Computer Ethics Essay

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Computer Ethics

"Computer ethics is a branch of applied ethics that considers ethical issues raised or significantly amplified by computer technology." Moor (2006). Its been stated in several works that computers give people power, which means people have the choice to use this wisely and ethically. While society has benefited from this "power", there are still ethical concerns that need attention such as privacy of data, security, reliability of data, intellectual property, and accessibility. Mark D. Bowles, Deborah G. Johnson, and H. Lodewyckx all have given their points of view on this wide spread topic, that all seem to have a common ground when it comes to the basic concerns of ethics in computing. In the first chapter of Introduction to digital literacy Bowles highlights five most common ethical issues related to the emergence of computers in society. He states that even though computers were a type of power that they should not be treated any differently from any other technology. With the five issues that he lists, he gives a short explanation of each. In the article Ethics Online by Deborah G Johnson, she breaks down special characteristics of communication in networks describing the benefits and ethical concerns of each. Johnson also states that with technology emerging so fast the law and technological systems will not be able to control human behavior, which she claims the major problem to be. She thinks that the only hope for society is for the individuals

The Ethics Of Computer Ethics Essay
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Computer Ethics Essay

Computer Ethics

A Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics (see Appendix A) was first presented by Dr. Ramon C. Barquin's in his paper for the Computer Ethics Institute of the Brookings Institution entitled, "In Pursuit of a 'Ten Commandments' for Computer Ethics" in May of 1992. Computer ethics is about principles related to behavior and decisions made by computer professionals and users, including software engineers, operators, managers, policy makers, as well as educators and students. This means all these people involved should be supported with some "policies for ethical conduct" i.e. policies that guide their actions and increase adequacy of the decisions they make. (Szejko par. 1) With the rapid infusion of computers, software more content...

That is one of the reasons why it is so important to develop a code of ethics for computers and the IT field.

Use of the Code of Ethics in my Professional Life

As an IT professional, I am amazed at the number of requests I get on a daily basis from my fellow employees, friends and family members to "assist" them with acquiring illegal software. Because of what I do at my job, it is important that I know and understand things such as "warez" sites, bit torrents, DVD and CD ripping, and other forms of computer piracy. While I could very easily do this, I remind them that I am a professional in my field and that doing so would violate not only a business code of ethics, but a personal one as well. I inform them that the taking of software though illegal means is stealing, and it would be the same as if I picked their pocket or broke into their house. At work, I am asked for ways to "override" the company network proxy so that the users can access sites that the company has determined to be "not work related." I politely inform them that not only are they in violation of company security standards, but if they continue to push the issue, I will have to report them to company security. I have had to report employees on two occasions and while it has lead to some animosity among a small number of my peers, it has also earned me the respect of most of my co–workers.

Are Codes of Ethics really necessary?

Codes of ethics are controversial documents. Some writers have

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What Are The Ethics Of Computer Ethics

Computer Ethics

Computer ethics is the systematic study of the ethical and social impact of computers in the information society. The ethical and social issues under discussion involve the acquisition, distribution, storage, processing and dissemination of digital data in information systems and how individuals and groups interact with these systems and data. The moral considerations of computer ethics are related to the responsibility and accountability of the computer users and professionals with regard to the design and implementation of information systems. Computer ethics also includes the study of the policies, rules, and legislations that refer to a particular situation and the alternative ethical decisions, as well as the social implications of these alternatives. Computers are a special technology and they raise some special ethical issues. Computer ethics are the moral guidelines that govern the use of computers and information system. These computer ethics are divided into two parts namely the analysis of nature and social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of such technology. Computer technology is the most appropriate more content... Meaning people default to behaviors and expectations of computers in ways consistent with human–to–human contact and relationships. No one is expecting computers to be truly intelligent, but our behaviors betray a human expectation that things should treat us humanely and act with human values as soon as they show the slightest sophistication. And this isn't true merely of computers, but of all media and almost all technology. We swear at our cars, we're annoyed at the behavior of our microwave ovens, we're enraged enough to protest at corporate behavior, etc. While on a highly intellectual level we know these things aren't people, we still treat them as

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Topics in Computer Ethics (edited and adapted from the article: Computer Ethics: Basic Concepts and Historical Overview, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, full version available at:–computer/ )

No matter which re–definition of computer ethics one chooses, the best way to understand the nature of the field is through some representative examples of the issues and problems that have attracted research and scholarship. Consider, for example, the following topics:

