6 minute read

48 SDG Challenges by 605 youngsters

15 Global Goals topics 48 SDG Challenges 605 youngsters from 15 countries working online & offline together during projects from 8 weeks to 6 months

By the Corona situation, 2020 became the year of many, many SDG Challenges!


Since 2012 we work online to create Awareness, Education and Empowerment for achievement of the Global Goals by 2030.

In 2012-2019 it was not so easy to find schools and universities who were willing and used to work online with youngsters from developing countries during projects, but this changed dramatically in 2020!

Due to the corona situation and lock downs, many students from the Netherlands had to return from their internship abroad and all schools and universities had to work 100% online.

As a result, many teachers and students were eager to participate in the SDG Challenges. By this "coincidence" we were able to demonstrate the importance of online collaboration for the SDGs and many young people were able to create wonderful prototypes and concepts together.

2020 started with a 2-months visit of Pradeep from Nepal and Augustine from Kenya in the Netherlands

From 2016 to March 2020 it was possible to annually invite our Living Legends from Nepal, Kenya and Kurdistan-Iraq to the Netherlands. To learn about the situation and opportunities in their countries and to work on a common program and smart solutions to SDG challenges in their communities.

In January - February 2020 Pradeep and Augustine were in the Netherlands to work with students, to visit partners and work on a total concept for the Smart Farming Center in Nepal and the UBUNTU Community Center in Marsabit Kenya, where all education, experiment, empowerment and implementation of innovation would come together.

By finishing both Centers and plans on paper, we decided: Let’s make it reality! Let’s work together to make implementation of solutions for Water and Food reality in 2020! That’s why we organized many projects with students for these centers in 2020. Successfully!

15 Global Goals topics - 48 SDG Challenges - 605 youngsters from 15 countries - working online & offline together

Projects about ..

1. Online and offline Youth Community building 2. Global Goals Awareness Locally & Globally Locally & Globally

3. Smartphone & ICT basic training 4. Electricity, ICT, Education for youth in rural areas

in Rwanda, Kenya, Nepal, Kurdistan-Iraq in Rwanda, Kenya 5. Clean drinking water & Payment of water filters in Kenya 6. Renewable Energy by solar panels and low tech windmills in Kenya, Nepal 7. Gender equality and job creation of young moms in Rwanda, Kenya 8. Agriculture Innovation & Greenhouse Technology by IOT in Nepal, Kurdistan-Iraq 9. Low Tech Tools for Agriculture Innovation in Nepal

10. Rain water catchment & Regreening 11. Social inclusion of & Partnership with Young Newcomers

in Kenya in the Netherlands, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina 12. Anti-racism Awareness & Education by & for youngsters in the Netherlands 13. Informal Education about Money & Finance by & for youngsters in the Netherlands 14. Sustainable & affordable (Tiny) Housing in the Netherlands 15. Fundraising app & activities for implementation by youngsters in the Netherlands, Rwanda

Working Concepts

Social inclusion of young newcomers, Youth community building & Global Goals Hub

Working Concepts

January-February: 2 month visit in the Netherlands by Pradeep (Nepal) and Augustine (Kenya)

Working Prototypes & Concepts

SDGenius app and Action Box for SDG Awareness, Tiny house community for affordable, social, sustainable housing, Supply and demand website for youngsters and companies to find each other to work on sustainable projects together.

Working Prototypes & Concepts

Water solutions, Greenhouse technologies, Low tech tools and Irrigation in Nepal and Kurdistan-Iraq

Working Prototypes & Concepts

Peace football tournament, Shepherd school, Rainwater catchmen, Water filter start up, ICT Basic training and Regreening in Kenya

Working Prototypes & Concepts

ICT Basic training, ICT Bus & Country FM Radio in Rwanda

Working Prototypes & Concepts

Training, Screen printing and production of ‘Made in Rwanda’ fashion by young moms in Rwanda

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