost harbours djset by Rhys Webb and Julian Mash 8pm, £4 at SHACKLEWELL ARMS 14th june BED RUGS 8pm, free entry at THE MACBETH 28th june (with Teen Creeps) DIGNAN PORCH w/ Traams 8pm, £6 at SHACKLEWELL ARMS


Single “On a ride” in 2009, a 1 minute 30 second track of bright sounds. The single caught the attention of Captured Tracks, who put them on contract, giving them the oppurtunity to release their debut album “Tendrils” in 2010. In 2011 with the help of Henry Withers, the addition of the sound of Hayley Akins’ keyboards and Stephen Keane on drums, the “Deluded” EP went out followed by their sophomore LP “Nothing Bad Will Ever Happen” in August 2012. They’ve taken a fuzzy approach to pop, their voices barely floating on the songs and the melodies obscurely confidential.

ALBUM OF THE MONTH Echo Forever Radar Men From The Moon Recorded by Bob de Wit at Super-Nova Studio Mastered by Pieter Kloos at The Void Studio Netherlands- 2012 - Fuzz Club Records

INTO THE TRACK PIERO PICCIONI by Raissa Here we go with another monthly appointment with the international Italian composers of soundtracks from the past. After Trovajoli and his incredible beat I should probably talk about Morricone BUT it’s better to talk about other composers first and shift our prospective towards less known names and hopefully learn something from this column. Piccioni, who also used the pseudonym Piero Morgan, was born in Turin, and began his career as a radio pianist in 1938. He played in a jazz orchestra in the early 1940s and, after the war, started his own jazz group as he gained popularity in Roman night clubs. His historic “013” big band didn’t return to the airwaves until after the liberation of Italy in 1944. After the fascism, 013 was the very first Italian jazz band to be broadcast in Italy. Inspired by the American soundtracks of Frank Capra, Billy Wilder, Alex North and Hitchcock, Mr Piccioni, an extremely talented self-taught musician, finally came in contact with the world of cinema in Rome and consequently started to work hard during the fifties. Finally Michelangelo Antonioni (Blow Up) called him to score a documentary and from that day his career blew up. Followed by Gianni Franciolini’s “Il monad della condanna”, “The Scientist Cardplayer”, “Swept Away” (which earned him the David’s award) and Elio Petri’s “Tenth Victim” with Mastroianni and Ursula Andress, he worked for big names such as Luigi Comencini, Luchino Visconti, Tinto Brass, working on around 300 collective soundtracks. His song Traffic Boom was featured in The Big Lebowski as the tune for the fictional Logjammin’ movie-withina-movie. Piccioni’s melodic score for Rosi’s realistic Neapolitan fairy tale, More Than A Miracle (1967), starring Sophia Loren and Omar Sharif, was such a success in the US that it entered the hit parade listings. Many of the themes he composed for the work of Alberto Sordi were also popular hits. He died in Rome in 2004 at the age of 83. Abosulutely recommended the soundtrack of FUMO DI LONDRA, one of the best soundtrack ever made in the history of the cinema featuring the incredible voice of Lydia McDonald. The film was a light comedy based around the Anglophile Sordi’s quest to become the quintessential English gent but he gets caught up in the new swingin’ London.


Tired? Need Energy? Finding it hard to make it through the day, well here’s just the recipe to perk you right up! How about a bonus cup? what’s a bonus cup you might ask? well it’s a caffeinated beverage that will put a spring in your step and probably your ass in the can. Made famous by The Descendents, the Bonus cup is just the ticket when you need a quick fix to wake you the fuck up.

What you’ll need:

Coffee Mug Instant Coffee Granules Sugar Hot Water

Optional: Milk


Take mug, fill about half way with Coffee Granules, then add 5 spoons of sugar, pour in hot water, and stir til mixture forms a sludge like consistency, then if using add milk and “enjoy”, I recommend slurping it down as fast as possible. You should feel great (like steam is about to start spouting from your ears) and start bouncing off the walls within ten minutes, I do suggest having a toilet nearby as you may possibly Shit yourself if there isn’t. That’s all for this month. Cheers!


“Desolation Row” narrates stories of different young aspiring artists and their own views and interpretations of an unknown tomorrow and the future youth that will come along with it.

by Bert Cabot It … has never been about filling up your pockets with greed or trying to find a true meaning in what they can’t bother to say out loud. Zimm walks down Jones Street holding hands with Sue. He wants to do IT big time. He just enjoys playing music and

does not know how to do anything else or what “anything else” stands for or represents. Sue is more of a school-daddy girl, doesn’t really believe in making it big. - “IT will never be up to you, but them”. - Who’s “them”? he would say. She always makes fun of his dreams. He says he doesn’t have dreams, just nightmares about him becoming someone they would want him to be as a grownup. He can’t picture a tomorrow ‘cause he doesn’t really bother to remember the past. The line it is drawn and the course it is cast. The slow one now will later be fast as the present now will later be past. He knows the order is rapidly fading.

Beatles. With their innovational chords, inspiration to all of the next generations of artists. Jacket and tie seem to be a must have in both folk and neofolk panorama. Following the footprints of the most mournful, and yet charming of the artists from the “New World”, Leonard Cohen, or those of Michael Gira, nostalgic songwriter,who seems to be inspired more by his demons than by his muse. Modern post punk heroes, such as the Interpol, were also influenced by the same striking fashion. Last but not least, a reference goes to the italian Pasolinian hero, Simone Salvatori. Embodying perfectly the atmosphere of the neorealism, the singer of Spiritual Front has nothing to envy to the much missed “Dolce Vita” beauties. At the end of the day, sub-cultures, boots and leather jackets are all well and good, but black suits are definitely a cut above. Suade shoes and roll.

Zimm hates the word “why”. “Why” leads to answers and someone said questions are the best answers. He knows that after a question whatever you say will be enclosed in what that other person has asked. He can’t be bothered. “Why” leads to reasons. He doesn’t have to give any reasons, he just does stuff he feels like doing. There is no great message in what he does. He is just used as a voice. A voice not always gives a message, and when it does… Is a message supposed to be always about truth? “They” have to much to lose by telling the truth and when you’ve got nothing you’ve got nothing to lose.


Rock ‘n’ roll wears a new tie. Rock ‘n’ roll polishes its shoes when it’s time to get on stage. Rock ‘n’ roll combs its hair back the old fashioned way, and walks down a road, smoking a crumpled fug. The dullness of modern society has somehow framed musical movements through the aesthetical features of their prominent figures, regardless of the rules imposed by the genre, whether it’s rock, folk or wave. Elegance though, has no age. If there’s one thing we’ve learned through the incessant examination of every frame in Mr. Cave and Mr Bargeld’s video “The Weeping Song”, it’s that style plays an important (but not essential) role in the overall effect. Stage presence, obtained through reviving the charming looks of those men in the bygone days. Crinkle up your tie, add some vintage detail, throw in some rock ‘n’ roll attitude, and you are ready to skip to the 2000’s, with the Strokes as main representative of their wave. At the bottom line of everything we can once again place the

New Kremlin - Drunk In The Gulag 12” La Flingue - Maxi LP King Tuff - King Tuff Hookworms- Pearl Mystic Primal Scream - More Light Bleached- ride your heart The Felines - A man stuck in your mind The Parkinson - Back to life

Old Les Calamités - A Bride Abattue Dicks - Kill From The Heart Giorgio Moroder - Schlagermoroder Vol. 1 Brian Eno - Here come the warm jet Big Star - #1 record Adventure time - Cute Lepers The Modernettes - Teen City EP The Field Mice - Snowball The Jolt - The Jolt

here we go with some friends

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