Cystitis cure through Homeopathy Treatment CYSTITIS: Inflammation of the bladder or especially of the wall of the bladder is termed as cystitis. It is cuased by bacterial infection in general, and its called UTI [urinary tract infection], in this the area becomes irritated and inflammed. Rarely it may be caused by certain drugs, radiation on therapy or potential irritants, or long term use of catheter and may also occur as a complication of another illness. If there is a recurrent back or low in pain, fever with chills, burning mituration associated nausea and vomitings, will consult a Homeopathy doctor to rule out cystitis.
SYMPTOMS: 1. A burning sensation when urinating, with a strong persist urge for urinate. 2. A frequent small amounts of urine. 3. Haematuria (blood in the urine). 4. Strong smelling or cloudy urine. 5. Pain in lower abdomen ,discomfort in pelvic area with lowgrade fever. 6. Complicated
insufficiency followed by profund weakness with hypotension
CAUSES OF CYSTITIS: 1) It is more common among females than males, structually urethra of women more prompt to get infections than men.Usually occur by bacterial infection. 2) When women inject a tampon, there is a little risk of bacteria entering via urethra and use of diaphragm for contraception. 3) The pt does not empty her/his bladder completely creating invoronment for bacteria to multiply in the bladder. 4) If a part of the urinary system may be blocked or other bladder or kidney problems 5) Due to low immunity, these are all fairly common in pregnant women and in menopause women. Menopause women produce less mucus in the vaginal area, actually this mucus stops the bacteria from multiplying in bladder.
Differtial Diagnosis: •
Urethritis (inflammation of the urethra)
Urethal Syndrome.
Gonorrhea, Clamydial, Candida (thrush), Infections, and S.T.D 's.
Diagnosis of cystitis: •
CUE, and urine for culture sensitivity.
Ultra sound scan of abdomen.
X—ray or cystoscopy.
Compleate blood picture to see incrase in w.b.c.
Prevention methods of cystitis: 1. Drink plenty of fluids this will help flush the bacteria from the system , do not consume alcohol 2. Take cranberry juices, a natural source to prevent recurrences 3. Avoid foods that aggravate the bladder during an occurrence ,an example ;--beet root,asparagus,spinach,citrus fruit, strawberris,milk products,and red meat 4. improve immunity levels to prevent recurrent bacterial infections
HOMEOPATHY TREATEMENT: ➢ Is an excellent for the acute and chronic cystitis. Even for the cases where ,no infection is found in reports. ➢ It can be very helpful in building up the constitution ,thus reducing the risk of recurrence. will definitely need and benefit from homeopthic treatement in cases of recurrent UTI. ➢ Homeopathy treatment can be reduces the chance of re infection. seems to be enhancing immune system of the patient.
Homeocare International treatement: An evidential treatements are present in Homeocare International, its offers best chance of cure in cases of acute, and chronic cystitis, recurrent UTI and other kidney disorders like kidney failure, kidney infections. Which works purely on genetic constitutional method of treatement and also boost energy and also helpful in building up the constitution can reduces, re infections.
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