2022 Cumberland County ———— Thank You To our Spon SorS ———— presented by in partnership with Cumberland County aging & Community Services
2 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory beyond50 Resource Directory is published annually by On-Line Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 8049 • Lancaster, PA 17604 • (717) 285-1350 • (610) 675-6240 • www.onlinepub.com Copyright ©2022 by On-Line Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the express written permission of the publisher. Each edition is carefully reviewed to assure accuracy. The publisher cannot, however, guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein nor does the publisher endorse services or products represented. PLEASE NOTE: We will not knowingly publish any advertisement or information not in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, Pennsylvania state laws, or other local laws. We reserve the right to revise or reject any advertising. –––––– ADult DAy Se RviCe S ––––––l ife t ime Adult Day Care Providing daytime care and support to our clients and their caregivers. Engaging activities, trained staff, and lunch provided. New location! 27 Miller Street, Suite 103, lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 975-9762 www.cparc.org jzarker@cparc.org –––––– ADvoCACy ––––––Organizations that promote the health, dignity, rights, and quality of life of seniors and the disabled. aarp (888) 687-2277 a meri Can Civil l iberT ie S u nion (212) 549-2500 a meri Can Civil righ TS i n ST i TuTe (916) 444-2278 arC of Cumberland & perrY CounT ie S (717) 249-2611 b lindne SS and vi Sual Servi Ce S (bvS) ...................................(866) 375-8264 bureau of Con Sumer proTe CT ion (800) 441-2555 Cen Ter for i ndependenT living (717) 731-1900 Communi TY aCT ion Commi SS ion – harri Sburg (717) 232-9757 Cri S i S i nTerven T ion program (866) 350-4357 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S – p4a .............................................................................(717) 240-6110 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S – proTe CT ive Servi Ce S (717) 240-6110 Cumberland Coun TY vi CT im S aSS i STan Ce Cen Ter (CCpa) (717) 240-6220 o ffi Ce for d eaf and hard of h earing (odhhh) (800) 233-3008 v/TTY (717) 783-4912 penn SYlvania h ome Care aSSoCiaT ion (717) 975-9448, ex T. 28 penn SYlvania h uman relaT ion S Commi SS ion ................. (717) 787-9780 –––––– AlCohol & SubStAnCe AbuSe Se RviCe S ––––––Organizations offering prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. alCoholi CS anonYmou S (717) 234-5390 Common ground d e Tox (888) 237-8984 Cri S i S i nTerven T ion Camp h ill (717) 763-2222 Carli Sle ...................................................................................(717) 243-600 5 Cumberland/perrY d rug & alCohol Commi SS ion Carli Sle (717) 240-6300 all oT her area S (866) 240-6300 narCoT i CS anonYmou S (717) 233-3733 naT ional Coun Cil on alCoholi Sm & d rug d ependen CY (800) 622-2255 roxburY TreaTmen T Cen Ter .................................................. (800) 648-4673 SalvaT ion armY adulT rehab CenTer (717) 541-0203 –– Alzhei M e R’ S/De M entiA CARe (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) –––– APAR tM ent S (See h ou S ing oP tion S) –––––––– ARe A AgenCy on Aging ––––––Provides aging services and information on financial aid and local benefits programs in Cumberland County. Cumberland County Aging & Community Services An agency dedicated to providing programs and services that allow older adults to maintain their health, welfare, and independence. 1100 Claremont Road, Carlisle, PA 17015 .............................. (717) 240-6110 www.cumberlandcountypa.gov ........ aging@cumberlandcountypa.gov See our ad on page 4. –– ASS i S te D living Re S i D en Ce S (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) –––––––– ASSi Stive te Chnology/Devi Ce S ––––––These technologies and devices can make the lives of seniors and the disabled easier. penn SYlvania’S i ni T iaT ive on aSS i ST ive Te ChnologY and Tele Communi CaT ion S a SS i STan Ce program (800) 204-7428 u ni Ted Cerebral pal SY of Cen Tral penn SYlvania .......... (717) 737-3477 • Loan Programs for assistive techno Logy • penn SYlvania’S aSS i ST ive Te ChnologY f oundaT ion ................................. (484) 674-0506 voi Ce; (888) 744-1938 TTY –––––– CARe ASSe SSMent Se RviCe S ––––––Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services. Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 –––––– CARegive R ASSi StAnCe ––––––Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 familY Caregiver SupporT program (Cumberland CounTY) (717) 240-6100
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 3 Resource Directory –––––– Clothing ––––––Cumberland Coun TY aSS i STan Ce (717) 240-2700 goodwill – lemoYne .............................................................. (717) 737-6134 m e Chani CSburg ................................................................... (717) 635-2881 T he mee T ing hou Se – Carli Sle (717) 243-1863 SalvaT ion armY – Camp h ill ..................................................(717) 731-0576 Carli Sle (717) 249-1411 Shining l igh T Thrif T Shop ...................................................... (717) 234-2436 Trini TY u ni Ted m e T hodi ST ChurCh ........................................ (717) 532-7606 –––––– CoMMunity Se RviCe S ––––––m e SS iah lifewaYS Conne CT ion S............................................(717) 591-7223 –––––– ConSuMe R PRote C tion/CoMPl Aint S ––––––bureau of Con Sumer proTe CT ion (800) 441-2555 Con Sumer produCT Safe TY Commi SS ion ........................ (800) 638-2772 d i Sabili TY righ TS n e T work of penn SYlvania (800) 692-7443 e nvironmen Tal proTe CT ion agen CY (800) 424-9346 e quifax fraud alerT (888) 766-0008 e xperian fraud alerT (888) 397-3742 federal Trade Commi SS ion (202) 326-2222 m edi Care/m edi Caid fraud (800) 447-8477 n eighborhood d i SpuTe (800) 324-4453 o ffi Ce for Con Sumer advoCaTe ...................................... (800) 684-6560 o ffi Ce for d i SpuTe re SoluT ion............................................ (800) 992-4334 penn SYlvania bureau of Con Sumer proTe CT ion (800) 441-2555 penn SYlvania d eparTmen T of banking & Se Curi T ie S (800) 722-2657 penn SYlvania d eparTmen T of elder abu Se (800) 490-8505 penn SYlvania h uman relaT ion S (717) 787-4410 publi C uT ili TY Con Sumer Complain TS (800) 692-7380 quali TY i n S igh TS of penn SYlvania (877) 346-6180 Tran Sunion fraud alerT....................................................... (800) 680-7289 u SpS Cu STomer Servi Ce .......................................................... (800) 275-8777 u SpS m ail fraud (877) 876-2455 u SpS S TampS bY m ail (800) 782-6724 welfare fraud (800) 932-0582 Is a wellness checkup on your mind? Put it on your calendar. —————Makeanappointment WellSpan.org/Wellnesstoday. The lawn? Cut. The hedges? Trimmed. Your annual checkup? Let’s work on that next. Things like a physical, updated blood work and vaccinations are easy yet crucial steps to keeping you well. So this year, get back to checking your checkup off the to-do list. You’re invited to our fall events! omen’sxposE www.OLPevents.com