1 Computers in the Workplace

2 Computer Crime

3 Privacy and Anonymity

4 Intellectual Property

5 Professional Responsibility

6 Globalization

1 Computers in the Workplace

As a "universal tool" that can, in principle, perform almost any task, computers obviously pose a threat to jobs. Although they occasionally need repair, computers don 't require sleep, they don 't get tired, they don 't go home ill or take time off for rest and relaxation. At the same time, computers are often far more efficient than humans in performing many tasks. Therefore, economic incentives to replace humans with computerized devices are very high. Indeed, in the industrialized world many workers already have been replaced by computerized devices bank tellers, auto workers, telephone operators, typists, graphic artists, security guards, assembly–line workers, and on and on. In addition, even professionals like medical doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants and psychologists are finding that Get

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The Problem Of Computer Ethics

In this article the author had discussed about the difference between the computers from other technologies and how this difference makes a difference in ethical considerations. The concerns listed by the author are related to software, hardware, networks connecting computers and computers themselves. The main problem in computer ethics occurs because of policy vacuum about how computer technology should be used.

Social and personal policies play an important role in ethical use of computer technology.

Conceptual vacuum adds to policy vacuum. In those situations analysis which can provide a coherent conceptual framework within which to formulate a policy for action should be implemented. For example to formulate a policy for protecting computer programs, number of questions such as what is computer program, is it an intellectually property owned or is it an idea might arise. In order to answer such questions a clear conceptualization of the nature of the program is needed. The main problem in computer ethics is an uncertainty about what to do and even about how to understand the situation. All ethical solutions involving computers are not generalized to computer ethics. The author argues for the special status of computer ethics as a field of study. Ethical theory gives categories and procedures for explaining what is ethically relevant.

According to the author computer ethics is a "dynamic and complex field of study which considers the relationships among facts, Get

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Ethics and Online Source Information

What is Ethics? In my opinion, ethics give people free will to make right choices. People have free will to make choices that are governed with responsibility, accountability, and liability. We have a responsibility to perform in an ethical manner and be accountable for our choices or actions. Regardless of the circumstances and choices we make, there are consequences if we make the wrong choice. The question of whether an action or choice is ethical or not is fundamentally based on whether something is right or wrong. From an ethical standpoint, unethical choices and risky behavior can lead to increased liabilities. The liabilities result in the loss or damage sustained by a company or other more content...

A majority of the problems we face today can be traced back to use of the internet regardless of whether it was for work or personal use. Crimes such as identity theft can be considered as data breaches because they are unauthorized, sabotage, manipulation, and fraud. How we deal with ethical dilemmas when confronted with decisions about how to treat confidential and personal information are the basis for business ethics. We should never hurriedly make decisions and lessen the severity of ethical dilemmas. Instead we should carefully to consider the facts, values, stakeholders involved, options available, and the potential loss or profit that will result from your choices or actions.

Why is regulation needed?

The current legislation exists because a large percentage of the population has exhibited unethical behavior that warrants legal intervention to prevent this behavior from reoccurring and to punish repeat offenses.

Regulations such as The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) have recently made headlines. My interpretation of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is that it protects the original owner of content or intellectualproperty from online piracy and theft. The online content or intellectual property is protected by copyright laws to prevent others from claiming it as original work. The Protect IP Act (PIPA) is an act which prevents someone from stealing the original owner's content or intellectual property and profiting

Ethics and Information Security Essay
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Computer Ethics : Code Of Ethic

Computer Ethics


Philosophy and computers do not seen like they would have much relevance to each other but in actuality they coincide with one another through ethics. Ethics are the general principles that outlines the basic standard of what is right and what is wrong. They are the moral philosophy that people live and abide by in their everyday lives. Computer ethics are a more specific realm of ethics. They are the basic principles that "regulate the use of computers" and uses computing in an appropriate manner (Computer Ethics). This include privacy concerns, intellectual property rights, and the effects of how the computer effects our society (Computer Ethics). It is important to keep and healthy learning and working environment and that is why a specific set of ethics should be followed in the computer industry.

