2016 04 10 green approach rev finale ol

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R Raccolta E C Y C Ldifferenziata ED e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata degli Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggie/ recupero Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata imballaggie/ recupero Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggie/ Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggirecupero / Raccolta differenziata degli imballaggi degli imballaggie/ recupero Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi

RACCOLTA DIFFERENZIATA E RECUPERO DEGLI IMBALLAGGI Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi

Pallets Pallets Palletten Palettes Paletas Поддоны

Pallets Pallets Pallette Palette Paletas Поддо



Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / R imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli im recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e r

Cappucci/Reggette Hoods/Straps Hauben/Umreifungsbänder Capes/Feuillards Film de protección/Flejes Пленка/обвязка

Scatole Boxes Kartons Boîtes Cajas Коробки

Tutti gli imballaggi utilizzati da Novabell possono essere totalmente recupe All Novabell packaging can be totally reused through proper recycling. Die Verpackungen von Novabell sind mittels einer ordnungsgemäßen Getr Tous les emballages utilisés par Novabell peuvent être entièrement recyclé Los materiales de embalaje utilizados por Novabell son totalmente recuper selectiva de residuos. Вся используемая Novabell упаковка может полностью повторно испол


Cappucci/Reggette Cappucci/Reggette Hoods/Straps Hoods/Straps Hauben/UmreifungsbänderHauben/Umreifungsbänder Capes/Feuillards Capes/Feuillards Film de protección/Flejes Film de protección/Flejes Пленка/обвязка Пленка/обвязка

Cappucci/Reggette Hoods/Straps Hauben/Umreifungsbänder Capes/Feuillards Film de protección/Flejes Пленка/обвязка

Scatole Boxes Kartons Boîtes Cajas Коробки


Pallets Pallets Palletten Palettes Paletas Поддоны

Scatole Boxes Kartons Boîtes Cajas Коробки



gi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli gli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e a e recupero degli imballaggi

Scatole Boxes Kartons Boîtes Cajas Коробки

Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi


Pallets Pallets Palletten Palettes Paletas Поддоны

Piastrelle Piastrelle Tiles Tiles Fliesen Fliesen Carreaux Carreaux Baldosas Baldosas Плитка Плитка RECYCLED Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli im Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e r imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recup recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differ imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta diff recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballagg



Tutti gli imballaggi utilizzatiTutti da Novabell possono esseredatotalmente recuperati tramite una corretta raccolta differenziata. gli imballaggi utilizzati Novabell possono essere totalmente recuperati tramite una corretta raccolta differenziata. Piastrelle All Novabell packaging canAll beNovabell totally reused through recycling. packaging canproper be totally reused through proper recycling. D E L C Y C E R Tiles ilged orepucer e ataiznCappucci/Reggette eref fid atloccaR / iggallabmiDie ilgeVerpackungen d orepucer e von ataizNovabell neDie ref fVerpackungen idsind atlomittels ccaR einer Hoods/Straps ordnungsgemäßen vollständig rückführbar. vollständig rückführbar. von Novabell sind mittelsGetrenntsammlung einer ordnungsgemäßen Getrenntsammlung Hauben/Umreifungsbänder e ataizneref fid atlocCapes/Feuillards caR / iggallabmi ilged orepuTous cer eles a ta i z n er ef f i d a tloccTous apar R / Novabell iggemballages a l l ab m i Fliesen Cappucci/Reggette emballages utilisés peuvent être entièrement grâce à un tri sélectif approprié. les utilisés par Novabell recyclés peuvent être entièrement recyclés grâce à un tri sélectif approprié. Film de protección/Flejes Hoods/Straps iggallabmПленка/обвязка i ilged orepucer e ataiznerefLos fid a t l o c c a R / i g g a l l a b m i i l g e d o r e p u c e r Carreaux materiales de embalajeLos utilizados por de Novabell sonutilizados totalmente la correcta separación y recogida materiales embalaje porrecuperables Novabell sonmediante totalmente recuperables mediante la Hauben/Umreifungsbänder correcta separación y recogida Capes/Feuillards Film de protección/Flejes Baldosas selectiva de residuos. selectiva de residuos. Пленка/обвязка Плитка Вся используемая Novabell упаковка может полностью повторно использоваться благодаря ее раздельному сбору. ее раздельному сбору. Вся используемая Novabell упаковка может полностью повторно использоваться благодаря