4 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory –– ccrc/Life care communities (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) –––––––– CounSeling Se RviCe S ––––––alCoholi CS anonYmou S (717) 234-5390 arC of Cumberland & perrY CounT ie S (717) 249-2611 Chri ST ian Servi Ce S Coun Seling Cen Ter (717) 249-7410 Connect Counseling Connect Counseling works with individuals, couples, and families to support mental health wellness using a systemic, applied developmental lens. 18 Carlisle Street, Suite 214, gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 224-1273 www.connectcounselingpa.com ........... info@connectcounselingpa.com Cri S i S i nTerven T ion (800) 273-8255 Cumberland Communi TY aCT ion Commi SS ion (717) 532-8611 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 Cumberland link To aging & di Sabili TY re SourCe S ...... (717) 240-7887 familY Caregiver SupporT (CCpa) (717) 240-6100 ombudSman Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 SalvaT ion armY – Camp h ill (717) 731-0576 Carli Sle (717) 249-1411 The warm l ine (877) 243-7153 –––––– CRe MAtion ––––––musselman funeral home Since 1895, we have provided traditional funerals, cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community. 324 hummel Avenue, lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 763-7440 www.musselmanfuneralhome.com info@musselmanfuneral.com See our ad below. An agency dedicated to providing programs and services that assist older adults in maintaining their health, welfare, and independence. PA MEDI (formerly APPRISE)—Medicare & Related Health Insurance Counseling Caregiver and Grandparenting Support Program Health and Wellness Programs Home and Community-Based Services Information and Referral Older Adult Protective Services SeniorOmbudsmanCommunity Centers VolunteerTransportationOpportunities ... and much more! Contact us at: aging@cumberlandcountypa.govwww.cumberlandcountypa.gov
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 5 Resource Directory –– Dementia care faci Lities/u nits (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) –––––––– DentAl Se RviCe S ––––––d en Tal lifeline n e T work (pa) (724) 568-4343 d en Tal Servi Ce S T hrough m edi Cal aSS i STan Ce (800) 692-7462 –– Develo PM entAl Di SAbilitie S (See Di SAbility Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– Di SAbility Se RviCe S ––––––arC of Cumberland & perrY CounT ie S (717) 249-2611 arC of penn SYlvania (800) 692-7258 Con TaCT helpline (717) 652-4400 Cumberland/perrY mh idd program (717) 240-6325 d i Sabili TY righ TS n e T work of penn SYlvania (800) 692-7443 (877) 375-7139 (T dd) mh idd program: d i Sa ST er Cri S i S ouTreaCh and referral Team (CCpa) (717) 240-6320 penn SYlvania Coun Seling Servi Ce S................................... (717) 245-9255 penn SYlvania men Tor ne T work (717) 657-2073 SouT h Cen Tral penn SYlvania h ealT h Care quali TY u ni T ............................................................................... (717) 835-2270 u ni Ted d i Sabili T ie S Servi Ce S (udS) (888) udS-4235 • Deve Lo PmentaL/PhysicaL • d evelopmen Tal program S Cu STomer Servi Ce (888) 565-9435 • m entaL h eaLth/i nte LLectuaL • aCquired brain injurY ne T work of penn SYlvania ...... (800) 516-8052 i nTelle CTual di Sabili T ie S program (717) 240-6320 m en Tal h ealT h aSSoCiaT ion of penn SYlvania (866) 578-3659 nami (717) 240-8715 n orT hwe ST ern h uman Servi Ce S (The S Teven S Cen Ter) (717) 243-6033 penn SYlvania b ehavioral h ealT h & aging Coali T ion (717) 541-4219 penn SYlvania m en Tal h ealT h Con SumerS’ aSSoCiaT ion (800) 887-6422 –––––– DoMe StiC violenCe ––––––baTTered women’S j u ST i Ce proje CT (800) 903-0111 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S – proTe CT ive Servi Ce S (717) 240-6110 Cumberland Coun TY d i STri CT aTTorne Y vi CT im Servi Ce S divi S ion (717) 240-6220 naT ional dome ST i C violen Ce hoTline ............................ (800) 799-7233; (800) 787-3224 (TTY) naT ional e lder abu Se h oTline (800) 490-8505 o lder adulT proTe CT ive Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 penn SYlvania addre SS ConfidenT iali TY program (aCp) (800) 563-6399; (877) 349-1064 (TTY) penn SYlvania Coali T ion again ST dome ST i C violen Ce................................................................................... (800) 932-4632; (800) 553-2508 (TTY) proTe CT ion from abu Se (pfa) (CCpa) ................................. (800) 852-2102 proTe CT ive Servi Ce S (CCpa) (800) 852-2102 hoTline (717) 258-4806 bu S ine SS r ape, abu Se & i n Ce ST naT ional n e T work (rainn) (800) 656-4673 –––––– eM e RgenCy ––––––a meri Can red CroSS, Cumberland CounTY Chap Ter (717) 243-5211 Carli Sle Care S .......................................................................... (717) 249-1009 Cri S i S i nTerven T ion – Cumberland & perrY CounT ie S (717) 763-2222 Cumberland Communi TY aCT ion Commi SS ion (CCpa) .................................................................(717) 240-6110 Cumberland Coun TY d rug & alCohol Commi SS ion (CCpa) (717) 240-6300; (866) 240-6300 e mergen CY ShelTer ................................................ (888) 697-0371, ex T. 6110 h uman Servi Ce S d eparTmen T: e mergen CY ShelTer (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 m en Tal h ealT h Cri S i S i nTerven T ion and e mergen CY Servi Ce S –Cam p hill ................................................................................ (717) 763-2222 Carli Sle (717) 243-6005 all oTher area S (866) 350-4357 pCCd vi CT im S Compen SaT ion program .......................... (717) 705-0888 (800) 233-2339 Safe harbour (717) 249-2200 SalvaT ion armY – Camp h ill (717) 731-0576 Carli Sle (717) 249-1411 vi CT im Servi Ce S – Camp h ill (717) 761-5599 Carli Sle (717) 240-6220; (888) 697-0371 –––––– eMPloyMent ––––––Training and services to help prepare you for the workforce. aarp f oundaT ion Senior e mploYmen T (717) 234-5961 ahedd (717) 731-5485 Careerl ink (717) 243-4431 Communi TY aCT ion Commi SS ion (717) 232-9757 Cumberland Coun TY Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 Cumberland/perrY m en Tal h ealT h (CCpa) (866) 902-4333 goodwill – Carli Sle ............................................................... (717) 249-0012 lemoYne (717) 737-6134 m e Chani CSburg (717) 635-2881 o ffi Ce of voCaT ional rehabili TaT ion (ovr) (800) 762-6306 SalvaT ion armY, i n C (717) 249-1411 Senior Communi TY Servi Ce S e mploYmen T program, i n C. (SCSep) (CCpa) (717) 240-6100 Servi Ce aCCe SS m anagemenT (Sam) (877) 236-4600 Ti Cke T To work program ..................................................... (800) 442-6352
6 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory –––––– e ne Rgy ASSi StAnCe ––––––$1 e nergY fund (dollar e nergY fund) ............................ (800) 683-7036 bureau of Communi TY Servi Ce S (800) 692-7380 low- i n Come h ome e nergY aSS i STan Ce program (liheap) (866) 857-7095; (800) 991-0929 low- i n Come uSage reduCT ion program (liurp) (800) 675-0222 naT ional fuel ga S bu S ine SS offi Ce (800) 365-3234 penn SYlvania o ffi Ce of Con Sumer advoCaTe (800) 684-6560 penn SYlvania power CompanY reaCh hardShip fund (800) 720-3600 penn SYlvania power & l igh T (ppl) o nTraCk (800) 342-5775 people S naTural ga S CompanY (800) 400-9276 ppl o peraT ion h elp Cumberland Coun TY: m e Chani CSburg & e a ST – n ew h ope m ini STrie S (717) 766-7333 SouT hern Communi TY Servi Ce S (717) 235-0446, e x T. 22 Todd baird l indSe Y f oundaT ion (717) 486-4121 ugi uT ili T ie S i n C. – low- i n Come Self- h elp program (li Shp) (800) 844-9276 –––––– eS tAte Pl Anning & PRobAte ––––––Daley zucker, llC From simple to complex estate planning, we offer clients the experience of our attorneys and attorney/CPAs in minimizing taxes and protecting loved ones. 645 north 12th Street, Suite 200, lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 724-9821 www.daleyzucker.com .................................... ppatton@daleyzucker.com See our ad on page 13. ugi uT ili T ie S i n C. – o peraT ion Share (800) 962-1212 u ni Ted waY of Carli Sle and Cumberland CounTY (717) 243-4805 –––––– e vent S ––––––50plus e XPos 50plus EXPOs are lively, one-day events that bring businesses and communities together on a personal level. Look for them in Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, and Cumberland counties. P.o. box 8049, lancaster, PA 17604 ......................................... (717) 285-1350 www.50plus e xpoPA.com Women’s e xpos Premier women’s expos in the Susquehanna Valley featuring demonstrations, shopping, entertainment, the latest in women’s health, and much more! P.o box 8049, lancaster, PA 17604 (717) 285-1350 www.a g reatWaytoSpendMyDay.com Beyond 50 Publications – Senior Directory - Cumberland Co. - Full Page, 4/C - 5” W x 11.25” H Players must be 18 or older. Please play responsibly. Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-800-GAMBLER Share yours: #MyLotteryLove See more: That’spalottery.com/LotteryLoveLOTTERYLOVE
