1 minute read

ConTinuinG Care reTiremenT CommuniTieS/Life PL an CommuniTieS

bethany Village

325 Wesley Drive Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Stephanie Lightfoot

Director of Sales & Marketing (717) 766-0279 slightfoot@asbury.org www.bethanyvillage.org cornwall manor P.O. Box 125 Cornwall, PA 17016

Jennifer Margut

VP for Marketing & Public Relations (717) 274-8092 marketing@cornwallmanor.org www.cornwallmanor.org homeland center 1901 North Fifth Street Harrisburg, PA 17102 (717) 221-7900 jmurray@homelandcenter.org www.homelandcenter.org homestead Village 1800 Village Circle Lancaster, PA 17603

Christina Gallagher (717) 397-4831 cgallagher@hvillage.org www.homesteadvillage.org willow Valley communities 600 Willow Valley Square Lancaster, PA 17602

Margie Seagers Manager of Sales (717) 464-6800 info@willowvalley.org

Yes certifications and comments: living community of energetic people who truly care about one another.

Listings with a screened background have additional information about their services in a display advertisement in this edition.

This is not an all-inclusive list of agencies and providers. The CCRCs listed are sponsoring this message. These advertisers are eager to provide additional information about their services.

Homeland’s proud tradition of exceptional care includes a vibrant personal care and five-star skilled nursing home, along with community outreach services throughout south-central Pennsylvania.

Premier 55+

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