In the early 90s, the Norwich Collective (a peer supervision group) along with Robin Shohet and Joan Wilmot hosted two conferences to look at the dynamics of accreditation, out of which the ISN grew.
In conversation with others the idea of an Independent Supervisors Network has been growing since 2012 and it has now come to fruition. It was launched in July 2019 and is currently funded by CSTD London.
The intention behind ISN is to provide a relational container for supervision and supervisors.
Supervision is a deep and profound place for reflection, dialogue, and relationship where we can simultaneously hold each other in the work – be it the client, the customer, the team, or the organisation.
To belong to the ISN, you need to be part of a peer supervision group or dyad and send in your and the group’s details.
We envisage being a peer-based community network with each group or dyad being responsible for its own boundaries, style, and principles. To increase learning and appreciate the qualities of the group or dyad and compassionately address its issues, each group regularly sends a delegate to another group to challenge and support. Similarly, that group would be visited by a delegate from another group.
W a t c h I n t e r n a t i o n a l S u p e r v i s i o n W e e k r e p l a y s
We invite you to register for as many of the events as you like. Take a look through this brochure for event dates and details
You will need to register for each event individually
Using this brochure, you will find the individual links on each event listing page
You will recieve a Zoom link for each event you register for
Onlinevents team will send an email with a reminder of the Zoom link on the day of the event
This opening session is an opportunity for presenters and participants to come together at the beginning of International Supervision Week 2023.
In this presentation, we will be exploring the profound impact of the feeling we live in and how this radiates out to everything around us. By delving deeper into where this comes from and recognise it for ourselves, participants will gain a profound realization of the immense influence we wield over every aspect of our lives.
This transformative insight holds the power to revolutionize our relationships with clients, ourselves, and those dear to us.
One of the difficulties of working in private practice, is the levels of isolation that therapists can face. For all of the many plus points of working in this sector, this realistic fact can be hard for many, and sometimes a big shock. Lone working of course, presents many challenges - not least, leaving supervision as one of the few spaces, where the private practitioner can offload. This workshop will look at how supervisors can be mindful of this fact, and help support private practitioners to the best of their ability. And, help private practitioners (or ‘would be’ PP’s) think creatively and wisely as supervisees, by using their space in a way which allows them to explore how to look after themselves holistically, and, think realistically about the impact of isolation, and how to mitigate the effects of this.
This workshop is suitable for qualified supervisors, private practitioners, and students who are looking to enter into the sector.
In this first of a 2-part workshop series, Gillian Walter & Shirley Smith share how Gillian's creative interpretation of the 7-Eyed Model of Supervision came about, how this offers powerful inner supervisor experiences and how working this way supports our own supervision work. we will play with the model and hope to leave you with ideas as to how you can make this model your own and working best for you.
We will invite the participants to work confidentially through actual supervision cases using the The 7-Eyed Model of Supervision with a creative twist - According to Winnie the Pooh. - *Part 2 date: 28th June*
In this session together we will experiment with ways of using the wisdom of stones in group SUPERvision.
Please be sure to bring stones with you be they large or small, one you might pick up on your travels for the purpose of the session, semi precious ones you love...
We will start with a little knowledge on ways stones have been used for their wisdom for centuries then together we will see what emerges in a session where who knows what may be uncovered in our collective learning.
How open are you to our ability to imaginatively listen to nature and learn lessons from it? Come with curiosity and readiness to connect. and come with your stones.
The ISN network was first established in 2012. The intention behind it is to provide a relational container for supervision and supervisors. The work – be it the client, the customer, the team or the organisation is held by the supervisors. They in turn are held by their body; someone at their back. We human beings flourish when we have someone at our back. We are relational; we aspire to connection, empathy, communication and learning.
You can join as a dyad or a supervisor group or look for new members or look for a group to join.
As the result of several things including the pandemic (as we used to meet face to face) and its being held together by a website which we no longer have a manager for we need to reactivate it an see if it can be of service to supervisors of all walks of life and work. So we are putting on two 2 hour workshops to engage with this.
Baffour Ababio and Ali Donat with aim to introduce how intercultural principles extend to the supervisory relationships.
They are contributors to an upcoming book being published by Routledge, Intercultural Supervision: Perspectives and Insights which includes contributions from psychotherapists, supervisors and supervisees. The book spotlights reflections from diverse cultural and ‘racial’ identities and modalities that facilitate critical exchanges and conversations amongst the contributors without the constriction of rank. Trainee and qualified therapists who are not supervisors highlight the radical perspective of their placement supervision experience within intercultural settings and some pitfalls experienced by those who did not. Chapters by experienced supervisors describe and review past successful interventions and errors, with recommendations for practice.
Themes covered include supervision of trainees within agencies; multi-disciplinary women working with survivors of domestic violence; and the supervision of therapists working with refugees and asylum seekers.
In this second of a 2-part workshop series, Gillian Walter & Shirley Smith share how Gillian's creative interpretation of the 7-Eyed Model of Supervision came about, how this offers powerful inner supervisor experiences and how working this way supports our own supervision work. we will play with the model and use creative lenses to not only make this model your own, but to creatively develop your own inner-supervisor.
We will invite the participants to work confidentially through actual supervision cases using the The 7-Eyed Model of Supervision with a creative twist - According to Winnie the Pooh.
PART 1 - Supervision is one of the most important aspects of our private practice as counsellors or psychotherapists. It is for this reason that I’ve taken the time to cover all the bases of what we need to offer our supervisees, and what we should be getting as supervisees ourselves.