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 7 Resource Directory –––––– eye CARe Se RviCe S ––––––a meri Can Coun Cil of T he b lind (800) 424-8666 bureau of b lindne SS & vi Sual Servi Ce S ............................(866)(717)375-8264;787-7500 eYe Care a meri Ca (800) 222-3937 Kilmore eye Associates Ophthalmic/optometric eye care practice specializing in medical and routine eye care and cataract surgery. Eye care for life! 890 Century Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 ....................... (717) 697-1414 www.kilmoreeye.com ............................................... kelly@kilmoreeye.com See our ad on this page. n ew eYe S for The n eedY.......................................................... (973) 376-4903 penn SYlvania aSSoCiaT ion for T he b lind (717) 766-2020 vi S ion re SourCe S of Cen Tral penn SYlvania ................... (717) 238-2531 –––––– f inanciaL services ––––––• e mergency • a meri Can red CroSS (Carli Sle) .......................................... (717) 243-5211 Cumberland Coun TY aSS i STan Ce o ffi Ce (welfare) Carli Sle (717) 240-2700 all oT her area S (800) 269-0173 n ew h ope m ini STrie S (717) 766-7333 penn SYlvania d eparTmen T of human Servi Ce S (800) 692-7462 SalvaT ion armY (717) 249-1411 Samari Tan fellowShip (717) 243-7338 SoCial Se Curi TY – Carli Sle (866) 635-0507 Todd baird l indSe Y f oundaT ion (717) 486-4121 –––––– f itness ––––––YmCa – Carli Sle familY ......................................................... (717) 243-2525 we ST Shore (717) 737-9622 Y wCa – Carli Sle (717) 243-3818 –––––– fooD/nutrition ––––––• eD ucation/counse Ling • The familY h ealT h Coun Cil of Cen Tral penn SYlvania (717) 761-7380 • f oo D Banks/Pantries • 5 loave S f ood pan TrY (717) 737-1903 b ig Spring area f ood bank ................................................. (717) 422-4603 bridge f ood panTrY (717) 774-6255 Chri ST ian life a SSemblY f ood bank .................................... (717) 737-6560 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 k ing’S ke TTle food bank (717) 530-9200 mounT h ollY SpringS f ood bank (717) 486-4883 n ew h ope m ini STrie S (717) 766-7333 proje CT S. h a r e (717) 249-7773 SalvaT ion armY Carli Sle (717) 249-1411 SouT h Cen Tral Communi TY aCT ion program (717) 263-5060 SouT hern Communi TY Servi Ce S (717) 235-0446, e x T. 22 S T fran Ci S Soup k i TChen (717) 236-4506 • f oo D s tam Ps • Cumberland Coun TY aSS i STan Ce o ffi Ce (717) 240-2700 penn SYlvania d eparTmen T of human Servi Ce S (800) 692-7462 • m eaL s on Whee L s • Carli Sle (717) 245-0707 e a ST penn Sboro/m e Chani CSburg area (717) 697-5011 Shippen Sburg (717) 261-6615 we ST Shore (717) 737-3942 –––––– f uneraL ––––––musselman funeral home Since 1895, we have provided traditional funerals, cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community. 324 hummel Avenue, lemoyne, PA 17043 ............................. (717) 763-7440 www.musselmanfuneralhome.com ............. info@musselmanfuneral.com See our ad on page 4.
8 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory –––––– gove RnMent ––––––• LocaL • Camp h ill borough (717) 737-3456 Carli Sle borough (717) 249-4422 Cooke Town Ship (717) 486-8114 d i Ckin Son Town Ship ............................................................... (717) 486-7424 e a ST penn Sboro Town Ship (717) 732-0711 hampden Town Ship (717) 761-0119 h opewell Town Ship ................................................................. (717) 423-6582 lemoYne borough (717) 737-6843 lower allen Town Ship (717) 975-7575 lower frankford Town Ship (717) 243-0855 lower m ifflin Town Ship (717) 776-6121 m e Chani CSburg borough .................................................... (717) 691-3310 m iddle Sex Town Ship (717) 249-4409 monroe Town Ship (717) 258-6642 mT. h ollY SpringS borough .................................................. (717) 486-7613 n ew Cumberland borough (717) 774-0404 n ewburg borough (717) 423-0050 n ewville borough (717) 776-7633 n orT h m iddle Ton Town Ship (717) 243-8550 n orT h n ew Ton Town Ship .......................................................(717) 776-7665 penn Town Ship (717) 486-3104 Shippen Sburg borough (717) 532-2147 Shippen Sburg Town Ship ..........................................................(717) 532-7137 Shireman STown borough (717) 761-4169 Silver Spring Town Ship (717) 766-0178 SouT h m iddle Ton Town Ship (717) 258-5324 SouT h n ew Ton Town Ship (717) 530-7626 SouT hamp Ton Town Ship (717) 532-9646 u pper allen Town Ship (717) 766-0756 u pper frankford Town Ship (717) 776-3117 u pper m ifflin Town Ship .......................................................... (717) 776-5949 we ST penn Sboro Town Ship (717) 243-8220 wormle YSburg borough (717) 763-4483 • county • Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 regi ST er of will S (717) 240-6345 ve Teran S affairS (717) 240-6178A Commitment to Excellence since 1867 Devotion. Compassion. Dignity. When you or your loved one continuum of care options and to be par t of your caregiving team. If you have questions or simply would like more information, please call or email info@homelandathome.org 2300 Vartan Way, 717-857-7400Harrisburg HomelandatHome.org 1901 N 5th St., H717-221-7900HarrisburgomelandCenter.org A CONTINUIN G C AR E R E TIR EMEN T CO MMUNI T Y
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 9 Resource Directory • s tate • legi SlaT ive referen Ce bureau (717) 787-4223 penndoT (800) 932-4600; (800) 228-0676 (T dd) penn SYlvania d eparTmen T of aging (717) 783-1550 • f e D eraL • naT ional pa SSporT i nformaT ion Cen Ter (877) 487-2778 U.S. State Department 24-hour automated appointment system. SoCial Se Curi TY admini STraT ion ........................................ (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TTY) u.S. admini STraT ion on aging (202) 401-4634 u.S. Capi Tol ................................................................................ (202) 224-3121 Senate and House of Representatives switchboard. u.S. Ci T izen Ship and i mmigraT ion Servi Ce S (800) 375-5283 (800) 767-1833 (T dd) whi Te hou Se CommenT line (202) 456-1111; (202) 456-6213 (TTY) –––––– he Alth Re SouRCe S ––––––al S aSSoCiaT ion (lou gehrig’S d i Sea Se) (800) 782-4747 alzheimer’S aSSoCiaT ion of penn SYlvania (717) (800)651-5020;272-3900 a meri Can aSSoCiaT ion on i nTelle CTual and d evelopmen Tal d i Sabili T ie S (202) 387-1968 a meri Can Can Cer SoCie TY .................................................. (800) 227-2345 a meri Can d iabe Te S aSSoCiaT ion ........................................ (888) 342-2383 a meri Can h earT aSSoCiaT ion Capi Tal region d ivi S ion (800) 242-8721 a meri Can lung aSSoCiaT ion (800) 548-8252 appri Se (717) 240-6110 arC of Cumberland & perrY CounT ie S (717) 249-2611 arC of T he u ni Ted S TaTe S (800) 433-5255 arT hri T i S f oundaT ion (800) 776-0746 Commi SS ion on aCCredi TaT ion of rehabili TaT ion faCili T ie S (Carf) ........................................................................ (888) 281-6531 Communi TY Che Ck- u p harri Sburg ..................................... (717) 233-1700 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) .........................................................................