Stem Cell Research Controversy Essay

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For my casebook, I decided to focus on the topic of stem cell technology. Stem cells are nonspecialized cells that have the ability to divide for an indefinite length of time and develop into a variety of cell types. This process primarily occurs early in a person's life while they are still growing. Stem cells are also used regularly in some organs to repair damaged or worn out tissue. Stem cells have been found to have many more clinical uses in recent years, though. Stem cells have been the subject of much research in the scientific community. They have been looked at as potential cures for everything from hair loss to paralysis. While many of these claims are promising looks at what the future may hold, media has a tendency to exaggerate the current status of what is capable with stem cells. This leaves many people guessing about what is true, and what is just science fiction. The purpose of this casebook is to look at the gray area of stem cells and help differentiate fact from fiction. I will do this by looking at three major media outlets that talk about stem cells, and compare what I find with three definitive sources that have the true facts about stem cells. From my results, we will be able to see how much major media stretches the truth about stem cells. I used three popular news sources for my casebook. I used an article from Men's Journal titled "Does Stem Cell Therapy Actually Work?". This article relays information about stem cells to its audience in a

The Debate Of Stem Cell Technology Essay
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Stem–cell research is a complex subject. First of all you need to know there are three main categories of stem cells. Embryonic, Fetal and Adult; not everyone is for or against all of these types. There are different sets on pros and cons to each of these types and I will address a few for each type. I believe the pros outweigh the cons in each of these and stem cell research is very beneficial for medical purposes. The term 'stem cell research was first used by gist Alexander Maksimov, a Russian histologist in 1908. His postulate was made in Berlin at the congress of hematological society and proposed the existence of haematopoietic stem cells. Most was quiet in the way of stem cell research until the 1960s when Altman and Das more content...

It involves taking cells from aborted fetuses for research and treatment of diseases. Not to say that fetuses should be conceived just to be aborted for this reason but if a woman chooses to abort her baby it is a good thing it could be used for good, to cure diseases plaguing others. Embryonic stem cell lines are from the inner cell mass of a blastoyst, that is, a very young embryo. Probably around four to five days old in humans and consisting of no less than 50 and no more than 150 cells. When given sufficient and necessary stimulation stem cells can develop into more than 200 types of cells in the adult body, this gives then potential to cure numerous diseases. While there are currently no approved treatments using embryonic stem cells, they remain a theoretically potential source for regenerative and tissue replacement after injury and disease. The variety of cells they can develop into makes limitless possibilities for medicine. Turning ES cells into usable cells while avoiding transplant rejection are some problems scientists will have to work through. But like for organ transplants and anti–rejection drugs it is possible these obstacles could be overcome. Next, Adult Stem cells do not cause anywhere near as much controversy as embryonic stem cells because no organisms are destructed in the procedures. Also known as a somatic stem cell, adult stem cells are characterized by any cell found in a developed organism that has the Get more content

Concepts in Biology

13 November 2014

Stem Cell Research:

A hot topic among the medical science community, stem cell research is raising much debate over its appearance in the field. Those who favor this practice in modern medicine suggest that stem cells potentially increase human health and existence, whereas the opposition supports the idea that it is an unethical practice which should be banned. According to Insoo Hyun's EmbryonicStem Cell Research, "The main bioethical issues with respect to human stem cells involve their derivation and use for research" (935). Are scientists crossing the line between medicine and human resources? What are some specific ethical questions that are formed, due to stem cell research? Finally, how is research today being conducted on stem cells? These are all questions that can help generate a better understanding on the journey that stem cell research has taken in the past decades to the present. That being said, what are these stem cells? They are "developmentally primitive, undifferentiated cells that have the capacity to make new copies of themselves (self–renew) and to specialize (differentiate) into various other cell types, such as blood, muscle, and nerve cells" (Hyun 935). There are two types of stem cell groups, one the embryotic (the most controversial) and the other being the adult stem cells. Embryotic stem cells are taken from less then week old embryos from a fertility clinic during what is

