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Grand Royal Arch Page 42 Secret Monitor

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In These PurPle Pages

Welcome to the twelfth issue of The Purple Pages, an information resource of the Order of the Secret Monitor in the jurisdiction of Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. This issue provides a short history of Friendship Conclave as it celebrates 90 years. Also featured is Right Worthy Bro Peter Keller and further information on the Scarlet Cord.


90Th annIversary of frIendshIP ConClave no 1

Friendship Conclave was consecrated at Ipswich on 28 June 1926 and is the oldest continually functioning Conclave in the Southern Hemisphere. It was originally numbered 56 English Constitution. It is not the technically the oldest Conclave as Southern Cross Conclave No. 27 had been established in Geelong Victoria in the early 1880s. It however went into dormancy for 25 years and was only revived when the Foundation Worthy Supreme Ruler of Friendship Conclave Bro James Simon Laurenson asked the Grand Recorder in London to transfer the Warrant from Geelong to Ipswich.

rIghT WorThy Bro PeTer Keller

Friendship Conclave’s original Warrant named Bro James Laurenson (a New Zealander), Frederick George Marriott, Henry Charles Frost and others to be the petitioners. The Conclave had its number changed after England decided to divide Australia into North and South, the Queensland border being the dividing line, stretching across Australia. When the District of Northern Australia was inaugurated on 3 December 1938 Bro James Laurenson was installed as the first District Grand Supreme Ruler for Northern Australia. Since that time Friendship Conclave No 1 has continued to attract new members and is in a strong position today, very proud of its heritage and based in Ipswich, Queensland. Congratulations to all at Friendship Conclave No 1.

Peter was inducted into VW Martin Conclave on 29 May 2004 and gradually rose to be Worthy Supreme Ruler on 19 January 2008. He then was invited to join Grand Conclave becoming Assistant Grand Recorder and then Grand Visitor. After having served this office he was appointed Grand Guide on 17 May 2014. He is very active in Monitor Masonry joining Nanango Conclave and Beth Shalom Conclave (Darwin). He is a tireless worker for Freemasonry, especially enjoying the Order of the Secret Monitor, working with and encouraging members of VW Martin to further the Order. When he joined they only had 12 members and can The weekend of Friday 20th May to Sunday 22nd May proved to be very busy for J.S. Popham Conclave now boast a membership of 52. He is now progressing members as they hosted the fifty third annual convocation through the ranks of the Scarlet Cord becoming the first of the Order of the Secret Monitor for Northern Australia President of the Consistory in Maryborough. and PNG, which was open to all members, ladies and friends. Also he is active in fund raising in Hervey Bay, participating in a sausage sizzlers club raising funds for deserving T local charities. On 1 July 2011 he was honoured with the rank of District Commander of the 33rd degree of the Ancient and he weekend commenced with a meeting of the Azure Conclave of the OSM for South East Asia at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. This Conclave has a travelling warrant and endeavours to bring all together in a friendly Accepted Rite for Australia. He has also served the Royal relaxed atmosphere. A meet and greet was held for all Brethren, ladies and friends at the Rockpool Pavilion on the Strand. Arch attaining the rank of Past Third Grand Principal.

On Saturday a moving Conclave of Remembrance was held in the

Townsville Masonic Centre commencing at 2:00 p.m. and attended by many members and ladies. This was followed by a closed business a furTher uPdaTe on The sCarleT Cord meeting of members. At 4:30 the Grand Proclamation was held for Most

Worthy Brother Graham Lyttle and saw the Installation of Rt. Worthy Three Companions of the Order from Queensland journeyed Brother Morrie Bligh as Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler. At the conclusion to Geelong recently to do the 4th Grade and are now known of the Ceremony the rank of Past Grand Supreme Ruler was conferred as Councillors in the Scarlet Cord. on Right Worthy Brother Eric Evans in recognition of his contribution to The ceremony was very impressive requiring 24 existing Councillors to carry it out. The 4th Grade jewel is pictured. the Order over a number of years. This was followed by the Proclamation banquet held in the festive board area at 50 Ingham Road. Returning to Queensland we have had 1st and 2nd Grade Sunday allowed those wishing to do so to relax with a trip to Magnetic ceremonies in Maryborough on 29 October and at Seventeen Island before setting off to return homewards. The whole weekend was Mile Rocks on 12 November. The Order continues to enjoy strong interest and growth.

a great success made even more so by being able to welcome, for the first time in 2 years, delegations from the Grand Conclaves of NSW & ACT, Southern Australia, South Australia and South East Asia.