(717) 240-6110 Cumberland CounTY drug & alCohol Commi SSion (717) 240-6300 Cumberland Coun TY m en Tal healT h & inTelle CTual developmenT di Sabili T ie S program (717) 240-6325 e pilepSY f oundaT ion of Cen Tral penn SYlvania (800) 336-0301 familY life Servi Ce S (717) 795-0330 i nTelle CTual d i Sabili T ie S program (717) 240-6325 i nTernaT ional re TT SYndrome foundaT ion (800) 818-7388 ke YSTone h ealT h Cen Ter – familY praCT i Ce (717) 709-7999 hiv/aidS .................................................................................... (717) 709-7909 k idne Y f oundaT ion of Cen Tral penn SYlvania (717) 652-8123 leukemia & lYmphoma SoCie TY (717) (800)652-6520;822-2873 lupu S f oundaT ion of penn SYlvania (800) 800-5776 m edi Cal loan CloSe T: graCe u ni Ted m e T hodi ST ChurCh (717) 763-7632 m i SS ion of m erCY (717) 315-9813 mulT iple SCleroS i S f oundaT ion .......................................... (888) 673-6287 naT ional allian Ce on m en Tal i llne SS (nami) (800) 950-6264 naT ional aTT en T ion d efi Ci T d i Sorder aSSoCiaT ion (800) 939-1019 naT ional Coun Cil on i ndependenT living (877) 525-3400 The naT ional down SYndrome SoCie TY ........................... (800) 221-4602 naT ional h ealT h i nformaT ion Cen Ter (240) 453-8280 naT ional m en Tal h ealT h a meri Ca (800) 969-6642 penn SYlvania m edi Cal SoCie TY (855) 726-3348 penn SYlvania Toure TTe SYndrome allian Ce, i n C (800) 990-3300 penn SYlvania’S Servi Ce n e T work for auT i Sm and i nTelle CTual d i Sabili T ie S (par) (717) 236-2374 Shippen Sburg Communi TY n urSe (717) 530-7900 Spina b ifida aSSoCiaT ion (800) 621-3141 uCp of SouT h Cen Tral penn SYlvania, i n C (717) (800)632-5552;333-3873 u ni Ted Cerebral pal SY (uCp) (800) 998-4827 u ni Ted Spinal aSSoCiaT ion ................................................... (800) 404-2898 The Reviews Are In! At Bethany Village you ll enjoy active, carefree senior living with unparalleled peace of mind. Just ask our residents. (717) BETHANYVILLAGE.ORG910-4705 “Lovely campus and wonderful, caring sta .”
10 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory –––––– he AlthCARe ––––––• f inanciaL assistance • Cumberland County Aging & Community Services An agency dedicated to providing programs and services that allow older adults to maintain their health, welfare, and independence. 1100 Claremont Road, Carlisle, PA 17015 (717) 240-6110 www.cumberlandcountypa.gov ........ aging@cumberlandcountypa.gov See our ad on page 4. Cumberland Coun TY aSS i STan Ce o ffi Ce (717) 240-2700 d eparTmen T of human Servi Ce S ......................................... (800) 537-8862 liheap – Cumberland Coun TY aSS i STan Ce o ffi Ce (717) 240-2700 m edi Care (800) 633-4227 naT ional h ealT h i nformaT ion & referral Servi Ce (240) 453-8280 naT ional i n ST i TuTe on aging (800) 222-2225 paCe/paCene T and paCe plu S m edi Care program S (800) 225-7223 penn SYlvania d evelopmen Tal d i Sabili T ie S Coun Cil (717) 787-6057; (717) 705-0819 (TTY) SoCial Se Curi TY admini STraT ion (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TTY) ve Teran S h ealT h Care b enefi TS (800) 409-8771 –––––– he ARing Se RviCe S ––––––bureau of b lindne SS & vi Sual Servi Ce S (717) 787-7500; (866) 830-7327 (TTY) Cen Ter for i ndependenT living of Cen Tral penn SYlvania (800) 323-6060 h ear n ow (800) 648-4327 h earing loSS aSSoCiaT ion of a meri Ca (301) 657-2248 Miracle-e ar Carlisle With over 1,500 locations, we strive to bring our customers leading-edge technology and hearing solutions that improve lives, relationships, and communities. 261 Penrose Plaza, Carlisle, PA 17013 ..................................... (866) 955-6791 miracle-ear.com/carlislepa ................ listentolife@hearinginstruments.net See our ad on page 11. naT ional aSSoCiaT ion of T he d eaf (301) 587-1788; (301) 587-1789 (TTY) naT ional i n ST i TuTe on d eafne SS (800) 241-1044; (800) 241-1055 (TTY) o ffi Ce of d eaf and hard of h earing (800) 233-3008; (717) 783-4912 (TTY) penn SYlvania relaY ........................................................................... d ial 711
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 11 Resource Directory penn SYlvania SoCie TY for T he advan Cemen T of T he d eaf ............................................................................... (570) 309-0087 SerToma (800) 593-5646 –––––– hoMe CARe/hoMe he Alth Se RviCe S ––––––Medical and non-medical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed. addu S home Care (717) 245-9006 all handS home Care (717) 737-7905 alma healT h .............................................................................. (717) 609-8305 benevolen T hearT (717) 489-1700 bowman’S TlC (717) 737-8512 Chri ST ian Companion Senior Care (717) 745-1533 ComforT keeperS (717) 352-2133 e lla h ome Care........................................................................ (717) 963-7280 firST ligh T home Care (717) 430-5588 gei S inger h ome h ealT h Care (717) 972-4663 gri Swold h ome Care (717) 910-4467 h ome i n ST ead Senior Care – Carli Sle .............................. (717) 287-0782 me Chani CSburg ................................................................... (717) 731-9984 h omeland at home Homeland Hospice, HomeCare, and HomeHealth are dedicated to providing a continuum of at-home care services ... from non-medical personal assistance and physician-ordered skilled nursing and rehab therapies to compassionate hospice care. 2300 vartan Way, Suite 270, harrisburg, PA 17110 h omeland at home .................................................................. (717) 857-7400 www. h omelandat h ome.org See our ad on page 8. i nTrepid u Sa h ome h ealT h Servi Ce S (lemoYne) (717) 545-1910 in Your home Care (717) 243-5080 med- STafferS (717) 243-3658 m e SS iah lifewaYS aT home ..................................................... (717) 790-8209 o pen SYST em S healT h Care (717) 610-2001 Patriot home Care Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the entire process. We work with state insurance companies. Serving Cumberland County (717) 798-9008 www.patriothomecare.org mstehman@patriot-hc.com See our ad on page 10. re S iden T ial (888) 923-5842 Senior helperS (717) 205-2087 Shadai home healT h Servi Ce S ..............................................(717) 303-0272 Spiri Tru ST luT heran life (717) 205-2087 SYnergY h omeCare (717) 243-5473 u nique home Care Servi Ce S (717) 216-8097 vi S i T ing angel S (717) 241-5900 –––––– hoMe iMPRove Ment S ––––––Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users, to reduce energy costs. Amramp Accessibility means breaking down barriers to ensure that everyone can fully participate in their communities and in society at large. For more than 20 years, Amramp has provided residential accessibility solutions that include purchase and rental options for our wheelchair ramps and stair lifts. Other home-accessibility products include grab bars, lift chairs, vertical platform lifts, and many more. Start with a free evaluation for any of our products and let us help you find your forward! Serving Cumberland, Dauphin, lancaster, york, and surrounding counties. ........................................................(717) 745-7267 www.amramp.com .......................................... philadelphia@amramp.com See our ad on page 16. CommonwealT h of penn SYlvania – dep T of Communi TY and e Conomi C developmen T (717) 787-3003 Cumberland Coun TY h ou S ing and redevelopmen T auT hori TY ..................................................... (717) 249-1315 warmwi Se: audi TS & rebaTe S (866) 956-0308 weaT herizaT ion a SS i STan Ce program (800) 451-9869