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Stem cell research is one of the most promising and controversial topics is the past few decades. Stem cells were discovered by a group of scientists in 1981 by deriving embryonic stem cells from mouse embryos. The discovery of stem cell derived from mouse embryos then progressed to the discovery of deriving and creating stem cell from a human embryo is 1998. In 1998 when scientists discovered a way of deriving stem cells from a human embryo is when the controversy began. The main controversy of stem cell research is the destruction of an embryo for sceintific and medical purposes. Other controversies are whether federal governments should fund and support research is ban the use of stem cell for medical and research purposes. Various religions

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Stem Cell Research Controversy

Embryonic stem cells research is a very conflicting subject in the United States. Some people think that it is morally and religiously incorrect as they are killing a human life at the first stage of life. While some think it is ok because the human life to them starts at the fetus or when the fetus can feel pain. In this paper we are going to discuss the total aspect of embryonic stem cell research: how the government takes play in the study of embryonic stem cells, how embryonic stem cells have help out people so far, and what are embryonic stem cells. Hopefully with this research we will have a better understanding of embryonic stem cells and why some people may benefit from it, as it may help to cure some diseases. Maybe we can more content...

People who oppose embryonic stem cell research see the destruction of the embryo as murder, no matter how much good it would cause to society. In November 2007 researchers like Shinya Yamanaka and James Thomson found a new method to used human skin cells. These were similar to using embryonic stem cells that turn out to be pluripotent, in this case they were not destroying the embryo. Researchers are trying to please the religious groups while still trying to find cures for diseases. If we keep finding gratifying ways to keep everyone content, image how many lives we can save. As stated in the article Hyun, I. (2010). The bioethics of stem cell research and therapy. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120(1), 71–5. Retrieved February 3, 2011, from ProQuest Health and Medical Complete. (Document ID: 1940548141), embryonic stem cells were first isolated and cultured in 1998 by donated couples no longer intending to us them for themselves. From that point in time is started a never ending controversy with researchers and religious groups. Some of the people's concerns are towards human cloning and the mixing of animal species. There have yet to be any word of human cloning or any type of mixing of human and animal species, but there has been cloning done on mammals. A group of Scottish scientists clone a sheep back in 1996, her name was Dolly. Dolly later died of a lung infection at age 6. After this the Bush administration took Get more content

Essay on Embryonic Stem Cells Research

For many years in the past, there has been a major controversy over the topic of stem cell research. It seems to be that the main controversy when it comes to the topic of stem cell research is an ethical debate, and because of this it seems that the side opposing stem cell research always wins due to their use of pathos when it comes to their argument. I personally do not side with those against the idea of stem cell research because I believe that the pros outweigh the cons when you break it down this way. Stem cell research could be the gateway to finding a cure or treatment for many of the major diseases out in the world today such as, cancer, heart disease, spinal cord injury, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, a possibly organ failure. Even though there are all these cures that could be found through stem cell research one thing is making it very hard to continue their work, and that is the lack of the funding needed to continue to make huge impacts on the lives of those around us. The continuous debate over stem cell research has been going on since around 1998 when scientists learned how to remove stem cells from human embryos. It often revolves around whether stem cell research is ethical and moral, rather than debating over the benefits and the downfalls of stem cell research. One of the main oppositionist of stem cell research is the Catholic Church. In an article written by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, she quotes a document from an assembly held by the Bishops of the

The Debate Over Stem Cell Research
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The Controversy of Stem Cell Research The ethics of research involving fetuses or material derived from fetuses have been widely debated for over three decades, portrayed by its proponents as holding the key to scientific and medical breakthrough and by its opponents as devaluing the most basic form of human life. The latest chapter in this long saga involves the use of embryonic stem cells. Research in this field took a great leap forward in 1998, when the first successes in growing human stem cells in culture were reported independently by Drs. James Thomson and John Gearhart. According to the National Institutes of Health, embryonicstem cell research "promises...possible cures for many debilitating diseases and injuries, including Parkinson 's disease, diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, burns, and spinal cord injuries. The NIH believes the potential medical benefits of human pluripotent stem cell technology are compelling and worthy of pursuit in accordance with appropriate ethical standards (National Institutes of Health 2000). Research in this new and developing field has sparked controversy centered on the moral implications of destroying human embryos and poses several compelling ethical questions. Among them: Does life begin at fertilization, in the womb, or at birth? Might the destruction of a single human embryo be justified if it can alleviate the pain and suffering of many patients? In order to properly understand the moral implications argued