Pallets Scatole Boxes Pallets Kartons Boîtes Palletten Cajas Tutti gli imballaggi utilizzati da Novabell possono essere totalmente recuperati tramite una corretta raccolta differenziata. Коробки Palettes AllPaletas Novabell packaging can be totally reused through proper recycling. Piastrelle Cappucci/Reggette DieПоддоны Verpackungen von Novabell sind mittels einer ordnungsgemäßen Getrenntsammlung vollständig rückführbar. Tiles Fliesen Tous les emballages utilisés par Novabell peuvent être entièrement recyclésHoods/Straps grâce à un tri sélectif approprié. Carreaux Baldosas Hauben/Umreifungsbänder Los materiales de embalaje utilizados por Novabell son totalmente recuperables Плитка mediante la correcta separación y recogida Capes/Feuillards selectiva de residuos. Film de protección/Flejes Вся используемая Novabell упаковка может полностью повторно использоваться благодаря ее раздельному сбору. Пленка/обвязка

stellaP stellaP nettellaP settelaP satelaP ыноддоП

Tutti gli imballaggi utilizzati da Novabell possono essere totalmente recuperati tramite una corretta raccolta differenziata. All Novabell packaging can be totally reused through proper recycling. Die Verpackungen von Novabell sind mittels einer ordnungsgemäßen Getrenntsammlung vollständig rückführbar. Tous les emballages utilisés par Novabell peuvent être entièrement recyclés grâce à un tri sélectif approprié. Los materiales de embalaje utilizados por Novabell son totalmente recuperables mediante la correcta separación y recogida selectiva de residuos. Вся используемая Novabell упаковка может полностью повторно использоваться благодаря ее раздельному сбору.



Scatole Boxes Kartons Boîtes Cajas Коробки

Tutti gli imballaggi utilizzati da Novabell possono essere totalm

All Novabell packagingEcan be totally reused through proper re RACCOLTA DIFFERENZIATA Die Verpackungen von Novabell sind mittels einer ordnungsgem RECUPERO DEGLI IMBALLAGGI Tous les emballages utilisés par Novabell peuvent être entièrem


etteggeR/iccuppaC spartS/sdooH rednäbsgnufiermU/nebuaH sdralliueF/sepaC sejelF/nóiccetorp ed mliF акзявбо/акнелП

Los materiales de embalaje utilizados por Novabell son totalme selectiva de residuos. Вся используемая Novabell упаковка может полностью повто

Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi / Raccolta differenziata e recupero degli imballaggi

4 Pallets Pallets Palletten Palettes Paletas Поддоны

Cappucci/Reggette Hoods/Straps Hauben/Umreifungsbänder Capes/Feuillards Film de protección/Flejes Пленка/обвязка

Scatole Boxes Kartons Boîtes Cajas Коробки

Scatole Boxes Kartons Boîtes Cajas Коробки

Piastrelle Tiles Fliesen Carreaux Baldosas Плитка

Tutti gli imballaggi utilizzati da Novabell possono essere totalmente recuperati tramite una corretta raccolta differenziata. All Novabell packaging can be totally reused through proper recycling. Die Verpackungen von Novabell sind mittels einer ordnungsgemäßen Getrenntsammlung vollständig rückführbar. Tous les emballages utilisés par Novabell peuvent être entièrement recyclés grâce à un tri sélectif approprié. Los materiales de embalaje utilizados por Novabell son totalmente recuperables mediante la correcta separación y recogida selectiva de residuos. Вся используемая Novabell упаковка может полностью повторно использоваться благодаря ее раздельному сбору.


