2012-13 Athletics Booklet

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the American School of Paris believes there is more to an athletic program than the final score. We strive for competitive excellence but also for the personal development of our student athletes by helping them learn and understand the importance of commitment, attitude, sportsmanship, teamwork and communication in an international setting, both on and off the field. Working with professional coaches, educators and the wider ASP community, our program fosters a sense of pride and accomplishment; whether it’s improving their personal best, perfecting a skill or being an exemplary houseguest when visiting other international schools. We are proud that our athletes are respected internationally both for their achievements and their sportsmanship. We hope our athletes have fun, win humbly and lose graciously.


ASP Athletics Booklet


From the Athletic Director Dear Athletes and Parents, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the ASP Athletic Program. At ASP, athletics is an integral part of the total educational program. It is essential that all involved - athletes, parents, coaches, administrators - act responsibly and cooperatively to ensure that all our athletic programs run smoothly. This handbook has been assembled to give you the guidelines for your role as a host family and as parents of athletes in the ASP Athletic Program. We have included duplicate copies of necessary contracts and forms for your information and convenience. We have the opportunity to host and be hosted by families from other international schools, to learn about their school, their culture and thus gain experience beyond the sports activity. It is your responsibility to be welcoming hosts. The success of any athletic program is built upon a combined effort from parents, students and staff, with some basic rules which obviously must be adhered to at all times. The most important element in taking part in athletic activities is a fair and enjoyable environment. In the interest of the well being of the ASP sports program we would like to share with you the ISST Statement of Sportsmanship: “The purpose of the International School Sports Tournament is to provide a venue for athletes from the member schools to compete in an environment that is safe, challenging, professional and educational. Each athlete is given the opportunity to demonstrate his or her best athletic ability while maintaining a spirit of respect and cooperation with fellow athletes from various international backgrounds. Each event involves students and adults in their different roles: these include the athletes, coaches, sports officials and spectators. All those involved in the event are expected to uphold the same spirit of respect and cooperation. This spirit is demonstrated by fair play among athletes, positive encouragement from coaches, impartial judgments from officials, and respectful enthusiasm from spectators. The behavior of the adults is crucial to the successful educational aspect of the tournament. The adults act as models for our athletes. Therefore, profanity, deliberately distracting noises to interfere with the performance of a competing athlete, the condemnation of coaches or officials, or any behavior that is disrespectful or degrading to the ISST standard of sportsmanship, jeopardizes the purpose of the ISST organization and, most of all, jeopardizes the quality of the experience for our athletes. As the event ensues, we ask that all of our parents, coaches, officials and athletes keep this vision of our purpose in mind.� We would like to embrace this statement as a framework for our athletic program at every level at ASP. I wish all athletes success in their endeavors and all parents enriching experiences watching their children enjoy athletics at ASP. If there are any concerns please direct them to the Athletic Director.

Yours in Sport,

Han Hoegen Athletic Director


ASP Athletics Booklet

Cathy McLaury Assistant



ASP Athletics Booklet


 * Exc e pt i on: JVt e nni spr ac t i c e sonMon. &Thur s .

F ALL(September-November)

Soc c e r , Vol l e yba l l , Cr os sCount r y Tr yOut s : Thur s da y , Augus t30–Tues da y , Sept ember4 I SSTTour nament s : Soc c e r( Boys ) SJH Soc c e r( Gi r l s ) I SD Vol l e yba l l( Boys ) ASP l e yba l l( Gi r l s ) STJ Vol Cr os s Count r y ZI S

Mi l a n Dus s e l dor f Pa r i s Br us s e l s Zur i c h

November71 0 November71 0 November71 0 November71 0 November89

WI NTER(November-March) Ba s ke t ba l l&Swi mmi ng

Tr yOut s : Tues da y , November1 3–Thur s da y , November1 5 I SSTTour nament s : Ba s ke t ba l l( Boys ) FI S Fr a nkf ur t Mar c h69 Ba s ke t ba l l( Gi r l s ) ASH TheHa gue Mar c h69 Swi mmi ng I SB/ BSB Br us s e l s Mar c h68

SPRI NG (March-June)