12 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory –––––– hoMele SS Se RviCe S ––––––b e T he Sda m i SS ion – m en’S ShelTer (717) 257-4440 women & Children’S ShelTer ............................................ (717) 257-4447 Carli Sle Care S h omele SS ShelTer and re SourCe Cen Ter (717) 249-1009 Cumberland Coun TY h omele SS aSS i STan Ce program (888) 697-0371 l a ST name S a i (717) 240-6117 l a ST name S j z (717) 240-6112 familY promi Se of harri Sburg Capi Tal region, lemoYne ....................................................................................... (717) 737-1100 Safe harbour (717) 249-2200 SalvaT ion armY –gene S i S h ou Se (m en’S) ShelTer (717) 249-1411 S TuarT h ou Se (women & Children’S) ShelTer (717) 249-1411 ve Teran h omele SS Servi Ce S (717) 234-7931 –––––– hoSPiCe Se RviCe S ––––––Provides comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments. 365 hoSpi Ce (717) 730-6734 Compa SS ionaTe Care h oSpi Ce ............................................. (717) 944-4466 grane hoSpi Ce Care (717) 763-4001 h omeland hospice Holistic-focused hospice specialists provide pain relief, comfort, and peace to patients in end-of-life situations, along with compassionate support to families and loved ones. Each month we provide up to 32 hours of extra aide services, and bereavement support is available for a full 13 months after death. 2300 vartan Way, Suite 270, harrisburg, PA 17110 h omeland hospice ....................................................................(717) 221-7890 www. h omeland h ospice.org See our ad on page 8. k indred aT home (717) 612-1200 –––––– hoSPitAl S ––––––e ncompass health As the largest acute rehabilitation provider in the country, Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Mechanicsburg is the expert in offering the most advanced, individualized rehabilitation programs for each patient. Experienced teams, advanced technologies, and physiciansupervised care provide a seamless approach to get patients home safer and sooner. After an illness, injury, or surgery, ask for us by name. 175 lancaster boulevard, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 ........... (717) 691-3700 www.encompasshealth.com/mechanicsburgrehab See our ad on this page. gei S inger h olY Spiri T h oSpi Tal (717) 763-2100 oSS healT h (717) 730-7099 Connected care Superior outcomes encompassheal t h.com/mechanic sburgrehab
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 13 Resource Directory upmC pinnaCle Carli Sle (717) 249-1212 WellSpan h ealth Nearly 1,900 providers, 220 locations, eight award-winning hospitals, home care and behavioral health serving South Central Pennsylvania and Northern Maryland. 1001 South george Street, york, PA 17403 (800) 840-5905 www.wellspan.org See our ad on page 3. –––––– hotline S ––––––aarp (888) 687-2277 advan Tage Coun Seling Servi Ce......................................... (888) 511-2227 alCoholi CS anonYmou S (717) 422-4888 alzheimer’S h elpline (800) 272-3900 a meri Can Can Cer SoCie TY i nformaT ion Cen Ter (800) 227-2345 a meri Can d iabe Te S a SSoCiaT ion ........................................ (800) 342-2383 a meri Can h earT aSSoCiaT ion (800) 242-8721 a meri Can l iver f oundaT ion (800) 465-4837 a meri Can lung aSSoCiaT ion (800) 586-4872 a meri Can parkin Son’S d i Sea Se aSSoCiaT ion ................. (800) 223-2732 a meri Can S Troke aSSoCiaT ion (888) 478-7653 arT hri T i S (800) 283-7800 aST hma & allergY f oundaT ion of a meri Ca (800) 727-8462 bureau of Con Sumer proTe CT ion ......................................(800) 441-2555 Cd C naT ional ST d and a idS h oTline (800) 232-4636 Con SolidaTed Credi T debT managemen T (800) 685-2706 Crohn’S & Coli T i S f oundaT ion of a meri Ca, i n C. ......... (800) 343-3637 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (717) 240-6110 Cumberland CounTY rape Cri S i S hoTline ( Y wCa) (888) 727-2877 d eparTmen T of human Servi Ce S (e nergY aSS i STan Ce) (800) 692-7462 d eparTmen T of human Servi Ce S (medi Cal a SS i STan Ce) (800) 537-8862 e nvironmen Tal proTe CT ion agen CY (800) 424-9346 e nvironmen Tal proTe CT ion agen CY e mergen CY (800) 438-2474 f ood Safe TY m eaT & poulTrY h oTline (800) 535-4555 h earing a id h elp l ine ............................................................. (800) 521-5247 h ou S ing d i SCriminaT ion (800) 669-9777 i n Suran Ce i nformaT ion i n ST i TuTe (800) 331-9146 irS (800) 829-1040 k idne Y f oundaT ion h elpline ................................................ (800) 622-9010 l ink To aging & di Sabili TY re SourCe Cen Ter (866) 286-3636 m edi Care (800) 633-4227 narCoT i CS anonYmou S (717) 233-3733 naT ional Can Cer i n ST i TuTe (800) 422-6237 naT ional elder abu Se hoTline (800) 490-8505 naT ional h eadaChe f oundaT ion (800) 843-2256 naT ional h ealT h i nformaT ion program (800) 336-4797 naT ional i n ST i TuTe on aging............................................... (800) 222-2225 naT ional parkin Son’S f oundaT ion (800) 327-4545 n uClear regulaTorY Commi SS ion (800) 368-5642 n urS ing h ome Complain TS (800) 254-5164 o rgan donaT ion (800) 528-2971 paCe (800) 225-7223 penn doT (800) 932-4600 penn SYlvania Compul S ive gambling ............................... (800) 848-1880 penn SYlvania Crime S TopperS (800) 472-8477 penn SYlvania S TaTe h ealT h line (877) 724-3258 properTY Tax/ren T rebaTe (888) 222-9190 publi C uT ili TY Commi SS ion bureau of Con Sumer Servi Ce S (800) 692-7380 r adon h oTline (800) 237-2366 re CYCling (800) 346-4242 SoCial Se Curi TY i nformaT ion .............................................. (800) 772-1213 S Troke & n eurologi Cal i nformaT ion (800) 352-9424 TobaCCo qui Tline (800) 784-8669 u.S. d eparTmen T of ve Teran S affairS (800) 827-1000 u.S. produCTS Safe TY Commi SS ion (800) 638-2772 welfare fraud (800) 932-0582
14 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory –––––– houSing ––––––• assistance • Communi TY aCT ion Commi SS ion (717) 232-9757 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) .........................................................................(717) 240-6110 Cumberland Coun TY h ou S ing and redevelopmen T auT hori T ie S (717) 249-1315 familY publi C h ou S ing (717) 245-0516 habi TaT for h umani TY (717) 258-1830 h omeownerS e mergen CY morTgage aSS i STan Ce program (hemap) ..................(717) 780-3940; (800) 342-2397 h ou S ing d i SCriminaT ion h oTline (800) 669-9777 n ew d igS (m i SS ion Cen Tral) (717) 766-1533 n ew h ope m ini STrie S (717) 766-7333 penn SYlvania h ou S ing re SourCe Cen Ter (877) 428-8844 • f inanciaL assistance • Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 Cumberland Coun TY h ou S ing and redevelopmen T auT hori T ie S (717) 249-1315 d eparTmen T of human Servi Ce S (800) 692-7462 h omeowner & morTgage aSS i STan Ce (800) 342-2397 morTgage a SS i STan Ce program (717) 780-3800 penn SYlvania d eparTmen T of h ealT h ................................ (877) 724-3258 properTY Tax/ren T rebaTe program (888) 222-9190 SalvaT ion armY (717) 249-1411 SouT hern Communi TY Servi Ce S (717) 235-0446, e x T. 22 ve Teran S admini STraT ion (800) 827-1000 • rentaL assistance • Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 Cumberland Coun TY h ou S ing and redevelopmen T auT hori T ie S ................................................... (717) 249-1315 penn SYlvania deparTmen T of revenue form S ordering Servi Ce (800) 362-2050 SalvaT ion armY (717) 249-1411 u ni Ted waY (717) 243-4805 –––––– houSing oP tionS ––––––• aPartment-s tyLe • Independent living in a residential area. Generally do not have programs designed specifically for residents. a meri Can h ou Se aparTmen TS................................................(717) 766-1633 b e T hanY TowerS (717) 766-7698 TRUST THE EXPERTS IN PAIN & REPLACEMENTSJOINTOrthopaedicServices Joint Replacements Robotic Assisted Surgeries Non-Operative Pain Management Orthopaedic Urgent Care osshealth.com717-848-4800 OWNED & OPERATED BY OSS HEALTH PHYSICIANS SERVING YORK, HANOVER, & MECHANICSBURG
perSon/familY d ire CTed SupporT waiver (800) 692-7462 d esigned to help persons with developmental disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and provides a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.