Code of Ethic

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) abides by a code of ethic which is to be followed by every member and employee of the association. There are eight outlining rules that create the overall acceptable professional work environment (Computer Ethics). These rules are not only important but should be followed in every learning, professional, or work environment. The first rule is "contribute to society and human well–being." This rule recognize the respecting different types of people, diversity, backgrounds that are all brought together in a working

Hampton University
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What Is Computer Ethics

According to the article What is Computer Ethics written by James H. Moor (1985), the reason behind computers being revolutionary for over 40 years is their logical malleability. With every new technology programmed, there must be a policy that governs its use. Each technology has a different purpose ranging from a simple calculator to social robots that can teach students or show children with medical conditions how to take their medication (Davis, 2013). The potential for social robots to have a higher social status than humans is the most significant moral and ethical danger of this new technology. Such a concern illustrates how Moor 's principles of computerethics are still applicable today. With the pace new technology is being written, Moor states that policy makers cannot keep up, thus creating a policy vacuum. Though a policy may seem unnecessary at first, ethical issues arise because not all technology is "purely good" and can be used for reasons beyond its intended purpose (Johnson, 1985). Social robots can be programmed for the benefit of others, but they can also be programmed to scare or even interrogate children under the basis that a robot may seem more intimidating or simply smarter. With a policy vacuum, there is no protection for people who become subjected to robots that have been unethically programmed.

One of the basic problems mentioned by Moor (1985) in computer ethics is the uncertainty about how to utilize available technology. As technology

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Computer Engineering Ethics


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this class the course participant should be able to: п‚· Identify some contributors to social and professional issues and relate their achievements to the knowledge area п‚· Contrast between ethical and legal issues п‚· Contrast between a patent, a trademark, and a copyright п‚· Identify some ways of credentialing a person to practice computer engineering п‚· Describe issues that contrast risk issues with safety issues п‚· Identify some issues in computer engineering that address privacy п‚· Describe whistle blowing and the conflicts between ethics and practice that may result from doing so п‚· Describe how computer engineering uses or benefits from social and professional issues. 2.2 Reasons for Studying more content...

The attention given by the media to computerrelated disasters in technical systems such as the explosion of the Ariane 5 rocket in 1996 and the Therac–25 computerized radiation machine overdoses has stimulated interest in Computer Engineering Ethics. Most engineering is performed within profit–making organizations operating within a complex structure of societal and regulatory constraints. Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life of people and the services provided by engineers are required to take into consideration the safety, health and welfare of the public. Engineering Ethics is therefore of relevance to the majority of people within Computer Engineering. Research Ethics or Educational Ethics apply to those professionals in Computer Engineering who are active within research and 2 education. Other branches of Ethics such as Healthcare Ethics and similar may apply to other Computer Engineering professionals. The field of Computer Engineering has its own particular ethical problems that are important to address and therefore Computer Engineering Ethics has developed as a specific field of study. It is vital to recognize that prudent ethical judgment is a crucial, integral part of professional Computer Engineering skills. 2.5

Conflicting Ethical choices in Professional Engineering Practice

The ethical choices faced by engineers today are increasingly complex. Competing and conflicting ethical demands from clients,

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Ethics In Computer Ethics

Computer Ethics

Computer ethics is a very important topic in computer software applications. As we all know that each society has its own rules that define the dos and the don'ts. These rules define a boundary or limit to our actions and term them as acceptable behavior. Thus defined are the conventions of the society on good or bad and justice and injustice. These rules form the ethics. But at times, these rules do not cover new situations. Computers have revolutionized everything right from the beginning. Be it health sector, education, development as well as war. It has touched and changed people's life irrespective of their occupation or region. Hence, it's important for all of us to participate in defining and following computer ethics.

The rapid growth of computer technology has had both good and bad impacts on the society. The bad aspects have thus resulted in the birth of a new branch called the computer ethics. These set of ethics are quickly being transformed into 'global information ethics'. The following are the streams under computer ethics.

Computer Crimes: We are all so very familiar with the words, ' more content... Controlling access to the resources

Most of the computer crimes are usually committed by trusted personnel and are authorized to use the system. It is therefore necessary to form a computer security system, taking into account the actions of such possibilities.