Ba s e ba l l , Sof t ba l l , Gol f , Te nni s , Tr a c k&Fi e l d Tr yOut s : Monda y , Mar c h1 8–Thur s da y , Mar c h21 I SSTTour nament s : Tr a c k&Fi e l d ASP/ BSP Gol f COB Ba s e ba l l TBD nni s I SB Te Sof t ba l l ASL

Pa r i s London Br us s e l s London

Ma y2224 Ma y2224 Ma y2225 Ma y2225 Ma y2225


Mi ddl eSc hools por t soffe r e da r ea sf ol l ows : F ALL WI NTER SPRI NG Boys&Gi r l sSoc c e r Boys&Gi r l sBa s ke t ba l l Boys&Gi r l sTr a c k Boys&Gi r l sVol l e yba l l Coe dSof t ba l l Boys&Gi r l sSoc c e r Re gi s t r at i onf or msandde t ai l e dpr ac t i c ei nf or mat i onwi l l bec o mmuni c at e d att hes t ar to ft hes c hool y e ar .

At hl et i c sBook

Host Family’s Responsibilities These guidelines are intended for the use of parents hosting regular weekend meets as well as tournaments sponsored by ASP or by the International Schools Sports Tournament (ISST). During the period of competition, you stand in place of the parents of the student(s) you host. Please extend to them the same supervision and care that you would normally exercise with your own child(ren). During the school year, ASP will be hosting visiting teams for interscholastic competition. Housing for these teams is the responsibility of ASP families. All ASP athletes taking part in competition are required to assist in the housing of visiting athletes. Should a family be unable to meet their obligation to host, they are responsible for finding an alternative host. This should be the exception rather than the norm. Under no circumstances are the visiting athletes to be housed without adult supervision. All host families should understand

the ISST rules and regulations and ensure their own child(ren) and visiting athletes are aware of them. All rules and regulations come into effect from the time the visiting team leaves their school until the time they return home.They are also in effect for the home athletes. ISST Rules and Regulations are included in this packet.Any violation of these rules and regulations must be reported to the Athletic Director at once. Specific times and schedules will be given to athletes by their coaches. A housing list with telephone numbers will be provided to each visiting athlete which will include the phone number of host families and a number where coaches can be contacted, as well as other numbers that may be helpful in an emergency. Athletes are not permitted to change housing arrangements. Guests are expected to respect all “house rules”.

respective games. Visiting athletes can be brought home by your child(ren) on the regular school bus if the schedule allows, or on the late bus if available. You are responsible for suitable transportation of the athlete(s) that you are hosting. All visiting athletes should be given a small card with the host family’s name, telephone number and address. Wherever possible, visiting athletes should be accompanied by an adult/host family when visiting the local area. The host athletes should always accompany the visiting athletes. All guest athletes should be provided with a packed lunch for their return journey. During their stay with ASP host families, athletes should be provided with a suitable evening meal and breakfast. Remember that as a host family you are “in loco parentis”.

Host families are required to make contact with athletes at the end of their

Host Athlete’s Responsibilites Any student accepting membership on an athletic team at ASP should have a clear understanding of the hosting responsibilities that ASP accepts as a member of the ISST. Athletes are required to provide accommodations for students who are visiting ASP to participate in either tournaments or weekend events where an overnight stay is required. Athletes are also required to attend their sports banquet at the end of the season. All ASP athletes are required to host 2-4 athletes per home game. Understandably, visiting athletes (like our own students) prefer to be housed with a friend and the ideal situation is for the host family to take a pair of visitors. If there are extenuating circumstances and you are unable to host a student for


ASP Athletics Booklet

game, you should inform your coach as soon as possible, but this should be a rare exception. Please make sure that your game schedule is discussed with your parents before committing to your coach and team. You will receive a detailed schedule of home and away events from your coach. The home weekends will be clearly indicated. All ASP athletes must be punctual for the scheduled pick-up times. Athletes should introduce themselves to their guest(s), be friendly and make their guest(s) feel at home. All arrangements for after the game should be discussed with visiting athletes and ASP athletes should inform their parents of these arrangements.