Con SolidaTed waiver for i ndividual S wi T h i nTelle CTual d i Sabili T ie S (800) 692-7462 f or individuals with an intellectual disability. d esigned to help them live more independently by providing a variety of services that promote community living.
adulT auT i Sm waiver (866) 539-7689 provides long-term services and support to the specific needs of adults age 21 or older with an autism spectrum disorder (a Sd). aging waiver (Tran S i T ioned To Communi TY h ealT hChoi Ce S) (888) 753-8827 a long-term living program that provides older pennsylvanians the help they need to live independently in their homes or community. aidS waiver (800) 922-9384
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 15 Resource Directory boiling SpringS aparTmen TS (717) 258-8387 bre T hren h ou Se ........................................................................ (717) 233-6016 Che ST nuT Common S (717) 249-3484 College park aparTmen TS (717) 243-9121 CoTTage S of Shippen Sburg (717) 530-1573 Cumberland poin Te (717) 697-7200 e a ST gaTe aparTmen TS ............................................................. (717) 249-9800 e nola Common S Senior aparTmen TS (717) 732-2811 e pi SCopal Square aparTmen TS (717) 530-1277 eSSex h ou Se (717) 730-7302 h ooke and SuTer .....................................................................(717) 243-8555 i roquoi S h oTel Senior aparTmen TS (717) 774-4500 m allard run aparTmen TS (717) 761-5414 m eadowood aparTmen TS (717) 697-9517 mollY pi TCher aparTmen TS (717) 249-0789, ex T. 135 mounTain view aparTmen TS .................................................. (717) 776-3292 o ne we ST penn (717) 249-7797 pine ridge eSTaTe S (717) 486-4063 roT h village (717) 732-7006 roundhou Se view aparTmen TS (717) 732-0622 Shippen h ou Se ........................................................................... (717) 532-7885 Silver Spring CourTYardS (717) 591-1413 Silver Spring garden S (717) 591-1918 Su Squehanna view aparTmen TS (717) 763-1184 Two we ST penn (717) 249-3484 valle Y ridge aparTmen TS ...................................................... (717) 258-9317 –– Reti Re M ent living (See Reti Re M ent living oP tion S) ––• Life sharing/fami Ly Living resi D ences • Supportive living that allows individuals with intellectual disabilities to live with independence and dignity with the assistance of a caring and experienced staff. Cen Ter for i ndependenT living .......................................... (800) 323-6060 (717) 731-1335 (TTY) Cumberland/perrY h ou S ing & Communi TY parTnerShip admini STraT ive o ffi Ce S (717) 249-1315 –––––– huMAn Se RviCe S ––––––• PennsyLvania Waiver Programs • Waivers offer an array of services and benefits such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances. aCT 150 (717) 787-8091 h ome- and community-based program for people with physical disabilities. To be eligible you must be able to choose and supervise your care worker(s), manage your own finances, and manage your own legal matters.
urS ing h ome Tran S i T ion (nh T) program (800) 833-5196
Communi TY living waiver (717) 787-1870 provides community participation support, education support services, assistive technology, benefits counseling, home accessibility adaptations, and more for individuals with autism and id of all ages, and individuals with dd ages 0-8.
The nhT was developed to assist and empower consumers who want to move from a nursing facility back to a home of their choice in the community. nhT provides the opportunity for individuals and their families or caregivers to be fully informed of all long-term service and support options.
f or individuals 21 years of age or older who have symptomatic hiv Commdisease.Care waiver ................................................................ (877) 550-4227 f or individuals with traumatic brain injury (Tbi).
obra waiver (877) 550-4227 Covers services available for pennsylvania residents age 18–59 with severe developmental physical disability, helping them to remain as independent as possible.
life (l iving independen Ce f or The e lderlY) program (844) 824-3655 a federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community.
o p T ion S program (717) 299-7979 an array of community-based long-term care provided by the a rea agency on aging to help consumers function at optimal level while remaining in the most appropriate setting.
penn SYlvania i ndependenT e nrollmenT broker ........... (877) 550-4227 a contracted statewide entity that facilitates and streamlines the eligibility/enrollment process for applicants seeking services.
i ndependen Ce waiver (Tran S i T ioned To Communi TY h ealT hChoi Ce S) (800) 692-7462 f or adults with severe disability. may help them live or remain in the community and live as independently as possible.