ellertsaiP seliT neseilF xuaerraC sasodlaB актилП

Piastrelle Tiles Fliesen Carreaux Baldosas Плитка

cuperati tramite una corretta raccolta differenziata.

elotacS sexoB snotraK setîoB sajaC икбороК

Tutti gli imballaggi utilizzati da Novabell possono essere totalmente recuperati tramite una corretta ra All Novabell packaging can be totally reused through proper recycling. Die Verpackungen von Novabell sind mittels einer ordnungsgemäßen Getrenntsammlung vollständig Tous les emballages utilisés par Novabell peuvent être entièrement recyclés grâce à un tri sélectif app Los materiales de embalaje utilizados por Novabell son totalmente recuperables mediante la correcta selectiva de residuos. Вся используемая Novabell упаковка может полностью повторно использоваться благодаря ее р

Getrenntsammlung vollständig rückführbar. yclés grâce à un tri sélectif approprié. .ataiznereffid atloccar atterroc anu etimart itarepucer etnemlatot eresse onossop llebavoN ad itaz zilitu iggallabmi ilg ittuT uperables mediante la correcta separación y recogida .gnilcycer reporp hguorht desuer yllatot eb nac gnigakcap llebavoN llA .rabrhüсбору. f kcür gidnätsllov gnulmmastnnerteG neßämegsgnundro renie slettim dnis lle4 bavoN nov negnukcapreV eiD пользоваться благодаря ее раздельному .éirporppa fitcelés irt nu à ecârg sélcycer tnemerèitne ertê tnevuep llebavoN rap sésilitu segallabme sel suoT adigocer y nóicarapes atcerroc al etnaidem selbarepucer etnemlatot nos llebavoN rop sodazilitu ejalabme ed selairetam soL .soudiser ed avitceles .уробс умоньледзар ее ярадогалб ясьтавозьлопси онротвоп юьтсонлоп тежом аквокапу llebavoN яамеузьлопси ясВ

LEED v.4 credits

LEED v4 Protocols NC




Credit Intent


Credit Relevance

NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points

Direct Indirect

Materials and Resources (MR) MRp2 Construction and demolition waste management planning

To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by recovering, reusing, and recycling materials.

Our tiles are 100% recyclable. They are inert (Prerequisite) materials, do not contain hazardous substances Required and can be totally recycled into new materials or aggregates for the production of new products or reused to create road substrates and clean fill, etc. In addition, our product packaging is 100% recyclable (cardboard and plastic) or reusable (wooden pallets). This comprehensive recyclability clearly helps to divert construction waste from landfills while assisting the Waste Management Plan goals.

MRp2 Facility maintenance and renovation policy

To reduce the environmental harms associated with the materials purchased, installed, and disposed of during maintenance and renovation of buildings.

As above.

MRc3 Building product disclosure and optimization Ͳ sourcing of raw materials

To encourage the use of products and materials for which life cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life cycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products verified to have been extracted or sourced in a responsible manner.

NovaBell porcelain tiles can contribute to this credit, as they are manufactured using at least 40% recycled raw materials of which 6% preͲ consumer glass. ThirdͲparty documentation compliant with ISO 14021 is made available.

(Prerequisite) Required


LEED v.4 credits

LEED v4 Protocols NC




Credit Intent


Credit Relevance

NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points

Direct Indirect

MRc3 Purchasing Ͳ facility maintenance and renovation

To reduce the environmental harm from materials used in building renovations.

As above.


MRc4 Building product disclosure and optimization Ͳ sourcing of raw materials

To encourage the use of products and materials for which lifeͲcycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable lifeͲcycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products from manufacturers who have verified improved environmental lifeͲ cycle impacts.

As above


MRc4 Building product disclosure and optimization Ͳ material ingredients

To encourage the use of products and materials for which lifeͲcycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable lifeͲcycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products for which the chemical ingredients in the product are inventoried using an accepted methodology and for selecting products verified to minimize the use and generation of harmful substances. To reward raw material manufacturers who produce products verified to have improved lifeͲcycle impacts.