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The Controversy Of Stem Cell Research

When you ask most people, stem cell research and transplants don't mean anything to them, and some don't even know what stem cells are. Are you one of those people? Are you somebody who is completely blind to the hope this wonderful thing can bring? Stem cells are special cells your body creates that have specific purposes. As said perfectly by the Mayo Clinic staff, "Stem cells are the body's raw materials– cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated"(1). These cells can be used for so many different things. Stem cell research (SCR) and transplants (SCT) can cure diseases or lessen them, and use stem cells in an effective and ethical way. There are many questions that the answer to is unknown. One of the biggest unanswered questions is: what is the cure for all cancer? Of course, chemotherapy can be used to kill cancer cells in lots of types of cancer but the side effects that treatment can have on the human body are unlimited. The next best treatment we have for cancer is hope, more content... This is majorly due to the fact that cells of fetuses are extremely useful. This does sound a little horrid, but the benefits outweigh that. In reality, there are many other places to get cells than aborted fetuses that do the same or extremely similar things. Currently, embryonic cells collected from abortions aren't even allowed to be used and the only cells of this such that are allowed to be used are embryos that come from vitro fertilization that were never placed in a woman's uterus; instead they live in either test tubes or petri dishes (Mayo Clinic Staff 1). Cells can also be extracted from amniotic fluid and umbilical cords and used in extremely similar ways as cells extracted from embryos. In the future, regulations may be changed to allow consenting woman to donate eggs for research; for now that is not permitted. With strict laws, there is no need to worry about the morals of this

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Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay

In many cases of stem cell research, majority of ethical issues argue that the research and genetic modifications are morally wrong. Pang and Ho (2016) explain that techniques for generating designer babies, such as Mitochondria DNA replacement therapy and genetic engineering, have been used to prevent inheriting genetic defects through the selection of "disease genes" embryos by preimplantation diagnosis (p. 59) . These scientific modifications seem to be the gate way to prevent hereditary diseases being passed to future generations. As "life–saving" as these modifications might seem, they have a number a hidden risk factors. Experimental risk factors may come into consideration if the efficiency of the procedure is not adequately met. more content...

These modifications are used to treat genetic diseases, but are unethical in the aspects of religion. In the process of stem cell research and genetic engineering, the donor is giving up her potential baby to a couple or potential mother to "replace" the potential diseased baby. With most God–fearing religions, giving away or having your oocyte destroyed and replaced is simply unacceptable. Such practice can be viewed unethical because the receiver has the opportunity to terminate the "God–given" genetic factors. Whether it the genetic factors are diseased or not, many believe that replacing one's oocyte is still morally wrong. According to Pang and Ho (2016), genetic engineering can potentially be used for genetic enhancement along with treatment of genetic diseases (pg. 60). If research continues successfully, the potential outcomes could possibly result in the reality of enhancement genetic factors. The modifications of stem cell research have similar views as to why abortions are morally wrong. Reasoning for abortions can weigh in on the medical circumstances as to the fatal outcome of caring the fetus full term or it can weigh on the choice of the mother simply not wanting to have a

Stem Cell Research Ethics Essay
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The controversy over stem cell research's use in the medical field is almost two decades old. So why the sudden intense return of fierce political debates over an old issue? It's because President Obama recently revoked the ban on stem cell research, as he believes it holds the potential to revolutionize the medical industry in the years to come. As USA Today quoted him saying in March, after he stopped restricting federal funding for stem cell research, "At this moment, the full promise of stem cell research remains unknown and should not be overstated. Scientists believe these tiny cells may have the potential to help us understand, and possibly cure, some of our most devastating diseases and conditions." The body's master cells more content...

... the embryo would have been thrown away at an abortion clinic anyway. Now, given the choice of completely wasting the life or using it in order to further research, I'd pick research."