The other major threat to the security is that of the hacker. A hacker is a person who breaks into someone's computing system without permission. Most of the hackers have an intention to either steal data or simply vandalize it. However, there are another set of hackers who do not have any bad intention of corrupting the system but hack just for the thrill of doing so or curiosity. The later could be used for constructive purposes by the government. They could be used to catch the destructive

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Computer Ethics Wiki Computers, as a relatively new invention, are much more recent than our ethical codes. As a result, society has had to adjust quickly to new and evolving ethical questions created by the growth of computers. A few of these ethical issues will be presented, and the questions surrounding them will be discussed. Social Media As social media has become ubiquitous, ethical questions have risen about how they should be used. Just because people have the right to say things, the question remains as to whether or not they should. Another question is whether or not they should be listened to. Social media gives people, otherwise unheard, an opportunity to voice their opinion. This can be empowering but also oppressive. A few malcontents have the ability to shout down sponsors or advertisers of people they disagree with, in order to get people fired or to lose money. This raises the question if companies should take trends on social media seriously, and make financial decisions based on them. A very new issue has risen from social media. As Twitter and Facebook become more and more popular, the power of those corporations grows, giving the executives massive amounts of authority and influence. These corporate executives are not bound by the laws and oversight that the government would be (not being required to abide by the first amendment). In a few instances already, this has become a problem. Twitter has banned accounts of famous people that

Persuasive Essay On Computer Ethics
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Computer Ethics Essay

As of September 2003, there were approximately 70 million Americans or about 62 percent of the American population had at least one home computer. Another statistic is that about 55% of people also have internet on there home computers. In everyday life it is important for a person to have good ethics; this is also true about computer usage. Due to the fact that more then half of the American population owns computers, computer ethics are a growing concern in a rapidly changing society. Computer ethics can be broken down in to many topics including piracy, hacking, viruses, spam, phishing, and responsibility of use of software, cyber porn, and invasion of privacy and the use of the computer in the work place. Also there are many more content...

Many hackers who break into commercial Web sites are looking for customers' private financial data including bank account and credit card numbers. A hacker who causes a network to crash can cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost productivity. Also because we are a society that relies on computers so heavily there is also the potential for loss of life is say the police or air traffic control computers were to get hacked. A topic that goes hand in hand with hacking is viruses. A computer virus is a small program that impairs–or simply destroys–a computer's ability to function properly. Most viruses are designed to spread themselves over the Internet often via email programs before they inflict harm on their host computers. Frequently, hackers use viruses to create problems with in a person's computer to get in deeper and cause more problems.

Two more computer ethic topics that go hand in hand are spam and phishing. Spam which is an inappropriate attempt to use email, or another networked communications facility by sending the same message to numerous people who didn't ask for it, can lead to many problems in both a work and non–work environment. Another consequence of spam is phishing which is the act of tricking someone into giving them confidential information or tricking them into doing something that they normally wouldn't do or shouldn't do. An example of this is sending an Get

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Digital Ethics

Digital ethics is important because it teaches the right as well as the wrong things to do on a computer. It teaches people how to behave using social media, in other words, it shows people how to be mature on the internet. With technology increasing the more users take advantage of its efficiency. As well as manipulating technology to their advantage (Radhika. 2012).

Online users have to respect the legal agenda and act within the internets bounds using ethical, courteous, safe productivity. The problem now with students writing papers is to determine if the information is credibility. TheInternet offers an excess amount of information, and this kind of knowledge is coming from countless sources; reliable and unreliable (Radhika. 2012) more content...

Internet ethical issues affect a variety of people and almost all of them today are affected in some kind of a way. Digital ethics also teaches online users about cyber bullying which happens a lot now. Children and adults have been victims of cyber–bullying over the past years that had been lead to horrible things (Thomas. 2011).

The digital ethics does also indicate how one persona is seen by the people looking you up online. It is so simple to search yourself up online and have all this information about you right in front of you. This means anyone with internet access can see your social media pages, and if that person has a background in hacking they can figure out all personal information such as social security numbers, credit cards, and addresses (Radhika. 2012).

Hackers get into your hard drives and sell all your personal information to the highest bidders. Ethical hacking on the other hand is doing what regular hackers do, but the differences is that they can do it legally with the back–up of the FBI of CIA. A reason someone would do this kind of hacking is to do either a personal background check or if you are in the FBI most wanted listen (Radhika. Get

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Computer Ethics And Its Effect On Society


Computer Ethics is essentially a component of a realistic philosophy which essentially deals with how computing experienced people should make decisions concerning social and professional conduct. Concerning internet use, Computer Ethics is a set of ethical principles that manage the performance of an individual or group. So, hence computer ethics could be considered to be a set of ethical principles which control the use of computers itself.