Manufacturer Inventory Ͳ Our products are made of nonͲtoxic natural materials. The inventory of all chemical ingredients used to manufacture our porcelain tiles, including CASRN identification, is made publically available.


Material ingredient optimization (International Alternative Compliance Path) Ͳ Our tiles contain no Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) listed on the REACH Authorization or Candidate list. Full documentation is provided to assist projects outside US in fulfil the Alternative Compliance Path.

MRc5 Building product disclosure and optimization Ͳ material ingredients

As above

As above


MRc5 Construction and demolition waste management

To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by recovering, reusing, and recycling materials.

Our tiles and product packaging (cardboard, plastic and wooden pallets) can be 100% recycled. This can help reduce the amount of construction waste generated onͲsite and divert debris from landfills while assisting with the Waste Management Plan goals.


MRc5 Solid waste management Ͳ facility maintenance and renovation

To divert construction, renovation, and demolition debris from disposal in landfills and incinerators and recover and recycle reusable materials.

As above.


MRc6 Construction and demolition waste management

To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by recovering, reusing, and recycling materials.

As above.


LEED v.4 credits

LEED v4 Protocols NC



EQp1 Minimum indoor air quality performance


Credit Intent


Credit Relevance

NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points

Direct Indirect

To contribute to the comfort and wellͲbeing of building occupants by establishing minimum standards for indoor air quality (IAQ).

NovaBell tiles are nonͲtoxic and inherently VOCͲ free. Therefore, our products can contribute to the reduction of indoor contaminant sources contributing to the wellͲbeing of building occupants.

EQc2 LowͲemitting materials

To reduce concentrations of chemical contaminants that can damage air quality, human health, productivity, and the environment.

All our porcelain tiles are VOCͲfree. They are considered by this credit as an “inherently nonͲ emitting source”. No organic based surface coatings, binders or sealants is added. This means that our products can contribute to this credit without any VOC emissions formal testing.


EQc3 Construction indoor air quality management plan

To promote the wellͲbeing of construction workers and building occupants by minimizing indoor air quality problems associated with construction and renovation

NovaBell tiles are nonͲtoxic and inherently VOCͲ free. They can contribute to the reduction of indoor contaminant sources assisting both the indoor air quality management plan and wellͲ being of building occupants.


EQc4 Indoor air quality assessment

To establish better quality indoor air in the building after construction and during occupancy

NovaBell tiles are nonͲtoxic and inherently VOCͲ free. They can contribute to the reduction of indoor contaminant sources contributing to the indoor air quality management plan and wellͲ being of building occupants.


EQc5 Thermal comfort

To promote occupants’ productivity, comfort, and wellͲ being by providing quality thermal comfort.

The thermal mass provided by our tiles can help stabilize indoor temperature fluctuates while creating indoor environment with enhanced thermal comfort levels.


Innovation: To encourage projects to achieve exceptional or innovative performance.

NovaBell tiles may help obtain additional LEED credit points for significant, measurable and exemplary environmental performance:


Regional Priority: To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that address geographically specific environmental, social equity, and public health priorities.

Ͳ All our products are Ecolabel certified, an industryͲrecognised European mark that endorses product environmental quality based on life cycle evaluation, from extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and final disposal.

(Prerequisite) Required

Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ)

Innovation (ID) & Regional Priority (RP) ID / RPc1Ͳ5 Innovation & Regional Priority

Ͳ All our porcelain tiles include at least 40% recycled content which can offer the potential to earn additional points for exemplary performance.

LEED v.2009 credits

LEED 2009 Protocols NC



NC Italia



Credit Intent

Credit Relevance Direct Indirect

NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points

Materials and Resources (MR) MRc2 Construction waste management

MRc3 Sustainable purchasing Ͳ facility alterations and additions

To divert construction and demolition debris from disposal in landfills and incineration facilities. Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to the manufacturing process and reusable materials to appropriate sites.

NovaBell tiles and product packaging material (cardboard boxes, wooden pallets and straps) are 100% recyclable.