( The fertility clinics, however, appear to be stem cell research advocates' favorite reference on how their work is ethical and humane in comparison. According to Michael Kinsley, Time Magazine reporter, "Embryonic stem–cell studies are controversial because they involve the destruction of human embryos. However, fertility clinics destroy far more human embryos than stem–cell research ever would, yet they are not controversial." ( Pro–stem cell research scientists have found that citing fertility clinics as a similar field severely lessens the educated opposition against their work. This is because most pro–life advocates and mainstream Christians are advocates for the use of fertility clinics to help struggling couples get pregnant. They view fertility clinics as a place to help create life, not take it. In this, I speak from personal experience, as many of my Christian friends and relatives have been in and out of fertility clinics throughout the years, attempting to procreate a being to love, raise, and care for. In short, the debate boils down to the ancient debate of whether or not a fetus or human embryo is a life or not. Pro–life advocates say that human fetuses are absolutely,


Stem Cell Controversy
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My opinion on this controversy is positive because I believe that there is more good being done than harm. My positive reasoning is due to when the stem cells are obtained from human embryos and fetuses, there is a potential to treat or cure diseases. On the other hand, I believe in having some guidelines and/or rules when dealing with this controversy such as the guidelines already developed and made laws.

I would absolutely donate my frozen embryos for stem cell research even if I knew I would never need them. The main reason of why I would donate them for stem cell research is due to the fact that there is a lot of good being done towards research that could possibly help finding cures and treatments. I see it as a selfless act that could Get

Argumentative Essay: The Stem Cell Controversy
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Persuasive Essay

Stem Cell research and its funding have caused a lot of controversy throughout the past years. Stem cells are cells that are present in all living organisms. These cells have the potential to grow into any type of cell, including blood cells, nerves, muscles, and pancreatic cells. Stem cell research is essential because of the beneficial aspects it has to offer. Stem cells could potentially treat conditions such as Alzheimer 's, Parkinson 's, birth defects, strokes, Diabetes, cancer, and help in the reconstruction of severely damaged organs. Although stem cell research withholds great potential for many medical advances, a lot of controversy surrounds the sources and methods of obtaining stem cells and the possibility of improper usage of the knowledge acquired from research and experimentation. It is necessary for scientist to continue research as well as recognizing any ethical issues that may be present. There are two different types of stem cells; unlimited and limited. Unlimited stem cells come from embryos and are referred to as embryonic stem cells (ES Cells), these cells are more medically valuable than limited stem cells. They are referred to as unlimited stem cells because they have the ability to develop into any type of cell of tissue in the human body. Limited stem cells come from adult bone marrow or umbilical cord blood cells. Limited stem cells are more rare because they are harder to obtain and can only be found in some developed

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Persuasive Essay : Stem Cell Research

Controversy over Stem Cell Research Stem cells are defined as the population of cells within an organism that retains its ability to divide and differentiate into various cell types. Since the early 1980s, scientists have researched the use of stem cells in the treatment of various human diseases such as cancer and diabetes. The research has sparked a controversial debate worldwide due to the nature of stem cell research and the source of pluripotent stem cells used in research. Stem cell research is a necessity, despite the source of pluripotent stem cells, because the research has led to breakthrough information involving the treatment diseases and injuries and the use of stem cells to replace damaged cells. Stem cells can be obtained from

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Research: Controversy Over Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research is still the most controversial topic in science today. The idea behind the experiment involves the development, use, and destruction of human embryos. The research method mainly focuses on embryonic stem cells, which involves taking tissue from an aborted embryo to get a better look at the cell and obtain information for the fundamental properties of the cells. Embryonic stem cells play a major role in the research because the cell provides information for cell development to create new drugs for medical disorders. Although stem cell research seems like that this perception could help cure precarious diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson 's, and even diabetes, which would help the United States heavily, many consider the procedure unethical and dangerous. Stem cell research could help bring further advancement to the medical field, it can also transfer destruction.

