Affordable Deep Vein Thrombosis in India

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Affordable Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment in India

Aishwarya Pillai

May 1, 2023, Treatments

The first reference of Deep vein thrombosis or DVT can be found in an Ayurveda text Sushruta Samhita, published around 900-600 BC. It contains the first ever description of DVT. The first

Western reference to DVT was a 13th century French illustrated manuscript picturing a man with obvious thrombophlebitis.

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An Overview of Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment in India

India has been a top destination for many treatments and DVT is no different. Deep vein thrombosis treatment in India is not only affordable but reliable as well.

All About Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis or venous thrombosis is a medical condition that occurs when blood clots (thrombus) start forming in your deep veins because of injury or sluggish flow of blood. These blood clots can partially or completely block the blood flow through your veins.

These clots can break free, travel through the bloodstream and get stuck in the lungs or other organs, blocking the blood flow. When DVT and pulmonary embolism occur together, it’s called venous thromboembolism (VTE).

What are the Causes of DVT?

Anything obstructing the flow of blood or properly clotting in your deep veins can cause a clot. The major reason of deep vein thrombosis is vein damage from a a surgery or any injury.

What are the Signs & Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis?

DVT generally doesn’t induce any symptoms but even if does, they are mild enough to not raise any alarm. Some symptoms include:

 Swelling of your leg or arm (sometimes this happens suddenly)

 Pain or tenderness in your leg or arm (may only happen when standing or walking)

 The area of your leg or arm that’s swollen or hurts may be warmer than usual

 Skin that’s red or discolored

 The veins near your skin’s surface may be larger than normal

 Abdominal pain orflank pain (whenblood clots affect theveins deepinsideyour abdomen)

 Severe headache (usually of sudden onset) and/or seizures (when blood clots affect the veins of your brain)

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What Conditions Increase the Risk of Getting DVT?

There are many conditions that can increase your risk of getting DVT, such as:

 Cancer and some of its treatments: Drugs used in cancer treatments like chemotherapy can cause blood to clot.

 Family History: Having DVT run in your family can increase your chances of getting the disease too.

 Injury or surgery: Any damage to your deep veins due to surgery or injury can increase the probability of clot formation due to disruption in flow of blood.

 Lack of movement: Sitting at one place for long hours on a regular basis devoid the calf muscles of its contracting movements that aid in blood flow. So does long-term bed rest, which may result from a lengthy hospital stay or a medical condition such as paralysis.

 Pregnancy: Pregnancy increases the pressure in the veins in the pelvis and legs. The risk of blood clots from pregnancycan continue for up to six weeks after a baby is born. People with an inherited clotting disorder are especially at risk.

 Age: Being over 40 can increase of getting DVT although the disease can affect anyone of any age.\

 Obesity: Beingobeseoroverweight canincreasethepressureonveinsoflegsorthepelvic region, increasing the chances of DVT.

 Consumption of tobacco products: It can disrupt the flow of blood and cause more blood clotting.

 Oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy: Both of them can increase your blood’s ability to clot.

 Heart failure: Heart failure increases the risk of DVT and pulmonary embolism. Because the heart and lungs don’t work well in people with heart failure, the symptoms caused by even a small pulmonary embolism are more noticeable.

 Inflammatory bowel disease: Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis increase the risk of DVT.

 Covid-19: Corona infection can also increase the risk of blood clotting.

 Genetics: Some people have DNA changes that cause the blood to clot more easily. An inherited disorder on its own might not cause blood clots unless combined with other risk factors.

 Catheter: Having a catheter placed in a vein can increase the likelihood of a blood clot forming.

What Complications Come With DVT?

There are a few complications that arise because of deep vein thrombosis, such as:

 Pulmonary embolism (PE): It is serious condition that develops with deep vein thrombosis. When the blood clot travels to your lungs from your legs, it leads to pulmonary embolism. It is serious condition and demands immediate medical attention.