In this workshop, I’d like us to explore in a more practical sense, the 5 theories that I believe cover most if not all the areas and intricacies of supervision. The model I developed from these theories has served me well through my years as a supervisor, and I hope it will do the same for you.
As always, the main goal of supervision is to keep us working to a high ethical standard, as well as keeping us as supervisors, which in turn keeps our supervisees safe, and in turn keeps their clients safe. *PART 2 date: 28th June*
If you are on social media you will be inundated with messages telling you "how to social media". I get a steady stream of messages on LinkedIn telling me I could have 10X clients.
Leaving aside the ethics, I do not have the time to work with 10 times as many clients as I have today!
Effective marketing that meets your needs is not difficult.
In this workshop, I will help you develop a clear idea of:
WHO - you want to market to NEEDS - what these people need from you VALUE - what it is about what you do, and how you do it, that they will value
Eating, shape and weight related issues and eating disorders are presenting more and more present in private practice. At the same time, working therapeutically with eating and weight are complex and challenging, bringing considerable anxiety for counsellors and psychotherapists.
This one hour workshop will focus specifically on the supervision of eating, body and weight through the lens or focus of a relational psychotherapy. It will introduce an approach to relational supervision of eating and weight, explore some of the conditions that might be presented in private practice and discuss why therapy of eating and weight s so complex.
Ourcreativeworkshopwilluse accessories asprops,youmightknowthemas 'dressingup'...the'dressingupbox'isanageoldplaygroundforourlittleones.Ever wonderedwhy?
Allworkusingcreativeapproachesisintendingtoilluminatesomethingwhichis currentlynon-conscious,i.e.bringsomethingintothelightwhichhasnotbeeninour awareness.
Throughanexplorationusingthese'props'wewillconsiderourselvesassupervisors. Wemay,ormaynot,findsomeinsights!There'sneveraguarantee. We'llalsousethe'props'toconsiderasupervisionissue.
OneoptionwillbetoexploreEye1(Mode1)oftheSevenEyedModel.Bringingthe clientintoviewinthesupervisionspace.Alwaysarrivingonlythroughthelensesof thesupervisee....neverinactuality.Whatmightweamplify,andhide,inbringingthe clientintotheroom?Howcancreativeapproacheshelpus,aspractitioners,tosee ourownprojectionsforwhattheyare....andthenworkmoreeffectivelywiththem?
This seminar is designed for supervisors who are responsible for supervising the clinical work of therapists who provide therapy services to clients who identify as GSRD or LGBTQIA+.
The seminar will cover the following topics:
UnderstandingGSRDclients:Wewillprovideanoverviewofthedifferentidentities andexperiencesofGSRDclients.Wewillalsoexploretheimpactofsystemic oppressiononGSRDclientsandhowitaffectstheirmentalhealth.
Culturalcompetence:Wewilldiscusstheimportanceofculturalcompetenceand culturalhumilitywhenworkingwithGSRDclients.Wewillexplorewaystocreatea safeandaffirmingspaceforGSRDclients,andhowtoincorporatetheircultural identitiesintotherapy.
Therapeuticapproaches:Wewillbrieflyexploredifferenttherapeuticapproaches thatareeffectiveforGSRDclients.
Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and other forms of neurodiversity are being identified in ever larger numbers of people; many of us will find ourselves working alongside neurodivergent persons during our careers, both in the therapeutic space and very likely also in the supervision room. However, until now there have been few opportunities to reflect on how neurodiversity might 'show up' for practitioners, and how we might adapt supervision to help all involved get the best from it, whatever their neurotype. International Supervision Week offers a fantastic opportunity to get this important conversation started!
Join us to consider neurodiversity and neuro-affirmative practice from all angles: that of the neurodivergent supervisee, the neurodivergent supervisor, and also the 'downstream' benefits of neurodiversity-affirmative supervision for clients receiving our therapeutic services.
Do supervisors need an ethical framework? If you do, which framework do you use and does it meet your needs?
If you don’t need an ethical framework, how is that reflected in your own practice? Whether a supervise or a supervisor, what are your thoughts on ethics in supervision?
This is session is a starting place to discuss experience, opinions and to be curious about our similarities and differences. To learn from each other in a safe space.
Join me to listen or to share - I look forward to seeing you there.
This workshop will support us to explore who we are as supervisees and whether we are repeating our relationship history in Supervision.
In this reflective and interactive workshop, Dr Mish will invite fellow clinical supervisors to elevate your supervision practice by encouraging courageous conversations with your supervises.
We'll look at how shifting the focus to the process between supervisee and supervisor can illuminate areas of supervision that are less talked about, avoided or ignored in the supervision room.
Steve and I will explore the supervisor relationship from the perspective of the we/the co created nature of relationship; the notion of separateness and the other that is the unconscious bias of our individualistic and hierarchical western perspective .
Our conversation with each other and the participants will weave its way around this focus and we will refer to a poem by Adrienne Rich 'In those years...' that we see catching some of the paradoxes dilemmas and mysteries of all of this
PART 2 - As always, the main goal of supervision is to keep us working to a high ethical standard, as well as keeping us as supervisors, which in turn keeps our supervisees safe, and in turn keeps their clients safe.
In order to do so, we might as ourselves these questions:
What happens once the client leaves the room?
How does the client impact you through your work, and what to do with it?
Why do I need to cover all the bases in supervision, and what are these?
Who is responsible for knowing and applying these bases of supervision?
This closing session is an opportunity for presenters and participants to come together at the end of International Supervision Week 2023. The session will be hosted by Joan Wilmot and John Wilson.
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