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Pluralistic network Pluralistic network
What is Pluralistic Practice?
Pluralistic practice is a collaborative, personalised and flexible approach. It puts the client at the centre of a collaborative and engaging relationship, viewing the client as resourceful and full of agency; very much an active partner in the process of change. Read more
About the Pluralistic network
The Pluralistic Practice Network (PPN) is a collaborative network run by our members for our members, who are all practitioners with an interest in a pluralistic approach The PPN was set up by Katie Nicol in October 2015, with the support of Professor John McLeod and the counselling department of University of Abertay, Dundee
The network exists both virtually in online spaces, and regular face to face meetings. We also plan to have periodic gatherings of special-interest groups; please let us know if you have any suggestions about this.
6pm - 6:30PM Welcome to ICPCP 2023: Kate Smith & John Wilson
6.30pm – 7.30pm
KEYNOTE: Online Therapy: What we need to know - Kate Smith & Naomi Moller
7.30pm – 7.45pm BREAK
ROOM 1 - Online Pub to Meet and Socialise with Fellow Delegates
7.45pm – 8.45pm
ROOM 2 - Creating a Safe Enough Online Space for Trauma Processing - Kathryn Stevens, MA, MSc
ROOM 3 - PAPER Pluralistic practice as the expression of an ethics of care - John McLeod
Saturday 3nd June
8.45pm till late Online Pub to Meet and Socialise with Fellow Delegates
9.15am – 9.45am Arrival & Reception – Welcome from Kate Smith & John Wilson
9.45am - 10.00am Pluralistic Practice Journal Launch - Dr Christine Kupfer
10am - 11am
KEYNOTE: Pluralistic Therapeutic Ecosystems of the Future - Terry Hanley & Aaron Sefi
11am - 11.15am BREAK
11.15am - 12.45pm PAPER & WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS (Multiple Rooms)
12.45pm - 2pm LUNCH
2pm - 3pm PAPER & WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS (Multiple Rooms)
3pm - 4pm
KEYNOTE: Neurodiversity: What counselling could learn from different ways of being - Sonny Hallett
4pm - 4.15pm BREAK
5.45pm – 6pm Plenary