Illegal Cannabis Thriving, Blow Expectations of Licensed Owners

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Il l ega l Ca nna bIs ThrIvIng, b l ow expeCTa TIons of lICensed ow ners

It has been litt le over a year since California legalized marijuana. But illegal business seems to thrive in the S t a t e s of California. In turn, illegal businesses are cannibalizing the business of legal owners. The eff ect is to such an extent th a t some of the owners have been forced to shut down their business. It has become a major concern because the entire law stands infected, despite legalization. In the midst of perplexity, the authorities are ramming control over policies and illegal owners are selling cannabis under the religious veil.

The only reason why illegalization is flourishing is due to the fact th a t most of them are using “cannabis is legal� as a shield to protect their personal motives. Now the irony is th a t people who own a medical card, in the nearby future may have to pay extra for buying a single strain of medical marijuana. First, because they have to pay t a x and second because a t the end of the day revenue has to be generated for a business to grow.

The Role of Apps in Boosting Illegal Marijuana With digitalization booming a t the speed of light, each and everything is readily available online. All you have to do is install an app. Similar is the case for medical marijuana users. Apps make cannabis readily available. But often do they know the fact t ha t both legal and illegal business owners, work through these apps. There are thousands of unlawful activities t h at take place through apps, despite reframing policies like banning the sale of products containing THC and allowing users to shop through an in-house app feature. Therefore, the role of apps in selling legalized marijuana illegally is a confusing patchwork th at needs amendments.

How Did the Illicit Activities Grow? O f t en p a t i e n t s t r y i n g t o alleviate hormonal imbalances

or making eff orts to strengthen immunity have been found using CBD. Now, these people look for various ways to consume medical marijuana. It could be in the form of cannabis-infused products or tinctures and vapers. So illicit activities have risen because it’s easier to trade concealed forms of cannabis than raw marijuana.

Having said this, it is also vital to know t ha t the production of cannabis is more in California than other states. Naturally making California the largest producer of medical marijuana and a s tate t ha t has more illicit activities than any other. In addition to these other reasons such as a limited number of dispensaries and 15 percent excise t a x on cannabis sale, is leading to the growth of the black market. But make sure you don’t fall into the web of illicit markets. Because once under the scrutiny of stringent laws, you will have to deal with jail time and other penalties.

Get a Medical Marijuana Card from a Certified Doctor Normally, people do not want to stand in long queues or go through the cumbersome process of gett ing a medical marijuana card. Hence what do they do? They lean towards the easier way out. But imagine you are an insomniac. You have been desperately waiting for a n a t u r a l s l eep c y c l e to set in your biological system. Your friend suggests you take a particular strain. You have to travel the road less traveled The road less traveled here is gett ing a medical card online. Neither will you wait for long hours nor will you face any hassles. All you have to do is register through a trusted website. Ensure t ha t you have your medical documents in possession. Most vitally, make sure th at you are being examined by a certifi ed doctor. .

Also, you need to have a government ID proof and address proof (if you are residing in the same region) to buy legal medical marijuana. As the usage of Cannabis increases so will it’s potential to infi ltrate the system. Policies will have loopholes and some miscreants in the society will take its advantage. But an authorized cannabis card will help elevate the standards of legal marijuana sale. In entirety, it will be benefi cial for all the legitimate business owners.

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