Heart Plugin 15

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Heart Plugin

Heart (Andrew's Vector Plugins Vol 15) The plugin creates hearts. These in turn can be used in designs / combined / used as symbols and more

Installation of Plugin / symbols Please place the GX15_Heart.aip file in the c:\program files\adobe\illustrator CS\plug-ins folder [pc Illustrator 速 CS] or c:\program files\adobe\illustrator 10\plug-ins [pc illustrator 10] or CS2 for the mac, please place the GX15_Heart file in HD:Applications:Adobe Illustrator CS:plug-ins [mac Illustrator 速CS] or HD:Applications:Adobe Illustrator 10:plug-ins [mac Illustrator 10] or CS2 The symbols files (*.ai files) should be placed in the c:\program files\Adobe\Illustrator...\presets\symbols folder (or mac equivalent). Access the symbols files via the windows\symbols menu (please consult the Illustrator documentation). Swatches should be placed in the swatches folder and accessed via the swatches palette.

Initial Use of plugin Please access via the filters menu of Illustrator 速 via the <AVP Create> menu. The plugin is split into 'five' screens, accessed via the buttons along the top of dialog. The basic settings of the plugin can be found in the first page/screen. I would suggest, initially, create hearts using the basic dialog, then access the other screens to modify the heart(s). Another start point, use the presets at the bottom of the screen. You can always reset the plugin by selecting the first preset 'reset'

Applications support macOSX .2 .3 98 ME NT XP Ilustrator 速10 CS1 CS2

Questions Please contact me on support@graphicxtras.com. Other plugins are available on the site http://www.graphicxtras.com Upgrades are generally available, either as free updates or inexpensive updates/upgrades. Please store the reference serial number or details of order

Copyright The plugins are copyright of 2005, Abneil Software Ltd (Andrew Buckle). The symbols are royalty-free, feel free to use as required. Symbols are (c) 2005 Andrew Buckle / Abneil Software ltd. This product was released by Abneil Software ltd (UK based company)

Trademarks Illustrator and Adobe and Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe. We have no connection whatsoever with Adobe. Adobe product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Plugin Use - Basic screen 'Heart' This is the basic screen. Each screen has the presets (see the entry marked as 'reset' (excluding start positions)) as well as preview. The presets fill a small selection of settings (across all screens) 'Heart height (p)': height of the heart from the 'bottom' of the heart to the heart 'dip'

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Heart Plugin

'Curve distance (p)': The two curves at the top. The distance is from the 'middle of the heart'. To get the symmetrical height you will notice the first distance is negative and the second (right side) is positive. This can be reversed if required or both be positive

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Heart Plugin

'Curve height (p)': The two curves at the top have an additional height. The combination of the original height mentioned above and the two curve heights, is the heart heart in total (though the heart can be smaller or taller depending on the direction points which can stretch the curves further up or down or across.

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Heart Plugin

'Slant (o)': The slant is the angle from the bottom to the dip. By default, the heart is upright but the heart can be slanted.

'Curve' screen Use this screen to modfy the symmetry as well as the curves of the heart 'Curve length (p)': The curve has direction points and these have a length, the length of which, along with the angle, control the curvature of the 'main two curves'. The first two are for the left, the next two are for the right side of the heart

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Heart Plugin

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Heart Plugin

'Curve angle (o): Modifies the angle of the 'straight line' of direction points of the curve (left and right side). Create rounded or sharper heart curves.

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Heart Plugin 'Symmetric': The plugin attempts to create a heart that is symmetric. In most cases, the direction points, anchors, angles, etc will all match the left and right side of the heart. The plugin doesn't keep the symmetry when applied with a warp. Some of the fields are blanked out or disabled to avoid any input, as these fields are ignored while the symmetry setting is on.

'Tweak' screen Use this screen to modify the directio points to create weird and wonderful variant hearts '16 direction point' settings: These match the bottom and top anchor points and then the left and right anchors. The direction point settings are added to the existing direction point settings to modify the curvature of all the points as well as offser the ability to create distortions to the heart shape. Setting a few of the direction fields can create a totally unique heart shape. Some of the direction points work best when the setting is negative to their counterpart positive setting (you will notice this if you tryout some of the heart dropdowns - some have 50 and some have -50.

'Heart presets': a small selection of different heart setting direction point presets have been added. Some of the settings are there to create pleasing heart shapes; some are there just to set things back to defaults or lower settings; and some are there to set large values for possible use with the randomization settings. The heart presets are independent to the main presets

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Heart Plugin

'Anchor': Instead of using the current anchor settings for the heart, if the anchor is set to off, the anchor is set at the center of the heart. The anchor setting is more for experimentation and the actual anchor point varies depending on the heart formation (the reason why they have no labelling). Use to create many interesting and unique heart shapes

'Create' screen Use this screen to create multiple hearts, position, scale, and rotate the heart(s) 'Start position': A selection of positions for the heart. The default being your location for the center (default being the document center at plugin startup) but the center can be corners or the document frame or the bottom left hand corner or randomized throughout the document or along the horizontal axis (vertical axis randomized) and more. Depending on the setting, some fields are disabled.