For example, as it is rather simple to copy electronic or digital copyrighted content, Computer Ethics would strongly recommend that it is actually a mistake if you do so if you do not have the author's authorisation and so on. Therefore, while it may be possible to access someone 's personal information on a computer system itself, Computer Ethics would strongly recommend that an action like that is not ethical. While technology grows, computers continue to have a wider effect on society. So, Computer Ethics symbolises the debate of how much control computers have to have in areas like, artificial intelligence such as really programming computers to play in opposition to humans and human communication itself. While the computer world grows bigger and bigger by day, Computer Ethics continues to generate ethical principles which tackle fresh issues constructed by latest technologies. This report begins by highlighting the prevalence of IT technology and internet availability, it continues to investigate the issue of "internet Get

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Computer Ethics and Information Systems

"Computer Ethics and Information Security"


The consideration of computer ethics fundamentally emerged with the birth of computers. There was concern right away that computers would be used inappropriately to the detriment of society compromising information security, or that they would replace humans in many jobs, resulting in widespread job loss.

Ethics– Guidelines or rules of conduct that govern our lives, work, behavior and communication in both public and private undertaking. Ethics are a set of moral principles that govern an individual or a group on what is acceptable behaviour while using a computer. Computer ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the usage of computers. One of the common issues of more content... In that way, it is like a book: Obtaining illegal copies of copyrighted software is as bad as photocopying a copyrighted book. There are laws against both. Information about the copyright owner can be embedded by a process called watermarking into pictures in the digital format.

7) Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization: Multiuser systems use user id's and passwords to enforce their memory and time allocations, and to safeguard information. You should not try to bypass this authorization system. Hacking a system to break and bypass the authorization is unethical.

8) Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output: For example, the programs you write for the projects assigned in this course are your own intellectual output. Copying somebody else's program without proper authorization is software piracy and is unethical. Intellectual property is a form of ownership, and may be protected by copyright laws.

9) Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write: You have to think about computer issues in a more general social framework: Can the program you write be used in a way that is harmful to society? For example, if you are working for an animation house, and are producing animated films for children, you are responsible for their contents. Do the animations include scenes that can be harmful to

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Information Ethics The paper addresses theoretical and practical aspects of information ethics from an intercultural perspective. The recent concept of information ethics is related particularly to problems which arose in the last century with the development of computer technology and the internet. A broader concept of informationethics as dealing with the digital reconstruction of all possible phenomena leads to questions relating to digital ontology. Following Heidegger's conception of the relation between ontology and metaphysics, the author argues that ontology has to do with Being itself and not just with the Being of beings which is the matter of metaphysics. The primary aim of an ontological more content...

This ontology is expanded to include nothing less than a cosmic awareness of entropy as the degradation of information as a starting point –coupled with an emphasis on autopoeisis as a way of developing an account of the cosmos as self–organizing. Floridi argues that these theoretical specifically ontological foundations of information ethics lead to an applied computer ethics (CE) which focuses on the "patient" or recipient of the consequences of our ethical choices more than traditional CE (which focuses, by contrast, on the agent or actor of ethical choices). Terrell Ward Bynum argues that Floridi's Information Ethics in turn fits with the more historical framework for CE that Bynum finds articulated in the foundational work of Norbert Wiener. Wiener argues, for example, that computers should: contribute to human flourishing; advance and defend human values (life, health, freedom, knowledge, happiness); and fulfill "the great principles of justice" drawn from Western philosophical and religious traditions. Bynum provides a range of examples that show how computational technologies do just this, e.g., as they allow a human being otherwise paralyzed to talk, send and receive email, surf the web, create documents, control his/her local environment, etc.. Bynum sees these examples and the larger parameters of Wiener's CE to fit with Floridi's notion

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Information Ethics Essay

Computer Ethics : The Computers And The Internet

The computers and the Internet is one of the most technological advances that has happened in the twentieth century. The public has in a greater way gained access and information, and the gap that exists between technology and intellect of individuals is getting thinner. As society utilizes technology for more purposes many more ethical concerns have arisen. The enhancing use of technology has given way for unethical activities that encompasses violation of privacy and other illegal purposes, to crop up. Individuals are not all honest and as we see all do not to adhere to the ethical standards of behavior when it comes to technology. Several computer users keep a large amount of their information on their computer systems. Most communications are also done via email, as well as other messaging services. Today, financial transactions are done online such as banking, bill pay and making payments for purchases. In addition, the use of social media is also on the rise. As a result of this, hackers and other intruders have an opportunity to access information and use this information in illegal ways. According to Tecopedia, "Computer ethics deals with the procedures, values and practices that govern the process of consuming computing technology and its related disciplines without damaging or violating the moral values and beliefs of any individual, organization or entity" (Techopedia, n.d.).