It is neither friendly nor advisable to plan social activities which exclude your guest. Avoid these types of conflicts. Curfew applies to all students participating in ISST games whether home or away. Please remember this as well as other ISST rules and regulations when looking after your guest. Breaches of the ASP and/or ISST athletic code and rules and regulations will result in suspension from the team. Please be sure that you understand ISST rules and regulations and your obligation to the ASP and the Athletic Program before completing the Athletic Contract.

Varsity & Jv

Housing Notes For those of you new to the international school system, we would like to explain a bit about how the sport weekends work. The majority of our opponents are other international/ American schools throughout Europe. We are a member of the International School Sports Tournament (ISST’s) and are governed by their rules and guidelines. For more information and a list of participating schools, their website is www.isstsports.org. Probably the biggest and most shocking difference for those of you not familiar with our system is the practice of housing visiting athletes. Since teams travel a long distance, travel is done on Friday during the day (the athletes miss school). The visiting team arrives at the host school around 3:00-3:30, play games Friday afternoon, are housed by the host athletes on Friday night, play again Saturday morning and return to Paris Saturday afternoon/evening. This is a wonderful opportunity for both the visiting athlete and the host family. Housing visiting athletes is a requirement for our athletes. We know there are many people who live in small apartments. Please understand that sleeping bags, couches, mattresses, etc. are FINE! We have late buses running into the city after games on Friday nights if transportation is a problem! The bottom line is that we cannot compete if we cannot house.

We always house in pairs (or groups of 3 or 4) so that no visiting athlete is housed without a teammate.

Everyone is asked at the beginning of the season which home weekends they would be available to house. If you mark all the weekends, this does not mean you will house every weekend, but it gives us some flexibility when planning.

Each athlete will need to house ½ of the home weekends. Obviously, if we have an odd number of weekends, some athletes will house one extra weekend. We do our best to be fair about housing, and if an athlete participates in another sport we take their previous season housing into consideration.

We house per athlete, not per family. This means that if you have more than one athlete you should plan on housing every home weekend (1/2 of the home weekends for each athlete). Again, we keep track of who is housing, and if you are not needed every weekend, you will be the first off the list. Please see the sections “Host Family Responsibilities” and • “Host Athlete’s Responsibilities” for more information.

When a visiting team comes to Paris for a weekend of sports, our families host the visiting athletes. Everyone must agree to host visiting athletes, or to find alternative housing for their share of the home weekends.


ASP Athletics Booklet


ASP Team Parents Thank you for agreeing to serve as a team parent. The role of team parent grew out of a desire to improve communication. Since this is a “developing” position we would appreciate your feedback regarding how to make this position more effective next year. The following information will hopefully help you in your role of “team parent” and meet our goal of improved communication.


Attend Sports Booster meetings. These are held one a month at school during the day and you will be notified of where and when. This is the best way to find out what is currently happening with the athletic program so that you will be a good resource person for “your team”.


Upon receiving your “team list” please call each family and introduce yourself. Invite the parents to attend games (this is SO important to our athletes), Sports Booster meetings, and volunteer to help in support areas such as concessions, social activities, sportswear sales, end of the year banquet and athlete transportation.


Explain to parents that if they have questions regarding game schedules, away game plans, traveling to away games, housing, etc., they should call the person in charge. It is best if parents call Han Hoegen, the Athletic Director, or Cathy McLaury, Secretary, regarding schedule and travel questions.


Act as your team’s “ambassador”. Try to solve problems. Take a neutral position and be a good “sounding board” when concerns arise. Direct the concerns to the appropriate individuals so that the participation of our students in the Athletic Program is an enjoyable experience for all.


Organize a “special event”. Some “special things” team parents have done in the past (these are NOT required, just ideas): Bring a special refreshment to the game/meet, i.e. orange slices, Gator Aid, hot cocoa, granola bars. Coordinate the purchase of special team wear, i.e. personalized sweatshirts, hair bows, etc. Coordinate a contingency of parents to travel to an away game/meet together (this is a great way to support the team, see other countries, and get to know other parents). Host a team gathering at your home for “team bonding” and building team spirit. The sky is the limit on what you can do to show your team support!!!!!


