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President's Perspective

Devon Stanley, Benchmark Landscape Construction Inc.

The name of this article is called “President’s Perspective”. I don’t know that I am an expert on any subject where anyone would really be interested or desiring to hear my perspective but none the less, I have been given the space and will choose to write about things I am passionate about or feel are important to our industry's success and sustainability into the future.

By the time this issue hits your mailbox most of our state will be winding down an active winter season of snow and ice services and be jumping right into our busiest season of the green industry: Spring. We will all be busy cleaning up properties, finalizing maintenance on equipment, increasing inventory to sell, ramping up our marketing campaigns, and making sure the green that makes us green—plants—are emerging and growing as intended. In order for all that to happen we all rely on one thing to accomplish our goals: qualified people. Countless colleagues have mentioned that this is the one thing in business that is frustrating. I agree and feel it is a major issue that we all need to address.

There are many reasons as to why younger generations are not entering our industry in the numbers they once were back in the '80s, '90s and even early 2000s and I don’t claim to think that any one solution is the answer. In fact, I think in reality there are many things we should be doing to solve this problem and would love to have an open discussion with anyone interested in talking through solutions.

I have seen results in our outreach to high school Juniors and Seniors through ONLA's major workforce development initiative, the Ohio High School Landscape Olympics (OHLO). OHLO partners with high school and career centers around the state who have a green industry-based curriculum. This year, we'll host our sixth OHLO competition on October 14 & 15.

I am proud to be a founding member of the event committee for OHLO. The initiative was established as a way to increase excitement and awareness to our industry by providing a hands-on experience rather than the traditional testing of knowledge. The students can get a sense of career experiences through competitive events and can also take advantage of many networking opportunities throughout the two-day event. OHLO is a hybrid of what you see in NALP’s collegiate landscape competition and national LIC certification testing. Not only has the program been great for students but it has also opened the eyes of parents and administrators to the endless possibilities for their student. We need to introduce our profession and educate about the value that it brings to all of our communities, especially during this time when consumers are spending more time outside and nature is playing an even more important role in our lives.

I also serve on advisory boards for five vocational-based programs and have helped three comprehensive high school programs through FFA. I have firsthand experiences with the qualified individuals coming from these programs. I challenge our members to get involved, be a mentor, serve on an advisory board, or donate supplies or equipment to train these students for competition.

I am hopeful that by the time you are reading this, schools are back in a position to be in person 100%. The opportunities for you to give back and to meet the future of our industry will reap rewards in ways you don’t expect. Our company has and will continue to employ individuals coming from these types of curriculum-based programs. Is it a perfect solution to gain qualified people? No, but it's a start. These students already have an interest in our profession and they are being trained to the exact specifics that our industry required. There are over 55 school programs in Ohio and the ONLA staff can help you contact them to begin your journey mentoring and hiring qualified young professionals. Please reach out to a few in your area this spring! B

Devon can be contacted at dstanley@benchmarkohio.com

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OCTOBER 14 & 15, 2021

OSU ATI, Wooster, OH ONLA's Ohio High School Landscape Olympics (OHLO) tests high school students’ skills through hands-on, competitive events designed by industry professionals.

OHLO broadens the high school education experience and introduces students to the many career opportunities available in our industry.

Your Involvement Makes a Difference Through the OHLO sponsorship program, businesses can have a direct impact when it matters—when young adults are exploring their career options. Your involvement guarantees that your business’ name and brand are top of mind with this future workforce.

Become an OHLO Sponsor Connect with the next generation of green industry professionals, build brand awareness, and show your company’s support of an important cause.


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