3 minute read
Alphabetical Listing of CONY Affiliate Vendors
AGS/Guest Guides texasadvertising.net Print & digital marketing Allstar Systems.tv LLC allstarsystems.tv Source for audio/video services & technology Ampion ampion.net Community solar provider helping you get a 10% discount on electric bills
Anderson’s Brochure Distribution Service
campwithandersons.com Brochure distribution at RV shows
Astra (ReserveAmerica.com)
astra.CampgroundManager.com Campground reservation management software Bear’s Playgrounds bearsplaygrounds.com Playground equipment and safety surfacing Brand Connect Innovations, LLC bciatyourservice.com Dawn Whitbeck Borchert Literature racking, transportation, distribution/mailing/ shipping, and storage C.T. Male Associates ctmale.com Engineering, surveying, and environmental science Camp360 Services camp360services.com Full-service mobile RV detailing company serving the greater Rochester area Campfire Brokerage, Inc. campfirebrokerage.com RV park and campground brokerage and appraisals Campground Fixer campgroundfixer.com A unique consulting firm that can teach you how to get your campground to its full potential Campground Studios campgroundstudios.com Visual marketing with stunning photos/videos, immersive 3D cabin tours, brochures/maps Campspot joincampspot.com Online campground management/reservation software designed by campground owners CheckBox Systems checkboxsystems.net Wireless internet access CNY Custom Carts cnycustomcarts.com Golf cars, and new and used parts Corporate Communications, Inc. corporatecomm.com An interactive marketing agency
Danielle Windus Cook Properties, LLC
dwcproperties.com/ Helping you buy or sell campgrounds in NYS
Destinations of NYS & Travel Plaza Info Centers
destinationsofnewyorkstate.com Brochure distribution on the NYS Thruway, and producer of the NYS Vacation Planner Dura-Bilt Products durabilt.com National manufacturer of RV awnings, sunrooms, screen rooms, patio railings, and slide-out covers EBC HR & Payroll Solutions, Inc. ebchcm.com Parking and access controls, payroll, payroll, HR services, payroll and tax filing Empire Golf Cars empiregolfcars.com Golf car dealer
Forest River Inc.- Park Model Division
forestriverinc.com Park models Genesee Valley Agency gvains.com Personal and business insurance options
Go 4 It Graphics
(585) 237-5226 Custom clothing options Good Sam RV Travel & Savings Guide goodsam.com Marketing for RV parks/campgrounds through our online, mobile, social, print, and retail channels Great American Direct greatamericandirect.com Factory direct pricing on mattresses, wipe downs, futon frames/mattresses, outdoor furniture, more Harford Glen Water harfordglenwater.com Private labeled bottled water Harter Secrest & Emery LLP hselaw.com A full-service law firm with offices in Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Corning, and New York City
Hinman & Associates
(315) 876-9695 Insurance broker Inex Technologies inextechnologies.com License plate-based access control systems It’s All About Satellites itsallaboutsatellites.com TV service provider, satellite communication services, DIRECTTV authorized dealer
Jamestown Advanced Products Corporation
jamestownadvanced.com Power outlets, grills, campfire rings, picnic tables
Jones & Doldo Agency LLC
(315) 782-8181 Insurance broker KOA, Inc. koa.com KOA corporate offices L2Brands league-legacy.com Legacy headware and League apparel
Leavitt Recreation & Hospitality Insurance
lrhi.net Insurance broker Leisure Systems Inc. jellystonefranchise.com Corporate franchiser of Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-ResortsT
Marshall & Sterling, Inc.
marshallsterling.com/campgrounds Insurance & risk management MCPS for Campgrounds mcpsforcampgrounds.com Credit/debit card processing Metzler Forest Products mfp.bz Landscaping, timbering, harvesting MTE Equipment Solutions, Inc. mte.us.com Supplier of commercial grounds maintenance equipment Northern Systems Satellite northernsys.weebly.com TV head-ins, wireless internet, security cameras
NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation
dec.ny.gov Environmental conservation OneCoast Onecoast.com Wholesale provider of gift, garden, home, and fragrance products to retailers
Oswego County Mutual Insurance Company
ocmic.com Insurance broker Parks and Places, Inc. parksandplaces.com Experienced campground brokerage Passport America Passport-America.com The original 50% discount camping club; free national advertising for participating parks Peak Energy Technology LLC peakenergytech.com Save up to 25% of your kWh by recycling the unused electricity you currently purchase Phelps Honey Wagon phelpshoneywagon.com Portable water and sewage handling systems Philadelphia Insurance Company phly.com Insurance products Register Graphics, Inc. registergraphics.com Design/print/mail, commercial/digital printing Reliable Products reliableproductsonline.com RV cleaning and maintenance products Shades Under the Sun, Inc. shadesunderthesun.com Sunglasses, beef jerky, novelties for your camp store Silver-Top Mfg. Co., Inc. silver-top.com Portable insulated awnings and screen rooms
Skyline/Champion Park Models - Shore Park/Athens
skylinepm.com Park models Skyweb Campground Wifi Solutions skywebwifi.com Fast, efficient WIFI for campgrounds Smart Industry Products smartindustryproducts.com Campground supplier of mattresses, pet stations with bags, store products, trash cans, and more Strait Web Solutions straitwebsolutions.com Website design, hosting, and social media marketing Suburban Propane LP suburbanpropane.com Propane vendor Superior Plus Propane superiorplusenergy.com Propane, diesel fuel, gasoline, heating fuel
Tees Plus
T-shirts, hats, miscellaneous products for your retail store The Towne Law Firm, P.C. townelaw.com CONY legal hotline TJ Morgans Spices and Jerky tjmorgans.com Perfectly blended, quality spices and jerky crafted by our seasoned chef Utility Supply Group go-usg.com Electric boxes, pedestals, meters, meter systems W.S. Emerson Co. wsemersononline.com Full spectrum of branded apparel and promotional products Wilcor International wilcor.net Complete camping supply and accessory company Yale Realty & Capital Advisors yaleadvisors.com Boutique firm specializing in manufactured housing communities and RV resorts.
These are CONY affiliated vendors at press time. For more information and current list/links, visit www.CampNewYork.com