16 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory –––––– i nformation anD referraL ––––––Cumberland County Aging & Community Services An agency dedicated to providing programs and services that allow older adults to maintain their health, welfare, and independence. 1100 Claremont Road, Carlisle, PA 17015 (717) 240-6110 www.cumberlandcountypa.gov aging@cumberlandcountypa.gov See our ad on page 4. Cumberland link h elpline (717) 240-7887 u ni Ted waY of Carli Sle & Cumberland Coun TY (717) 243-4805 –––––– i nSuRAnCe ––––––appri Se – Cumberland Coun TY area agen CY on aging (CCpa) (717) 240-6110 h ealT hY h orizon S – d eparTmen T of h uman Servi Ce S (800) 692-7462 i n Suran Ce i nformaT ion h oTline (800) 331-9146 ke Yne T bu S ine SSne T work in Suran Ce Servi Ce S ................. (877) 753-9638 penn SYlvania m edi Cal aSS i STan Ce program (717) 240-2700 –– i ntelle C tuAl Di SAbilitie S (See Di SAbility Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– legAl Se RviCe S ––––––aClu (717) 238-2258 Cumberland CounTY area agen CY on aging (CCpa) ... (717) 240-6110 Cumberland Coun TY bar aSSoCiaT ion l aw Yer referral Servi Ce (800) 990-9108 Daley zucker, llC From simple to complex estate planning, we offer clients the experience of our attorneys and attorney/CPAs in minimizing taxes and protecting loved ones. 645 north 12th Street, Suite 200, lemoyne, PA 17043 (717) 724-9821 www.daleyzucker.com ppatton@daleyzucker.com See our ad on page 13. harri Sburg Civil l aw Clini C (widener l aw SChool) (717) 541-3900 m id penn legal Servi Ce S (717) 243-9400; (800) 822-5288 penn SYlvania h uman relaT ion S Commi SS ion harri Sburg o ffi Ce ....................................................................(717) 787-4410 penn SYlvania law Yer referral Servi Ce (800) 692-7375 penn SYlvania legal a id n e T work (800) 322-7572 proTe CT ive Servi Ce S of Cumberland Coun TY area on aging (CCap) (717) 240-6110 Seniorlaw h elpline ................................................................. (877) 727-7529 –––––– libRARie S ––––––a melia g ivin librarY (717) 486-3688 boSler memorial l ibrarY – Carli Sle (717) 243-4642 CoY publi C librarY – Shippen Sburg (717) 532-4508 e a ST penn Sboro bran Ch librarY ........................................ (717) 732-4274 fredri CkSen librarY – Camp h ill (717) 761-3900 j ohn graham publi C librarY (717) 776-5900 j oSeph T. SimpSon publi C librarY – m e Chani CSburg (717) 766-0171 n ew Cumberland publi C librarY (717) 774-7820 –––––– Me D iCAl e quiPMent & SuPPlie S ––––––Camp h ill borough (717) 737-3456 m edi Cal loan CloSe T: graCe u ni Ted m e T hodi ST ChurCh (717) 763-7632 u ni Ted d i Sabili T ie S Servi Ce S (udS) (888) 837-4235 we ST Shore Senior CenTer ..................................................... (717) 774-0409 F r e e H o m e E v a l u a t i o n L o c a l l y O w n e d & O p e r a t e d M a n y O t h e r P r o d u c t s A v a i l a b l e 20+ Years Serving Cumberland County 717-745-7267 amramp.com Rent or Purchase Breaking Down Barriers Like 50 plus LIFE on Facebook www.facebook.com/50plusLIFEpa
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 17 Resource Directory –––––– Me D iCAiD ––––––Patriot home Care Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the entire process. We work with state insurance companies. Serving Cumberland County .................................................. (717) 798-9008 www.patriothomecare.org ............................... mstehman@patriot-hc.com See our ad on page 10. –––––– Me D iCARe ––––––• counse Ling • appri Se h ealT h i n Suran Ce Coun Seling and aSS i STan Ce program...............................................................(717) 240-6110 –– MentAl h e Alth (See Di SAbility Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– oRthoPe D iCS ––––––oSS health o rthopaedic u rgent Care Wait minutes, not hours. Let the caring orthopaedic experts at OSS Health fix your muscular and skeletal sprains, pops, twists, and breaks. 1855 Powder Mill Road, york, PA 17402 (717) 848-4800 Seeosshealth.comouradonpage 14. –– PhyS i CAl the RAPie S (See the RAPie S) –––––––– Poli Ce De PARtMent S ––––––In the event of an emergency, dial 911. Camp h ill poli Ce (717) 737-1570 Carli Sle poli Ce (717) 243-4121 e a ST penn Sboro Town Ship poli Ce (717) 732-3633 fairview Town Ship (717) 901-5267 hampden Town Ship poli Ce (717) 761-2609 lower allen Town Ship poli Ce ..............................................(717) 975-7575 m e Chani CSburg poli Ce (717) 691-3300 m iddle Sex Town Ship poli Ce ................................................... (717) 249-7191 mT h ollY poli Ce d eparTmen T (717) 486-7615 n ew Cumberland poli Ce ...................................................... (717) 774-0400 n ewville poli Ce d eparTmen T (717) 776-5513 n orT h m iddle Ton Town Ship poli Ce ................................... (717) 243-7910 pennbrook (717) 232-3844 Shippen Sburg poli Ce ............................................................... (717) 532-8100 Shireman STown poli Ce d eparTmen T (717) 737-4356 Silver Spring Town Ship poli Ce ............................................. (717) 697-0607 S TeelTon (717) 939-9841 u pper allen Town Ship poli Ce (717) 795-2445 we ST Shore regional poli Ce (717) 737-9161 –––––– Post offices ––––––boiling SpringS ........................................................................ (717) 258-6668 Camp h ill/lemoYne (717) 737-1461 Carli Sle (717) 243-3531 d ill Sburg (717) 432-3035 e nola (717) 732-2221 franklinTown (717) 432-9833 granT ham (717) 766-0953 h igh Spire .................................................................................... (717) 939-4902 m e Chani CSburg ....................................................................... (717) 697-4641 mT h ollY SpringS (717) 486-3468 n ew Cumberland (717) 774-7092 n ew k ingSTon (717) 766-0172 n ewburg (717) 423-6105 n ewville (717) 776-5211 o rrSTown (717) 532-8936 plainfield (717) 249-6438 plea San T hall.............................................................................(717) 532-5121 roSSville/ warringTon Twp. (717) 432-3388 roxburY/lurgan Twp. (717) 532-8370 Shippen Sburg (717) 532-2314 Summerdale (717) 732-3408 walnuT boTTom (717) 532-8935 well Sville (717) 432-9823 –––––– PRe SCRi P tionS ––––––• assistance • b enefi TSChe Cku p (202) 479-1200 Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCap) (717) 240-6110 Cumberland CounTY aSS i STan Ce offi Ce .......................... (717) 240-2700 m edi Care e x Tra h elp (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TTY) paCe/paCene T and paCe plu S m edi Care program S (800) 225-7223 parTnerShip for pre SCrip T ion aSS i STan Ce ........................ (888) 477-2669 penn SYlvania d eparTmen T of h ealT h (877) 724-3258 penn SYlvania paT ien T aSS i STan Ce program (paCe) (800) 955-0989 Spe Cial pharmaCeuT i Cal b enefi TS program (Spbp) (800) 922-9384 ve Teran S h ealT h Care b enefi TS ............................................ (800) 409-8771
• PersonaL care h omes/u nits • (see aL so ccrc/Life care communities) These homes/units provide shelter, meals, supervision, and assistance with personal care tasks,
• n ursing & rehaB faci Lities • (see aL so ccrc/Life care communities) These facilities offer skilled nursing care and rehabilitation services. Other services generally offered are therapeutic, recreational, and social activities.