Grand Chapter of Queensland, Order of the Eastern Star

The Grand Chapter held its Annual Meeting on Friday 1 April at the Arana Leagues Club. This was followed by the Installation on Saturday afternoon. We welcomed Eastern Star visitors from other states on Friday evening.

The visiting delegations included: the Most Worthy Grand Matron Sister Blanche Watt (SA), Most Worthy Grand Patron Brother Paul Smith (NSW), Worthy Grand Associate Matron Sister Robyn Reily (NSW), Worthy Grand Associate Patron Brother Jonathan Nantes (QLD), Worthy Grand Secretary Sister Elizabeth Taylor (TAS), Worthy Grand Treasurer Sister Margaret Down (NSW), Worthy Grand Adah Sister Beryl Ross (QLD), Worthy Grand Electa Sister Gail Reed (SA), Past Most Worthy Grand Matrons Sisters Evelyn Hood (VIC), Elizabeth Watt (SA) and Lois Allen (NSW), Past Most Worthy Grand Patron Brother Sydney Down (NSW) and Assistant to the Worthy Grand Treasurer Sister Jennifer Fawns (NSW); from the Grand Chapter of NSW and ACT, the Worthy Grand Matron Sister Marliyn Auld, Brother Ken Auld PWGP representing the Worthy Grand Patron and Sister Kathy Mitchell Grand Marshal; from the Grand Chapter of Victoria the Worthy Grand Matron Sister Maureen King, Worthy Grand Patron Brother David Carlin, Grand Secretary Sister Iris Carlin and Grand Marshal Sister Kerryn DixonWard; from the Illawarra District Grand Committee Worthy District Grand Matron Sister Lorna Dunkley and Worthy District Grand Patron Brother Ian Dunkley.

The business of the Annual Meeting was well managed by our Worthy Grand Matron Sister Leigh Kennedy and Worthy Grand Patron Brother Norman Butler and culminated in the election and appointment of the Grand Office-bearers for 2022-2023.

The afternoon session on Saturday opened with entry and introductions of our guests which included family and friends of our Worthy Grand

“The business of the Annual Meeting was well managed by our Worthy Grand Matron Sister Leigh Kennedy and Worthy Grand Patron Brother Norman Butler and culminated in the election and appointment of the Grand Office-bearers for 2022-2023..“

Matron Elect and Worthy Grand Patron Elect, distinguished officebearers of several Orders within the Masonic Family as well as board members and recipients of the 2022 grants of the Eastern Star Foundation.

We were pleased and honoured to welcome the following: from the United Grand Lodge of Queensland, VW Jeffrey Harper, Most Worshipful Grand Master Elect accompanied by Mrs Dorothy Harper and Wayne Warry. From the SGRACQ, RE Ian Hodgson, Deputy First Grand Principal accompanied by Mervyn Gray, John Ellsworth, William Tupou, Greg Broad, Vaughan McInnes, John Edwards and Timothy Powys. From the GLMMMQ, RW Paul Southon Deputy Grand Master accompanied by Ms Narelle Zielke and Reg Langusch. From AASRA the Most Illustrious Regional Commander M.Ill. Bro Greg Goding accompanied by John Ross and Brian Stanley King. From GICQ the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign David Lauder accompanied by Mrs Roslyn Lauder, Edward O’Neil and Cyril Leitch. From the District Grand Priory of Queensland and PNG the Most Eminent & Reverend Grand Master of the Temple, the Right Eminent Fra. Duncan McGregor was accompanied by Murray Diaz, Stephen Olsson and Jock Lowson. From the Royal Order of Scotland the Provincial Grand Master Alan Godsmark.

From the Grand Council of Knight Masons, the R.E. Sir Knight Alan Coleman was accompanied by Leanne MacDonald. From the Grand Court of Amaranth, the Grand Royal Matron HL Jennifer Nielsen and from the Grand White Shrine of Jerusalem Past Grand Worthy High Priestess Joan Roberts and Grand Watchman of Shepherds Ross Barlow.

Following the presentation of the Eastern Star Grants, the Shield was presented to the two Chapters that initiated more Members than any other Chapter in Queensland during 2021: Bundaberg Chapter No 131 and Electa Chapter No 160 each initiating three Members.

The Installation of Sister Elaine Gray Worthy Grand Matron and Brother Spencer Swann Worthy Grand Patron and Grand Office-bearers for 2022-2023 was the main event of the afternoon followed by remarks from selected dignitaries, a closing ceremony photographs and a banquet.

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