If you work towards improving on your personal weaknesses and leveraging (using) your strengths more, you can become a better leader and improve on your personal growth. That’s what all CEOs should strive for. You need to be a great leader at home and work. To improve on your strengths you have to maintain the strengths that you already have; work on your weaknesses and maintain those improvements. Doing this can help you to improve on your personal growth strategies and lead you to accomplishments. So are you striving for that?
Remember that your presence matters too. Your competence can be established by the position that you hold, your reputation, and your actual performance. If you want people to see you as a strong leader you need to get your act together, make self-improvements, improve on your personal growth strategies, feel in command, standup straight everywhere you go and become more confident.
~Renee: Your CEO Life Coach & Personal Growth Specialist. Contact Me Today for your Online Life Coaching Sessions: www.CEOLifeCoachSpecialist.com