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The History of Ordinary Things feathers in fashion

We aren’t the first to wear feather accessories!

The Neanderthals wore the darker feathers of birds of prey. Later, highranking Egyptians wore ostrich feathers in their hair as a symbol of allegiance to the goddess of truth.

In the 12th century, feathers were attached to Italian papier-mâché masks to conceal one’s identity during the preLenten festivities.

By the 1500s, fur trimmings and feathers were common in the aristocrat’s wardrobe. They were symbols of high social standing. In the 16th century, the Crusaders wore feathers on their heads to show status, wealth, and ethnicity.

When Portugal colonized Brazil in the 1600s, they adopted the Carnival celebrations with dance, music, and feather costumes. Ostrich, swan, and

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