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ONLA's reConnect Conference Series
After a year of not meeting in person, ONLA is looking forward to bringing our industry together again!
We are eager to reConnect with you by offering a full day of continuing education, certification credit, vendor information, and networking in your backyard.
Join us:
Each conference will include numerous concurrent, one-hour education sessions. The education sessions may cover these topics:
• Plant ID, plant care, new selections • Landscape design and maintenance • Retail and grower operations • Pest and disease diagnostics and control
Sessions will offer continuing education credits from top accreditation organizations, including OCNT, ODA, LA CES, and more.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Sinclair College Conference Center
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
OCLC in Dublin
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Cuyahoga Community College in Warrensville
Speak at This Event!
ONLA members often support giving back to the industry. Do you have great industry knowledge you want to share with your peers at this event? Please submit your presentation(s)! Visit onla.org/ professionaldevelopment or mail info@onla.org for more information.