Lastly, team parents may or may not be the same person as the parent of the team captains. If not, you may want to touch base with the team captain’s parents. Sometimes the team captain, along with their parents, get gifts for coaches, etc. to present at the end of the year. You may want to coordinate those efforts, if possible. In regard to a coach’s gift, this is something that is voluntary and individual but it should be an appropriate gift (no alcoholic beverages, please). More information will be shared regarding the end of the year Athletic Banquet that is being planned for all athletes and their families.

Thank you for taking on this responsibility. It is with your help that we will make the Athletic Program at ASP even better than it already is.


ASP Athletics Booklet

I r maAl ma z a nZe pe da Spor t sBoo s t e r s pf a s b@a s pa r i s . f r

isst Rules and Guidelines Teams should be adequately supervised during travel to host tournament sites. A ratio of one chaperone/coach to every 10 students is recommended. Whatever guideline is used there should always be a minimum of 2 adult chaperones/coaches for each group involved in ISST play. At least one chaperone/coach should be with the students until they are turned over to host school parents or until the host school has accepted the responsibility by dismissing the chaperone/coach. When the letter is done, all students must be fully aware of who is responsible for them and that the instructions of this person are to be followed. The host school should make every effort to discourage parents staying in the coaches’ hotel with students. The host school has the right to refuse housing to those visiting students who have failed to comply with the spirit and intent of ISST code of conduct. In the event that a host school refuses to house a student or students, no alternative housing arrangement should be made until the chaperone/coach has been directly communicated with and told why the decision had been made. As a matter of courtesy the host school should discuss with the chaperone/ coach what the best alternative arrangements for housing are available for the dismissed student(s) while the decision regarding the student’s involvement in championship play is being made. As a matter of professional courtesy the host school headmaster, upon deciding not to house an entire team, should make every effort to contact the dismissed team’s headmaster to discuss the reasons for failing to house and to discuss the alternative arrangements for the team. Only the tournament director or the team’s coach or headmaster has the right to dismiss a student or team from tournament play.


ASP Athletics Booklet

Host schools planning activities for arriving teams (e.g. sightseeing trips) should make certain that these plans have been fully discussed with and understood by the visiting school’s chaperone/coach and/or headmaster before the team leaves for ISST play.

Uniform accessories such as T-shirts, running tights, spandex tights, spandex shorts, headbands, gloves, etc. are permitted provided that: They conform to the rules of the • respective game.

Visiting students are advised not to bring alcohol to their host family as signs of appreciation.

• They are of a solid color. All like uniform accessories worn • by team members are of the same color.

All visiting students should be aware of the following points as consideration to host schools:

Under no circumstances are boxer shorts or cut-offs permitted to be visible below the uniform shorts.

1. Respect the school’s program in progress and do nothing that would interrupt it.

Schools are encouraged to provide a school issued uniform for tennis. If a school does not have a standard issued uniform for tennis, traditional tennis clothing (shorts or skirt plus a tennis shirt) must be worn. No cut-offs, “Jams” beachwear, offensive T-shirts, etc. may be worn.

2. Visiting students should not wear clothes that may offend. 3. The use of portable “music boxes” is not permitted at ISST events. Host school administrators and teachers are the “bosses” of their territory and should be respected whenever they speak or give directions to visiting teams or their individual members. Visiting chaperones/coaches will be expected to play supervisory roles on a shared or equitably assigned basis in the planned student activities for after tournament play sponsored by the host school. During tournament play, chaperones/coaches must be responsible and accountable for the behavior of their students. Players are not permitted to leave tournament sites without the permission of the chaperone/coach or the tournament director. Athletes are to wear the official school issued uniform. Schools should ensure that the uniforms and uniform accessories conform to the respective sport according to the ISST adopted rule book. Uniforms should have legal numbers in sports where numbers are required.

Athletic Directors are responsible for ensuring that their coaches are informed of the standards of dress and that their athletes are properly attired. The host school Athletic Director has the power to require athletes to change their dress when violations of the above occur. The standards of dress, as provided by the rules of the respective sport and the ISST, apply to all weekend meetings between member schools as well as ISST sponsored tournaments. ISST strongly urges member schools to adopt policies that prohibit students/ athletes from drinking alcohol, smoking and using other tobacco products at any time-honored events. ISST supports member schools in their enforcement of these policies.

