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I was a huge Richard Dawson fan on the original Family Feud. I can still hear his British accent screaming, “The survey says . . . “. Now imagine me screaming in a slight Texas twang. OK, here’s the results of a recent survey we sent you all and nearly 25% of you returned.

Why did we do the survey, and was the return ratio a good one.

We did the survey because it had been a while since we asked you some direct and pertinent questions about the industry and your membership. We are also coming up on the time when the board sets the budget/priorities for 2022-2023, and having recent data is always best under these circumstances. As for the participation rate, it was good. Especially since I have often joked that if I sent a notice requesting $10 bills, and promised I’d send back $100 bills; we’d still only get 25% response!

The single most important member benefit for 60% of the respondents was legal/government affairs. You all don’t want interference in running your businesses and when problems arise you want to reach out for help. Marketing was second, with 24% of you putting a priority on that. Everything else fell down the list. We are significantly bumping up our budgets in the areas of Legal – Lege and Marketing. We hear you and we concur.

Not surprising was the fact that 96% of respondents felt that a local (state) camping association was more relevant than a national association. The fact is that more things affecting our businesses, good or bad, happen at the local level. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have national representation and support their programs where applicable.

Eighty four percent of you have had your property taxes increased


SAYS... over the last five years. They are coming for the other By Brian Schaeffer, Executive Director 16% of you! In fact, you have had your taxes raised by 30% or more over that period and virtually none of you said it was due to substantial changes in your businesses or a dramatic increase in county services. For this reason, we are going to hammer commercial property tax fixes in the next legislative session: an annual cap is at the top of our wish list. When asked about state inspections and annual permits or national standards and permits to operate your businesses – 93% and 98% said no and hell no. This is important because government entities and some national organizations are looking for what amounts to revenue-generating mechanisms to get in your business. We wanted to make sure that fighting this is still important to you: it is! We needed your thoughts about mobile RV techs versus onsite full-time techs. Ninety-seven percent of you prefer the off-site mobile techs. Apparently staffing another position and the insurance requirements, etc., outweigh the marketing benefits. Only 22% of you thought that discount programs on goods and services are very important when directly offered through the association. This wasn’t a high priority and we do have a bunch of associate members, many of whom offer TACO parks a discount. See the Vendor with a star by the name on the vendor member pages of this TACO News. We will be trying to provide additional options. Third party rating/review programs were somewhat or extremely important to you. That is understandable in this day and age. We are cultivating closer working relationships in this area. Stay tuned. Thanks for participating in the survey and as Richard Dawson used to say, “We have some lovely parting gifts for you.” Namely, the peaceful and successful operating of your park! H

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