Many argue that stem cell procedure is unethical due to the fact that we are using a human embryo as a test subject. Regarding that scientists would be implementing a cell that once belonged to a human being, made people feel that the procedure would lead to the act of "playing God". "

Embryonic stem cell research takes away the chance of an embryo to become a human being" (Embryonic Stem Cell Research: an ethical dilemma). Embryos are in a stage that they have the possibility to develop into a human being and using them for inquiry is taking away this probability and therefore, it is examined,

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Stem cell research controversy. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? A person like me will either agree with it or disagree with this topic. I personally agree with stem cell research. First I want to start by pointing out that there are three main stem cells used in research the adult stem cell, induced–pluripotent stem cells, and lastly the embryonic stem cells. It has been shown that using blood stem cells to treat diseases of the blood have been beneficial, and has also saved many children's lives that suffer with leukemia (Nine things to know about stem cell treatments, n.d.). I know there are many ethical concerns when this topic is brought up, but how can people still debate this especially if it has already saved many children's lives. Yes there is so much more to study and learn about stem cells, but I feel this will be life saving for many individuals in the future. Stem cells are unique and have one of kind properties that make them different from other cells in our bodies (Murnaghan, 2015). Stem cells can multiply or self–restore which that they are fit to renew themselves for drawn out stretches of time by dividing (Murnaghan, 2015). Stem cells can also separate into particular cells like a nerve or heart cell and they all carry different strengths in certain cells (Murnaghan, 2015). Totipotent stem cells can separate into any kind of cell even in the placenta (Murnaghan, 2015). Pluripotent stem cells cascade from the totipotent cells and Get more

Cell Research Controversy
: Stem Cells

Stem Cell Controversy

Stem cells were first isolated and cultured in November of 1998 and have been surrounded with much debate and controversy since day one. "Although the ethical debates have been mostly static and have closely mimicked the ethical debates over abortion, the political determinations concerning federal funding of stem cell research have gone through numerous evolutions in the years since the first hESCs were isolated and cultured" (Saltzberg 505). Research is currently being conducted on stem cells, but only with private funds. The federal government has a ban on funding embryonic stem cell research because of the controversial issue of using embryos and fetuses. However, because of the possibility of a more content...

There would be no chance for tissue rejection and no drugs would be needed to correct any problems regarding rejection. In preliminary tests conducted by Geron, a pharmaceutical company, stem cells slip by the human immune system unharmed. However, scientists have been unable to find multipotent stem cells in all tissues in the body. Therefore, the only way to obtain certain cells would be to use pluripotent stem cells, which are found in embryos and fetal tissue. This is where much controversy comes into play with stem cells. Much research is needed and this will only happen if federal funds are used to conduct research on stem cells. In August of 2001, President Bush made a speech regarding stem cell research. In this speech he said, "Based on preliminary work that has been privately funded, scientists believe further research using stem cells offers great promise that could help improve the lives of those who suffer from many terrible diseases" (Ruse 10). In the end, Bush said he would allow for federal funds to be used on stem cell research, but there was a catch. As a result of private research, more than sixty genetically diverse stem cell lines already exist. They were created from embryos that have already been destroyed, and they have the ability to regenerate themselves indefinitely, creating ongoing opportunities for research. I have concluded that we should allow federal

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Stem Cell Controversy

The Controversy of Stem Cell Research

One of the most controversial topics these days is Stem Cell Research. There seems to be a split opinion among societies about the research and whether it is socially and morally acceptable. As a society, we need to open our minds to the possibility of broadening our scientific horizons with stem cell research, and take the time to learn and understand whatever we can about it.

There are a lot of people who don't know exactly what Stem Cell Research is which contributes to why a lot of people seem so against it. Stem Cell Research can best be described as taking a stem cell, 'a primitive type of cell that can be coaxed into developing into most of the 220 types of cells found in more content...

There are a large amount of people, both political and social, that believe in the advancement of the research of stem cells. Research is now being done ?in U.S. private labs and in both government and private labs in the UK, Japan, France, Australia, and other countries.? (Robinson). ?The former governor of California also signed a bill into a law that is the first law that permits stem cell research in the United States? (Robinson) which is now being followed up and executed by the current governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nancy Reagan also supports stem cell research since her husband, former president Ronald Reagan died of Alzheimer?s. ?Nancy Reagan and all of her family, except for Michael Reagan, have mounted a campaign to encourage President Bush to relax restrictions on embryo stem cell research. Fifty–eight senators, almost all Democrats, sent a letter to President Bush, urging the same action.? (Robinson).