To reduce the environmental and air quality impacts of the materials acquired for use in the upgrade of buildings.

High recycled content Ͳ Our porcelain tiles can contribute to this credit, as they are manufactured using at least 40% recycled raw materials of which 6% preͲconsumer glass. A thirdͲparty documentation compliant with ISO 14021 is provided.


Our products are made of inert materials, do not contain hazardous substances and can be totally recycled into new materials or aggregates for the production of new products or reused to create road substrates and clean fill, etc. This comprehensive recyclability clearly helps to divert construction waste from landfills while assisting the Waste Management Plan goals.


Noncarpet finished flooring Ͳ Our tiles are nonͲtoxic and inherently VOCͲfree.

MRc4 Recycled content

To increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled content materials, thereby reducing impacts resulting from extraction and processing of virgin materials.

All our porcelain tiles are manufactured using at least 40% recycled raw materials of which 6% preͲconsumer glass. Therefore, they can significantly contribute to this credit goal. ThirdͲparty documentation compliant with ISO 14021 is made available.


MRc5 Regional materials

To increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous resources and reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation.

70% of the materials used are obtained from quarries within a 500mile radius of the production location. This credit is dependent on the project's location. Our tiles may contribute to this credit which reward products that have been extracted, harvested or recovered, as well as manufactured within a 500 mile (800 kilometre) radius of the project site.


MRc9 Solid waste management Ͳ facility alterations and additions

To divert construction and demolition debris from disposal to landfills and incineration facilities. Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to the manufacturing process and reusable materials to appropriate sites.

Our tiles and product packaging (cardboard, plastic and wooden pallets) can be 100% recycled.


To establish minimum indoor air quality (IAQ) performance to enhance indoor air quality in buildings, thus contributing to the comfort and wellͲbeing of the occupants.

NovaBell tiles are nonͲtoxic and inherently (Prerequisite) VOCͲfree. Therefore, our products can Required contribute to the reduction of indoor contaminant sources enhancing the wellͲ being of building occupants.

This can help reduce the amount of construction waste generated onͲsite and divert debris from landfills while assisting with the Waste Management Plan or Facility Maintenance and Renovation Policy goals.

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) IEQp1 Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) Minimum indoor air quality performance

LEED v.2009 credits

LEED 2009 Protocols NC



NC Italia



Credit Intent

Credit Relevance Direct Indirect

NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points

IEQc1.5 Indoor air quality best management practices Ͳ indoor air quality management for facility additions and alterations

To prevent indoor air quality (IAQ) problems resulting from any construction or renovation projects to help sustain the comfort and wellͲ being of construction workers and building occupants.

As previews


IEQc3.2 Construction IAQ management plan Ͳ before occupancy

To reduce indoor air quality (IAQ) problems resulting from construction or renovation and promote the comfort and wellͲbeing of construction workers and building occupants.

NovaBell tiles are nonͲtoxic and inherently VOCͲfree. Therefore, our products can contribute to the reduction of indoor contaminant sources facilitating the flushͲ out of the space before its occupancy or postͲconstruction IAQ testing


IEQc4.3 Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) Ͳ Credit 4.3: LowͲemitting materials Ͳ flooring systems

To reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and wellͲbeing of installers and occupants.

All our porcelain tiles are VOCͲfree. They are considered by this credit as an “inherently nonͲemitting source”.


IEQc7.1 Thermal comfort Ͳ design

To provide a comfortable thermal environment that promotes occupant productivity and wellͲbeing.

The thermal mass provided by our tiles can help stabilize indoor temperature fluctuates while creating indoor environment with enhanced thermal comfort levels.


Innovation: To encourage projects to achieve exceptional or innovative performance.

NovaBell tiles may help obtain additional LEED credit points for significant, measurable and exemplary environmental performance:


Regional Priority: To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that address geographically specific environmental, social equity, and public health priorities.