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Heart Plugin

Heart bottom (p): The start or heart bottom position is the bottom of the heart

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Heart Plugin 'Angle (o)': The heart is rotated by the set angle.

'Scaling': The heart is scaled, grown or shrunk. The scaling is set for the horizontal and vertical independently so the heart can be thinner or wider or smaller. Scaling can also be negative.

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Heart Plugin

'Number of hearts': By default 1, can be multiple hearts. Great for filling an entire document (set the start position to all of the document). Useful if setting the random fill or other random settings for a wonderful range of experimentation with the heart shape.

'Settings' screen All the checkbox on and off settings 'Fill (R)': The fill of the heart is randomized. If there is no fill, the setting is ignored. Also the randomization requires the current color setting to match the document color setting (CMYK matching CMYK)

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Heart Plugin

'Fill swatch (R)': Fills the heart with randomized swatches from the swatch palette. Requires a fill to be already set (no fill will mean the plugin ignores the heart swatches). The fill needs to match the document color. This can require some setup, say you wish the heart to be filled with variants of blue, then you will need to setup the swatches with a number of blue swatches (or green or purple or gradients)

'Stroke (R)': Requires a stroke to be already applied, otherwise ignored. Like fill, requires the stroke to be the same color mode as the document. The stroke is filled with random colors.

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Heart Plugin

'Width(R)': Requires a stroke (with width) to be applied and works based on the current stroke width, so if 10pt width then the randomization will generate widths of 0 up to 10 randomized.

'Opacity (R)': Randomizes the opacity of the created heart

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Heart Plugin

'Style (R)': Applies a random style. This will require some setup of the styles palette. Some styles are process intensive. Perhaps you might want to create many 3D or sketchy styled shapes

'Heart (R)': Randomizes the settings on the first screen 'heart' from 0 to settings

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Heart Plugin

'Curve (R)': Randomizes the settings on the second screen 'curve' from 0 to settings

'Drop shadow': Creates a basic shadow a couple of pts away from the original. Not totally effective as the heart shadow inherits the style from the heart, and if this is a photoshop plugin or color effect, the shadow also ends up the same way, This is requires as it is tricky to determine different styles (the possibilities are endless), some alter the form of the heart and others solely the color etc

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Heart Plugin

'Create points (R)': Randomizes the creation of points for the heart. Some hearts may end up with no points (a dot) if set, but most will end up with shapes and forms in between.

'Direction (R)': Randomizes the direction points from 0 to the current settings. No effect if all the direction points are set to 0.

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Heart Plugin

'New layer': Places the heart and shadow on a new layer (all the hearts are placed on the same layer if the number of hearts is greater than 1)

'Symbolize': Places the heart into the symbol palette. Doesn't take the shadow or the warp envelope.

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Heart Plugin

'Warp': Applies a random warp to the heart, the warp shape remains on exit from the plugin so you will need to expand the warp envelope. Also has a weird setting of turning the fill color gray (occasionally..)

'Scaling (R)': Applies a random scaling to the heart

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Heart Plugin

'Angle (R)': Randomly rotates the heart

'Jitter scaling (R)': Applies a subtle scaling jitter to the heart to create smaller or slightly bigger shapes

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Heart Plugin

'Jitter center (R)': Applies a subtle jitter to the position (more useful if set to the user defined position as the jitter would be lost if random center is set)

'Jitter fill (R)': Applies a subtle jitter to the fill, requires the correct document color mode and a fill and also doesn't do much if the random fill is set as all jitter is totally lost. Say you start with a blue shape, the jitter will create subtle blue shifts in color

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Heart Plugin

'Jitter stroke (R)': Same as the fill but for the shape stroke

'Jitter width (R)': The current width is jittered, so if set to 10pts then the jitter will create say a 9pt path stroke width or weight and 11 pts etc randomly

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Heart Plugin

Buttons The plugin comes with a small selection of buttons marked 'shuffle' etc. "Shuffle" randomizes the settings, but is only useful if there is a random element set (i.e one of the (R) marked options). "Xtreme" randomizes a number of the settings between minimum and maximum (though not all). "Tweak" modifies some of the settings and tweaks the approx end result. "Jitter" jitters some of the settings, altering the settings plus or minus. "Boost" increases the settings. Not all settings are modified, most are untouched.

Additional examples of hearts The following are examples of the hearts generated by the plugin and further manipulation using styles, 3D effects, sketch effects, fills, text and more. The hearts can be exported to Flash ™ as well as other applications such as Photoshop ® or After Effects ®

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Heart Plugin

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Heart Plugin

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