1901 north f ifth street, harrisburg, Pa 17102 (717) 221-7900
18 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory • referraL services • Cumberland Coun TY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S (CCap) (717) 240-6110 –––––– RetiRe Ment living oP tionS ––––––• assiste D Living resi D ences • Providence Place Senior l iving of Chambersburg Offering independent living, assisted living, and two levels of memory care from a family-owned company. Conveniently located from routes 81 and 30. 2085 Wayne Road, Chambersburg, PA 17202. ...................... (717) 709-0668 www.providence-place.com ...................................... info@prov-place.com • ccrc/Life care communities • These communities offer a comprehensive package of services tailored to individual needs, abilities, and preferences as residents grow older, offering all levels of care. bethany v illage Bethany Village is a vibrant, not-for-profit retirement community for people 55 and better with an assortment of living arrangements to suit individual lifestyles. 325 Wesley Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 766-0279 www. bethanyv illage.org bvMarketingdept@asbury.org See our ad on page 9. h omeland Center With a history of excellence, Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff. 1901 north f ifth street, harrisburg, Pa 17102 .......................... (717) 221-7900 Seewww.homelandcenter.orgouradonpage8. • Dementia care faci Lities/u nits • They are specialized areas or freestanding facilities that offer a sensitive environment that better meets the dementia residents’ needs. h omeland Center With a history of excellence, Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff. 1901 north f ifth street, harrisburg, Pa 17102 (717) 221-7900 ProvidenceSeewww.homelandcenter.orgouradonpage8.PlaceSeniorliving of Chambersburg Offering independent living, assisted living, and two levels of memory care from a family-owned company. Conveniently located from routes 81 and 30. 2085 Wayne Road, Chambersburg, PA 17202. ...................... (717) 709-0668 www.providence-place.com info@prov-place.com
typically for older people or people with physical, behavioral health, or cognitive disabilities who are unable to care for themselves but do not need nursing home or medical care. Inspected and licensed through the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. h omeland Center With a history of excellence, Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff. 1901 north f ifth street, harrisburg, Pa 17102 .......................... (717) 221-7900 Seewww.homelandcenter.orgouradonpage8.–––––– SenioR Cente RS ––––––Great places to meet for social interaction and cultural and recreational activities. They are places to make new friends and maintain relationships with old friends. b ig Spring Senior Cen Ter (717) 776-4478 Carli Sle Senior aCT ion Cen Ter (717) 249-5007 m arY SChaner Senior Cen Ter ...............................................(717) 732-3915 m e Chani CSburg plaCe Senior adulT CenTer (717) 697-5947 Shippen Sburg Senior aCT ivi T ie S Cen Ter (717) 300-3563 we ST Shore Senior Ci T izen S Cen Ter (717) 774-0409 –––––– SenioR Se RviCe S ––––––Patriot home Care Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the entire process. We work with state insurance companies. Serving Cumberland County (717) 798-9008 www.patriothomecare.org mstehman@patriot-hc.com See our ad on page 10.
h omeland Center With a history of excellence, Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff.
beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County 19 Resource Directory –––––– Se RviCe oRgAniz AtionS ––––––A club of professional or businesspeople organized for their coordination of and participation in public service. h earTS and handS SerToma Club (717) 918-4790 l ion S Club S penn SYlvania S TaTe Coun Cil ......................... (717) 564-2586 –– SKille D n u RS ing (see retirement Living oP tions – n ursing & rehaB faci Lities) –––––––– SuPPoRt gRouPS ––––––A group of people whose members exchange give and receive both emotional and practical support, share ideas, and provide each other with information. alCoholi CS anonYmou S (717) 234-5390 alzheimer’S – Cumberland CroSS ingS (717) 240-6020 golden living we ST Shore ................................................ (717) 763-7070 m e SS iah l ifewaYS adulT daY CenTer (717) 243-0447 a meri Can Can Cer SoCie TY (800) 227-2345 Caregiver SupporT groupS ................................................ (717)(717)766-5003;691-6786 CaregiverS SupporT group – ChurCh of T he bre T hren (717) 766-8880 Cen Tral penn SYlvania aTaxia SupporT group (610) 996-5814 d ivorCe SupporT group ........................................................ (717) 240-7748 dome ST i C violen Ce Servi Ce S (717) 258-4806 e pilepSY foundaT ion (800) 887-7165 gamblerS anonYmou S (626) 960-3500 grief SupporT (holY Spiri T) (717) 763-2118; (717) 972-4255 mulT iple SCleroS i S SupporT group (boiling SpringS) ... (717) 249-8288 mulT iple SCleroS i S SupporT group (Camp hill, Carli Sle, me Chani CSburg) (717) 486-3596 nami ............................................................................................. (717) 240-8715 narCoT i CS anonYmou S (CCpa) (717) 642-3733 parkin Son’S d i Sea Se CaregiverS SupporT group (717) 580-7772 penn SYlvania brea ST Can Cer Coali T ion (800) 377-8828 Senior CaregiverS SupporT group (717) 477-1969 Smoking Ce SSaT ion (Sadler h ealT h) .................................. (717) 218-6670 widow/ widowerS SupporT group (717) 732-1000 –––––– tAX ASSi StAnCe ––––––aarp Tax-a ide (888) 227-7669 Cumberland CounTY aging & Communi TY Servi Ce S .... (717) 240-6110 irS i nTernal revenue Servi Ce (800) 829-1040 penn SYlvania deparTmen T of revenue form S ordering Servi Ce (800) 362-2050 vi Ta – volun Teer i n Come Tax aSS i STan Ce program (717) 240-5000 –––––– the RAPie S ––––––advanced Physical therapy and f itness Advanced Physical Therapy and Fitness is an outpatient physical therapy practice specializing in care and prevention of orthopedic injuries. 102 West Allen Street, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 ................. (717) 790-9994 www.AdvancedP t inPA.com ....................... advancedptfitness@gmail.com e ncompass health As the largest acute rehabilitation provider in the country, Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Mechanicsburg is the expert in offering the most advanced, individualized rehabilitation programs for each patient. Experienced teams, advanced technologies, and physiciansupervised care provide a seamless approach to get patients home safer and sooner. After an illness, injury, or surgery, ask for us by name. 175 lancaster boulevard, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 691-3700 www.encompasshealth.com/mechanicsburgrehab See our ad on page 12. –––––– tRAnSPoRtAtion Se RviCe S ––––––Support from a governmental unit or the general public. May be free, reduced fare, or donations depending on entity. h earTS and handS SerToma Club (717) 918-4790 m edi Cal aSS i STan Ce Tran SporTaT ion program (maT p) (717) 240-6340 r abbi TTran S i T (800) 315-2546; (800) 632-9063 road To re CoverY – a meri Can Can Cer SoCie TY .......... (800) 227-2345 Shippen Sburg r aiderS regional Tran S i T (717) 530-8891 –– utilitie S (See e ne Rgy ASS i S tAn Ce) –––––––– vete RAnS Se RviCe S ––––––Cumberland Coun TY ve Teran S affairS (717) 240-6178 penn SYlvania d eparTmen T of m ili TarY and ve Teran S affairS (800) 547-2838 u.S. d eparTmen T of ve Teran S affairS .................................(800) 827-1000 va Camp hill Clini C (717) 730-9782 ve Teran S aSS i STan Ce ouTreaCh Cen Ter (866) 906-8387 ve Teran S healT h Care benefi TS (717) 272-6621 Read 50 plus LIFE online! www.50pluslifepa.com
20 beyond50 Resource Directory – Cumberland County Resource Directory –– vi S ion (See e ye CARe Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– voluntee R oPPoRtunitie S ––––––aCquired brain injurY ne T work of penn SYlvania (800) 516-8052 –––––– We Athe Riz Ation PRogRAMS ––––––Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users, to reduce energy costs. Cumberland Coun TY h ou S ing and redevelopmen T auT hori T ie S (717) 249-1315 ppl e le CTri C uT ili T ie S (877) 220-6016 SouT h Cen Tral Communi TY aCT ion, ChamberSburg (717) 263-5060 ugi uT ili T ie S, i n C. ........................................................................(800) 276-2722 warmwi Se: audi TS & rebaTe S (866) 956-0308 weaT herizaT ion aSS i STan Ce program (800) 451-9869 FRequently CalleD numbeR s Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name: Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Phone:Name:Jobs717 oct. 26, 2022 • 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. Penn Harris Hotel (Formerly Radisson Hotel) 1150 Camp Hill Bypass, Camp Hill Job Fair Pass the Word — Employment Opportunities Await JOBS717.com Open to employees in transition, those actively seeking a career change, and those who may consider a change for the right opportunity. • Meet with multiple company representatives in one location • Learn about open positions and job benefits • Present your resume for consideration • Begin the process of securing a position For more information, call Kimberly Shaffer at 717-285-8123 or email kshaffer@onlinepub.com Where Connections are Made!