Ͳ All our products are Ecolabel certified, an industryͲrecognised European mark that endorses product environmental quality based on life cycle evaluation, from extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and final disposal.

No organic based surface coatings, binders or sealants is added. This means that our products can contribute to this credit without any VOC emissions formal testing.

Innovation (ID) & Regional Priority (RP) ID / RPc1Ͳ5 Innovation & Regional Priority

Ͳ All our porcelain tiles include at least 40% recycled content which can offer the potential to earn additional points for exemplary performance.

BREEAM credits

BREEAM Credit Intent Protocols Intern. Intern. 2013 2016

Credit Relevance Direct

NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points


Health and Wellbeing (Hea) Hea 02 Indoor air quality

To recognise and encourage a healthy internal environment through the specification and installation of appropriate ventilation, equipment and finishes.

All NovaBell tiles are inherently VOCͲfree and formaldehydeͲ free. Therefore, they can help reduce contaminant sources within indoor spaces assisting the indoor air quality management plan and the wellbeing of building occupants.

3/6 Building type

In addition, our tiles contain no asbestos.

Waste (Wst) Wst 01 Construction waste management

To promote resource efficiency via the effective and appropriate management of construction waste.

As above


The innovation category provides opportunities for exemplary performance and innovation to be recognised that are not included within, or go beyond the requirements of the credit criteria.

Our tiles may help obtain additional BREEAM credit points for significant, measurable and exemplary environmental performance under the Innovation credits:


Innovation (Inn) Inn 01 Innovation

Ͳ All our products are Ecolabel certified, an industryͲ recognised European mark that endorses product environmental quality based on life cycle evaulaution, from extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and final disposal. Ͳ All our porcelain tiles include at least 40% recycled content which can offer the potential to earn additional points for exemplary performance. Ͳ All our products are inherently VOCͲfree and formaldehydeͲ free.

BREEAM credits

BREEAM Credit Intent Protocols UK NC UK NC 2011 2014

Credit Relevance Direct

NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points


Health and Wellbeing (Hea) Hea 02 Indoor air quality

To recognise and encourage a healthy internal environment through the specification and installation of appropriate ventilation, equipment and finishes.

All NovaBell tiles are inherently VOCͲfree and formaldehydeͲ free. Therefore, they can help reduce contaminant sources within indoor spaces assisting the indoor air quality management plan and the wellbeing of building occupants.

2/6 Building type

In addition, our tiles contain no asbestos.

Materials (Mat) Mat 01 Life cycle impacts

To recognise and encourage the use of construction materials with a low environmental impact (including embodied carbon) over the full life cycle of the building.

All our porcelain tiles have achieved the highest BRE Summary Rating of A and A+, depending on building type.

6/6 Building type dependent

Our tiles correspond to the BRE Global Green Guide generic specification for Porcelain Floor Tiles (40% recycled content), ISO13006 Type B1A.

Waste (Wst) Wst 01 Construction waste management

To promote resource efficiency via the effective management and reduction of construction waste..

Our tiles and product packaging (cardboard, plastic and wooden pallets) are 100% recyclable.


This comprehensive recyclability can clearly help to both divert construction waste from landfills and to facilitate the Waste Management Plan goals.

Innovation (Inn) Inn 01 Innovation

The innovation category provides opportunities for exemplary performance and innovation to be recognised that are not included within, or go beyond the requirements of the credit criteria.

Our tiles may help obtain additional BREEAM credit points for significant, measurable and exemplary environmental performance under the Innovation credits: Ͳ All our products are Ecolabel certified, an industryͲ recognised European mark that endorses product environmental quality based on life cycle evaulaution, from extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and final disposal. Ͳ All our porcelain tiles include at least 40% recycled content which can offer the potential to earn additional points for exemplary performance.


ESTIDAMA credits

ESTIDAMA Credit Intent Protocols Pearl Building v1.0

Pearl Villa v1.0

Credit NovaBell Tiles Contribution Relevance

Possible points

Direct Indirect

Livable Indoors (LBi) LBiͲ2.3 Material Emissions: Carpet & Hard Flooring

Confirm the use of low emission flooring systems to encourage the desirability of these spaces in relation to improved occupant health.

