ASSESSING A MONOLOGUE Audio file: Complete the chart: Comments
Her monologue covers all the points and includes very relevant information. However, some grammar and pronunciation mistakes 1.75/2.5 make it a bit difficult for the listener to follow and understand all the points she mentions.
Coherence and Cohesion
Her monologue is well-structured and her use of connectors to sequence ideas and arguments and to express opinion is adequate. 1.75/2.5 Yet, as mentioned on the previous criterion, problems with grammar and especially with pronunciation and intonation at times make it difficult to follow her speech.
Accuracy She needs to be more accurate. Her monologue sometimes includes basic and systematic mistakes which may affect comprehension, like: 1/2.5 (mistake in red, correction in blue):
Agreement mistakes:
For the government have less cost The government has less expenses This have some advantages and disadvantages. This has… Students tends to increase their level Student tend to increase… This way of learning have high costs This way of learning has…
Verb forms:
Some teachers don’t be enough prepared Some teachers aren’t I think gradually this way of learning going to disappear I think this way of learning WILL gradually disappear (will for subjective predictions, BE going to for objective predictions).
Sentence structure:
On the other hand, it’s learning with new technologies. On the other hand, we can consider learning with new technologies. In some next few years In the next few years
Pronunciation, Fluency and This is the weakest point and where she needs to improve the most Intonation because it affects comprehension. Fluency: Ok for the level
Pronunciation: There are some sounds which she mispronounces: /v, ʃ, t, d/. She should pronounce /d/ and /t/ as alveolar and /v/ as fricative. She needs to improve the pronunciation of the –ed ending in words like: associated, distracted, bored, prepared, etc. She does not pronounce final –s in words like: causes. She mispronounces ending –age in advantage Nation should be pronounced /’neiʃǝn/
Intonation: To improve intonation and stress she needs to pronounce /ǝ/ in unstressed syllables. Many times, she finishes sentences with rising intonation, which confuses the listener. She should have a neutral or falling intonation.
Range Rich. Good use of vocabulary to describe the two different methodologies illustrated in the pictures and to talk about education 2.25/2.5 in general. Only one mistake: Implicated students engaged
TOTAL SCORE: 7.75/12.5