Other big supporters of stem cell research are Senator Kerry and the widow of the late Christopher Reeve, Dana Reeve. Kerry is a very liberal Democrat and is known for his support on stem cell research; Dana Reeve is now giving her time to carry on her late husband?s legacy of trying to win support on stem cell research. ?Senator John Kerry accused President Bush of slowing scientific advancement after earning a special endorsement

The Controversy of Stem Cell Research Essays
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The benefits and problems associated with stem cell use and stem cell research. Problems Benefits There is a lot of controversy about laws and beliefs in respect to stem cells, specifically embryonic stem cells, regarding contraception, abortion, and in vitro fertilization. Many cultures and religions believe that the use of embryonic stem cells is unethical because they believe life starts from the moment of contraception therefore the destruction of a human blastocyst to obtain embryonic stem cells is murder and it is wrong to take away that embryos chance to live. This creates the debate of whether the embryo is human and has legal and moral rights. It is a common misconception of the general public that embryonic stem cells are obtained from embryos that have been fertilized within a woman's body. This however is not the case. Scientists obtain embryonic stem cells from blastocysts that have been voluntarily donated by in virto fertilization clinics. These blastocysts are no longer of use to couples that have treated their infertility and would most likely be discarded by the clinic in the future, hence these blastocysts would never of gotten a chance to fully develop regardless, and therefore they should be used for research. Many researchers have pointed out the different points during development, for example after the embryo or fetus has developed certain organs, that indicate when it obtains rights as a human. Therefore the destruction of a human blastocyst is

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Benefits and Controversy of Stem Cell Research

Politics and Stem Cell Research

The President's Council on Bioethics published "Monitoring Stem Cell Research" in 2004. This report was written in response to President Bush's comments regarding research of human stem cells on August 9, 2001. President Bush announced that he was going to make federal funding available for research that involved existing lines of stem cells that came from embryos. He is the first president to provide any type of financial support for the research of human stem cells. A Council was created with people who are educated in the field of stem cells to help monitor the research and to recommend guidelines and consider the ethical consequences that this research could create. This report is an "update" given more content...

Stem cell derivatives may be a beneficial source of transplantable cells that may be able to repair and regenerate certain tissues. If this could be accomplished, the medical benefits would be enormous, such as helping Parkinson disease, MS, diabetes, and muscular dystrophies. Although, this could be an extremely important advancement in the field of medicine, there exist many ethical and religious issues that look down upon destroying embryos for research. The stem cells that are focused on in this report are embryonic stem cells. However, adult stem cells may also be used to give rise to lineages of cells that are more specialized than themselves. They are more differentiated than embryonic stem cells. Research using adult stem cells is much less controversial since they can be obtained without destroying an embryo. There is also a strong political aspect that has been brought up in recent discussions regarding groups who try to push adult stem cell research over embryonic stem cell research since they consider it a more permissible option. In contrast, people in favor of embryonic stem cell research try to discredit the potential of adult stem cell studies.

This report describes how ethics involving embryos has been ongoing for 25 years but has significantly increased with the stem cell controversy. Another issue brought up by this report is whether or not federal funds should be spent on an issue that is so ethically

Politics and Stem Cell Research Essay examples
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The Controversy Of Embryonic Stem Cells

For decades, researchers' use of stem cells has caused a controversy and the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, usage, and destruction of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the creation, usage and destruction of human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using or destroying human embryos and thus are minimally, if at all, controversial. Many less controversial sources of acquiring stem cells include using cells from the umbilical cord, breast milk, and bone marrow. (Brunt, 2012) In 1998, scientists discovered how to extract stem cells from human embryos. This discovery led to moral ethics questions concerning research involving embryo cells, such as what restrictions should be made on studies using these types of cells? At what point does one consider life to begin? Is it just to destroy an embryo cell if it has the potential to cure countless numbers of patients? Political leaders are debating how to regulate and fund research studies that involve the techniques used to remove the embryo cells. No clear consensus has emerged. Other recent discoveries may extinguish the need for embryonic stem cells. With this in mind, we will discover both sides of the issue from a pros and cons point of view.Stem cell research has expanded at an exponential rate, but its therapeutic

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