Hard Flooring Ͳ All our porcelain tiles are VOCͲfree. In addition, no organic based surface coatings, binders or sealants is added. Our products are considered as an “inherently nonͲemitting source” and accepted by major green building certification systems without any VOC emissions formal testing. Acceptance is subject to UPC’s Pearl competent assessor.


To eliminate exposure of building occupants to asbestos and minimize toxic effects of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated timber on people and the environment.

Our tiles contain no asbestos or hazardous (Prerequisite) substances. Required All our products are compliant with European REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) regulations and contain no Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) listed on the REACH Authorization or Candidate list.

Stewarding Materials (SM) SMͲR1 Hazardous Materials Elimination

ESTIDAMA credits

ESTIDAMA Credit Intent Protocols Pearl Building v1.0

Pearl Villa v1.0

Credit Relevance

NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points

Direct Indirect

SMͲR2 Basic Construction Waste Management

To reduce the longͲterm environmental impacts associated with construction waste collection, transport and disposal.

Our tiles and product packaging (cardboard boxes, (Prerequisite) wooden pallets and straps) are 100% recyclable. Required This comprehensive recyclability clearly helps to both divert construction waste from landfills and to facilitate the Construction Waste Management Plan goals.

SMͲ1 NonͲPolluting Materials

To promote the selection of materials that do not have longͲ term negative impacts on human health or pollute natural systems.

Chlorine Free Materials – All our tiles are chlorineͲ free.


In addition, our products are compliant with European REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) regulations and contain no Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) listed on the REACH Authorization or Candidate list. This help satisfy this credit requirement.

SMͲ5 Modular Flooring Systems

To minimize waste associated with replacement of flooring systems through the use of modular systems.

All our porcelain tiles are supplied as modular flooring tiles incorporating a comprehensive range of different sizes. High recycled content – All our products are manufactured using at least 40% recycled raw materials of which 6% preͲconsumer glass. A thirdͲ party documentation compliant with ISO 14021 is made available.


SMͲ7 Improved Construction Waste Management

To further reduce the longͲterm environmental impacts associated with construction waste collection, transport and disposal.

Our tiles and product packaging (cardboard boxes, wooden pallets and straps) are 100% recyclable. This comprehensive recyclability can clearly help to both divert construction waste from landfills and to facilitate the Construction Waste Management Plan goals.


SMͲ10 Recycled Materials

To increase the demand for recycled materials to reduce the amount of waste going to disposal.

SMͲ13 Improved Construction Waste Management

To further reduce the longͲterm environmental impacts associated with construction waste collection, transport and disposal.

Our tiles and product packaging (cardboard boxes, wooden pallets and straps) are 100% recyclable. This comprehensive recyclability clearly helps to both divert construction waste from landfills and to facilitate the Construction Waste Management Plan goals.


To reward design and construction practices that result in a significant positive impact in relation to any of the four pillars of Estidama.

Our tiles may help obtain additional Estidama credit points for significant, measurable and exemplary environmental performance under the Innovation credits:


Acceptance is subject to UPC’s Pearl competent assessor.

Ͳ All our products are Ecolabel certified, an industryͲ recognised European mark that endorses product environmental quality based on life cycle evaulaution, from extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and final disposal. Ͳ All our porcelain tiles include at least 40% recycled content which can offer the potential to earn additional points for exemplary performance.

High recycled content – Other Materials Ͳ All our products are manufactured using at least 40% recycled raw materials of which 6% preͲconsumer glass. A thirdͲparty documentation compliant with ISO 14021 is made available.


Innovating Practice (IP) IPͲ2 Innovating Practice

BEAM Plus credits

BEAM Plus Protocols Exist Buildings v1.2

New Buildings v1.2

Credit Relevance Credit Intent



NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points

SITE ASPECTS (SA) SA 5 Environmental Purchasing Practices

Encourage purchasing practices which reduce the environmental impact of products used in the operation and maintenance of buildings.