 Postphlebitic syndrome: Damage to the veins from the blood clot reduces blood flow in the affected areas. Symptoms include leg pain, leg swelling, skin color changes and skin sores.

 Treatment complications: Blood thinners, often used to treat DVT, has some worrisome side effects such as hemorrhage.

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How to Diagnose Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Your healthcare practitioner will look into your medical history, and will conduct a physical examination. The practitioner will check the legs for swelling, tenderness or changes in skin color. The tests will determine the severity of deep vein thrombosis. The tests include:

 D-dimer blood test: A test to look for increases level of D-dimer protein in the blood stream. This will help rule out the possibility of pulmonary embolism.

 Duplexultrasound: Astandardtest fordiagnosingDVT,this non-invasive test uses sound waves to create pictures of the way blood flows in our veins. It is done to check for new blood clots or to see if an existing one is growing.

 Venography: The test uses X-rays and dye (helps blood vessels show up more clearly on X-rays) to create a picture of the veins in the legs and feet. The test is considered invasive as dye is injected into the a large vein in the foot or ankle, hence rarely done.

 MRI scan: It is done to diagnose DVT veins in the abdomen area.

 CT scan: It is done to find a DVT in your abdomen, pelvis or brain, as well as blood clots in your lung (pulmonary embolism).

What are the Treatments Available to Treat Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Depending on the severity of venous thrombosis, various treatment options are available, such as:

 Medications: Specifics such as blood thinners, Clot busters (thrombolytics) and Anticoagulants are are prescribed patients suffering from DVT. These medicines treat the condition by decreasing the viscosity of blood, bursting existing clots or make it harder for your blood to clot. Clot busters are only give to severe patients.

 Filters: If you can’t take medications, your healthcare provider may place a vena cava filter in large vein going through your abdomen. This will prevent any clots from reaching the lungs.

 Thrombectomy: Surgical thrombectomy is the last open that the doctors suggest when there the clots are too large or cause serious issues like tissue damage.

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Cost of Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment in India

Thecostofdeepvein thrombosistreatmentin India dependsonthetreatment chosenbythepatient. The treatment cost ranges from $1300 to $3000.

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Top Hospitals for Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment in India

India has one of the best hospitals in the world withthe top-most medical equipment and renowned doctors. Gomedii has compiled a list of top hospitals providing deep vein thrombosis treatment in India.

1. Sri Ramchandra Medical Center, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

2. Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra

3. Gleneagles Global Hospital, Hyderabad, Telengana

4. Batra Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Delhi

5. Fortis Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

6. Venkateshwar Hospital, Delhi

7. Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Paschim Vihar, Delhi

8. Care Institue of Medical Sciences, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

9. Nanavati Super Specialty Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra

10. Medanta The Medicity, Gurugram, Haryana

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FAQs on Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment in India

What are the warning signs of deep vein thrombosis?

The warning signs of deep vein thrombosis are:

 throbbing pain in 1 leg (rarely both legs), usually in the calf or thigh, when walking or standing up

 swelling in 1 leg (rarely both legs)

 warm skin around the painful area

 red or darkened skin around the painful area – this may be harder to see on brown or black skin

 swollen veins that are hard or sore when you touch them

These symptoms can also happen in your arm or tummy if that’s where the blood clot is.

Can you fully recover from DVT?

Most patients with venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism fully recover within several weeks or months without much complications or long-term side effects. However, long-term problems can still occur, depending on the severity of the condition.

What is the cost of deep vein thrombosis treatment in India?

Thecostofdeepvein thrombosistreatmentin India dependsonthetreatment chosenbythepatient. The treatment cost ranges from $1300 to $3000.

Choose GoMedii for an affordable Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment in India

If you are looking for affordable deep vein thrombosis treatment in India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch and hassle-free process.

We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our “Website” and WhatsApp (+91 9654030724) or call us at 9599004811. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.

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