1 minute read
5 Highly Anticipated New Drug Approvals
In 2022, we saw a really eclectic mix of newly approved medications that covered all sorts of diseases and will no doubt generate billions of dollars over the next five years.
Many of these are new drugs that have been highly anticipated. Hopefully, there is something I list below that will help you or someone you love.
My column is printed in various languages, but I’m only using English brand names, so please ask a pharmacist in your region for brand names available to you.
Quviviq® (daridorexant) tablets, Rx: This drug is intended for adults with insomnia. It should not be used if you have serious liver problems or if you do not intend to lie in bed for seven hours.
It will, like all other sleep medications on the market, leave you feeling a little woozy in the morning, so don’t jump out of bed without acclimating properly. Of course, do not operate machinery or drive, either! please see ApproVALS on facing page

Never combine this drug with alcohol or other sedatives and certainly not with sedative-hypnotic drugs, like alprazolam or zolpidem!
Cibinqo® (Abrocitinib) tablets, Rx: This medication is a JAK inhibitor, and it’s useful for people who have atopic dermatitis, sometimes called eczema. Contraindications to this medication include having low levels of lymphocytes, neutrophils, red blood cells, or platelets. I like JAK inhibitors as a general rule. There are weaker, natural herbal options, which I will write about later.
Do not take this medication if you have serious heart problems or a history of blood clots. Common side effects include increased risk of infection, nausea/ vomiting, fatigue, hypertension, or dizziness.
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We are looking for central Pennsylvanians over age 50 who have a unique hobby, passion, or history of volunteer work, or who are a part of an interesting local club.

Ideal story candidates are willing to talk about themselves and to be photographed.
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