Computer Security

Computer security is field that focusses on the application

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Ethics in Technology Essay

In the early years of computers and computerized technology, computer engineers had to believe that their contribution to the development of computer technology would produce positive impacts on the people that would use it. During the infancy of computer technology, ethical issues concerning computer technology were almost nonexistent because computers back then were not as multifaceted as they are today. However, ethical issues relating to computer technology and cyber technology is undeniable in today's society. Computer technology plays a crucial role in all aspects of our daily lives. Different forms of computer technology provide unique functionalities that allow people to perform daily activities effectively and efficiently. more content...

Some people lose their moral intuition when using computer technology because they assume that their actions do not have real consequences to others. The lack of physicality on the internet can alter one's ability to empathize with other, which makes them feel that cybercrime morally acceptable. The moral imperatives in the ACM code of ethics can help people make moral choices with computer technology.

Privacy concerns on the web have become an undesirable consequence that people face with cyber technology. The ability of computers to gather and store unlimited amount of information from the internet raises privacy issues concerning an individual's informational privacy. A person's right to informational privacy is the ability to control the flow of their personal information, including the transfer and exchange of that information. An invasion of informational privacy denies people the right to control who accesses their personal information. Many internet users are unaware that they are more likely to compromise their privacy when using the internet services such as search engines and social networking sites. The internet provides access to an incredible amount of information from all over the world. Some internet users use the internet exclusively as a source of information while other internet users use the internet to create and disseminate information for others to use. However, the vast amount of information floating on the internet would not

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Information Systems : Computer Ethics



Submitted by Lakshmi Gajjarapu

Student id: 665584

Global Id: gajja1l


As the use of Computers have increased now–a–days with improvements in the technology which brings both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages comes with technological developments and disadvantages are like frauds happening using technology. These frauds using technology are called "Cyber–attacks" where intruders or hackers break into others computers without permission and access their personal data. Computer Ethics deals with values and principles in using the technology in right way without any illegal activities. People who are not aware of ethics more content...

Computer Ethics mainly deals how computer professionals should act while working with computers. Decisions need to be taken keeping in mind the values, disciplines of a person or an organization. This needs to be defined in order to educate people against cyber–attacks. These ethics should educate people to determine right or wrong while taking decisions. Ethics is an important topic in each and every field like Computers, Education and also in bringing social awareness among people. Like how we follow ethics in our regular life in making decisions between right or wrong, we should follow the same when using technology. It is important to have ethics defined because if we don't have ethics there will be many cyber frauds caused easily without thinking what is right and what is wrong. Ethics mainly concentrates on decision making, values, responsibility of one's own data and also others data (Wong, 1995) [3]. Computers store lot of information in their memory like personal information, banking information, health information, here privacy is an important issue of computer ethics.

Specific guidelines, policies, rules should be developed by organizations which should be acceptable by majority of computer users in following computer ethics. People who follow morals and values in everything they do automatically implement the same morals

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Computers are the core technology of our times and apparently, the most important technology to be invented and used by man . Without computers and computer networks, especially, the Internet, activities of most organizations, such as banks, schools, government agencies would simply grind to a halt. Modern society's dependence on the use of information technology, make it more vulnerable tocomputer malfunction caused by unreliable software and to computer misuse (Forrester and Morrison, 2001). According to Forrester and Morrison (2001), this unethical use of computer have created a whole new range of social problems, which include computer crime, software theft, hacking, the creation of viruses, invasion more content...

Several authors have defined Computer ethics differently. Maner (1970) describes computer ethics as a study that examines ethical problems that are aggravated, transformed or created by computer technology. Johnson (1985) in her book "Computer Ethics" viewed computer ethics as the way in which computers pose new versions of standard moral problems and moral dilemmas, exacerbating the old problems, and forcing us to apply ordinary moral norms in uncharted realms. Four key areas of computer ethics are: computer crime, responsibility for computer failure, protection of computer property, records, and software and privacy of the company, workers, and customers. Computer crime refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network (Moore, 2005). Warren, Kruse and Helser (2002) are of the view that in any computer crime, the computer may be used in perpetrating the crime or may be the target of the crime.

Ethics awareness and ethical attitudes among undergraduate students in different fields of study have been the subject of several studies (Acilar and Yoruk, 2010) . A considerable amount of studies has been made for the purpose of obtaining undergraduate students' views and attitudes on acceptable ethical behaviors. Masrom and Ismail (2008) examined computer security and computer ethics awareness among

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