Sample Forms each athlete will be required to sign the following form Once they are selected for the team


ASP Athletics Booklet 13

CONT. each athlete will be required to sign the following form Once they are selected for the team


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SAMPLE FORMS each athlete will be required to sign the following form Once they are selected for the team


ASP Athletics Booklet

TheVa r s i t ya ndJVt e a msma ket r i pst oI SSTs c hool sa ndwei nt ur nhos tI SSTs c hool sdur i ngt hes e a s on.Oura t hl e t e s wi l lbehous e dbyt hehos ts c hoolont he s eoc c a s i onsa ndwer e c i pr oc a t ebyhous i ngvi s i t i nga t hl e t e s .Asyouwi l l ppr e c i a t e , t hi si sabi gr e s pons i bi l i t yf ort heAt hl e t i cDe pa r t me nta ndi ti st he r e f or epa r toft heVa r s i t ya ndJVa t hl e t e ' s a c ommi t me ntt ohous eont hos eoc c a s i onswhe nASPhos t savi s i t i ngt e a m.Be c a us eoft hi sr e c i pr oc a lhous i nga gr e e me nt , t hec os t soft het r i pa r eke ptt oami ni mum. Howe ve r , s t ude nt sa r ee xpe c t e dt opa yt hec os toft he i rt r a ns por t a t i on.You wi l lr e c e i veabr e a kdownoft het r a ve lf e e sf ore a c hs e a s ona tt hebe gi nni ngoft hes e a s on.Ape r mi s s i ons l i p( e xa mpl e a bove )wi t ha l lpe r t i ne nti nf or ma t i onwi l lbedi s t r i but e dt hewe e kbe f or et het r i p.

Lower School Programs

Our Lower School athletic program is divided into



Fall (September – December)


WINTER (January – March)


SPRING (March – June)


All sports are co-ed for grades K1 through grade 5. Everyone is welcome to join!! The Lower School athletic program is on Friday after school for grades 3-5 and on Saturdays for all grades. At the conclusion of each season there is a tournament with trophies and a pizza party. There is a participation fee of 10 euros per child to cover the costs. Purchasing a “Little Rebels” tee-shirt is optional and they can be ordered at the time of registration. Parent participation is encouraged. Involvement is rewarding and fun! Each year there is a volunteer coordinator who helps with organizing the concessions and many parents who volunteer to help sell concessions, be a “team parent” and be coaches. Approximately 2 weeks before each season begins information and registration forms are posted on the Lower School Athletics website and sent home via the Lower School newsletter.

For more information and registration forms visit the website at:

www.asparis.org/LSathletics 18

ASP Athletics Booklet

2011- 2012

Middle School Programs

Our Middle School athletic program is divided into



Fall (September – November) Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country

WINTER (November – March)


SPRING (March – May)

Soccer, Softball, Track & Field

All sports are co-ed for grades 6-8. Everyone is welcome to join! Approximately 2 weeks before the season begins information and registration forms are posted on the Middle School Athletics website and sent home via the Middle School newsletter. Practices vary depending on the sport and season. They will always be once or twice during the week. Exact days and times are on the registration forms. Games are scheduled each season with local international schools and the game dates and locations will be communicated through the coaches and will also be posted on the ASP website on the Athletics Calendar. Each season there will be one away game which will involve travel to another city (Brussels, Frankfurt, etc). For those games the athletes who will travel will be chosen by their coaches based on attitude, participation and effort. The athletes will leave school on Friday during the day and return Saturday evening. They will be housed on Friday night by members of the host school. All transportation and contact information will be issued via a permission slip (see sample in this booklet). Each season there will also be one home game involving one school outside of Paris. On the Friday that we host visiting athletes they will be housed with athletes from the ASP team. Please see the section of this booklet which explains housing and host family responsibilities. Middle School students (grade 8) can also try-out for all JV/Varsity sports and 7th graders can try out for JV Swimming, JV Cross Country and JV Track & Field. Information about JV/Varsity sports is posted on the JV/ Varsity Athletics website under “Upper School”.

For more information and registration forms visit the website at:


ASP Athletics Booklet 19


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