Environmentally friendly materials Ͳ All our porcelain tiles:


Ͳ Include at least 40% high recycled content of which 6% preͲconsumer glass as certified by thirdͲparty documentation generated in compliance with ISO 14021. Ͳ Are 100% recyclable. Ͳ Are very durable, and once installed, they can last for very long period of time. Ͳ Have a very low environmental footprint and have achieved A and A+ BRE rating. In addition our product packaging is designed to be 100% recycled or reused (cardboard boxes, wooden pallets and straps).

MATERIALS ASPECTS (MA) MA 7 Waste Management

Reduce pressure on landfill sites and help to preserve nonͲ renewable resources by promoting recycling of waste and obsolete materials.

Waste management practices Ͳ Our tiles and product packaging (cardboard boxes, wooden pallets and straps) are 100% recycled. This comprehensive recyclability clearly helps to both divert construction waste from landfills and to facilitate the Construction Waste Management Plan goals.


BEAM Plus credits

BEAM Plus Protocols Exist Buildings v1.2

New Buildings v1.2

Credit Relevance Credit Intent



NovaBell Tiles Contribution

Possible points

MAp3 Construction and demolition waste management plan

Encourage best practices in the management of construction and demolition wastes, including sorting, recycling and disposal of construction waste.

(Prerequisite) Our tiles and product packaging (cardboard Required boxes, wooden pallets and straps) are 100% recyclable. This comprehensive recyclability clearly helps to both divert construction waste from landfills and to facilitate the Construction Waste Management Plan goals

MA 7 Recycled materials

Promote the use of recycled materials in order to reduce the consumption of virgin resources.

High recycled content – Other Materials Ͳ All our products are manufactured using at least 40% recycled raw materials of which 6% preͲ consumer glass. A thirdͲparty documentation produced in compliance with ISO 14021 is made available.


MA 11 Construction waste reduction

Encourage best practices in the management of waste, including sorting, recycling and disposal of construction waste.

NovaBell tiles and product packaging material (cardboard boxes, wooden pallets and straps) are 100% recyclable. Our tiles are made of inert materials, do not contain hazardous substances and can be totally recycled into new materials or aggregates for the production of new products or reused to create road substrates and clean fill, etc. This comprehensive recyclability clearly helps to divert construction waste from landfills while assisting the Waste Management Plan goals.


Demonstrate that airborne contaminants, predominantly from inside sources, do not give rise to unacceptable levels of indoor air pollution in normally occupied spaces

All NovaBell tiles are inherently VOCͲfree and formaldehydeͲfree. Therefore, they can help reduce contaminant sources within occupied spaces while assisting the indoor air quality management plan and the wellbeing of building occupants.


INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (IEQ) IEQ 7 Indoor sources of air pollution

In addition, our tiles contain no asbestos.

IEQ 8 Indoor Sources of air pollution

All NovaBell tiles are inherently VOCͲfree and formaldehydeͲfree. Therefore, they can help reduce contaminant sources within occupied spaces while assisting the indoor air quality management plan and the wellbeing of building occupants. In addition, our tiles contain no asbestos.


Our tiles may help obtain additional BEAM Plus credit points for significant, measurable and exemplary environmental performance under the Innovations and Additions credits:


INNOVATIONS AND ADDITIONS (IA) IA 2 Innovations and additions Ͳ Performance enhancements

This section allows the design team or the Client to submit for consideration for the award of bonus credits on any innovative techniques or performance enhancements (i.e. strategies and techniques that greatly exceed the requirements of existing BEAM credits). Acceptance of these credit points is subject to BEAM certification body.

Ͳ All our products are Ecolabel certified, an industryͲrecognised European mark that endorses product environmental quality based on life cycle evaulaution, from extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and final disposal. Ͳ All our porcelain tiles include at least 40% recycled content which can offer the potential to earn additional points for exemplary performance.

assessed by

Ongreening LEED




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