Illustrator (r) plugin documentation 6

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Illustrator (r) plugin documentation

PerspectiveGrid plugin (AVP6) Installation notes: Please install the PerspectiveGrid plugin into the plug-ins folder of the host application. To remove, simply remove the plugin. The files to install vary from platform and version If you have version 8 or 9 of Illustrator, please place the plugin found in the 8 and 9 folder into the plug-ins path of Illustrator 8 or 9. Do not put the plugin into CS1 10 or CS2. If you have Illustrator 10 / CS1 / CS2 and you are on a PC, place the top level plugin into the plug-in path If you have Illustrator 10/CS1 and you are on the macOSX, please place the plugin found in the Illustrator 10 / CS1 folder into the Illustrator 10 or CS1 plugins folder. Finally, if you are on CS2 and on a macOSX, then please place the top level plugin into the CS2 plugin folder. If you rename the plugin, you will not be able to access the plugin, you must keep the name as supplied (this wasn't an issue before this version) The plugin only appears in the filters menu, it has no equivalent (as yet) live effects feature.

The plugin set also comes with brushes and symbols, please place the ai files into the presets folder in the brushes and symbols folders respectively. Access as normal (via the palettes) Plugin folder: The plugin folder has varied from version to version, generally you will find it as the 'plug-ins' folder under Adobe Illustrator CS2 or Illustrator folder. Trademarks: Illustrator is registered trademark of Adobe. Photoshop is registered trademark of Adobe. We have no connection whatsoever with Adobe. Adobe product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated. Plugin page: support at (mail address) General Use:

file:///C|/...P17T23027951D7ADC88/Andrew.Plugins.Volume.6.v1.2.for.Adobe.Illustrator/Product Documentation/GX06_Documentation.htm[6/5/2011 5:36:20 PM]

Illustrator (r) plugin documentation The plugin (probably) works best with no fill set and a stroke set (such as 1pt). Set the color of the stroke line in advance. Use the plugin to create 3D grids. If you wish to use the align feature, I would suggest setting the lines as guidelines and then use the perspective tool to align the path to the grid and then place the center of the path at the center of the perspective grid and then scale / rotate / shear etc as required. The plugin set comes with a selection of presets

Dialog settings: The plugin now combines the two separate plugins into one. You can change the functionality from 1 point grid to two point grid via the dropdown at the side of the dialog. Some of the fields will be grayed out as they have no function for the two point option. The presets dropdown also combines both the one point grid presets and the two points presets.

file:///C|/...P17T23027951D7ADC88/Andrew.Plugins.Volume.6.v1.2.for.Adobe.Illustrator/Product Documentation/GX06_Documentation.htm[6/5/2011 5:36:20 PM]

Illustrator (r) plugin documentation

Grid dialog: Modify the size and the start position of the grid (one or two point) as well as the vanishing point. The two point perspective gives two VP (in one point, the VP2 is grayed out). The presets and the one/two point dropdown are accessible from all the dialogs. Shuffle button is only useful combined with random features.

Lines dialog: This dialog sets the project lines / cutoff of the lines as well as the number of frames to create and the convergence of the frames. You might have to tweak the settings to get the 'perfect' grid.

file:///C|/...P17T23027951D7ADC88/Andrew.Plugins.Volume.6.v1.2.for.Adobe.Illustrator/Product Documentation/GX06_Documentation.htm[6/5/2011 5:36:20 PM]

Illustrator (r) plugin documentation Transform (and others) dialog: Sets the rotation of the grid as well as the line weight (requires a stroke to be set beforehand)

VP Dialog: The vanishing point is a small cross. You can modify the VP to have it as guidelines, display the cross, or rotate the grid around the VP etc

Settings: Use this dialog to set various things like random fill, fill using swatches, scale the line weight depending on approach to the VP, put the grid on a template layer etc. For perspective, you might like to set the paths to guidelines. The link links the size and VP. Use of plugin: The plugin can be used as is to create a basic grid, one point or two point perspective. The functionality of the plugin allows for a variety of different styles of grids such as thin grids / wide grids / rotated grids / multi colored grids / many lines grids / and more.

file:///C|/...P17T23027951D7ADC88/Andrew.Plugins.Volume.6.v1.2.for.Adobe.Illustrator/Product Documentation/GX06_Documentation.htm[6/5/2011 5:36:20 PM]

Illustrator (r) plugin documentation

Once you have created the grid, you can also combine the grids or use the grid as an overlay over different paths. The grids can be distorted by the perspective tool or free distort (though the lines might break away using this tool) or you can apply an envelope distort to warp the paths or you can even apply a zigzag to the lines or a third party plugin set. The grid lines can be copied, duplicated, overlay other paths, or you can apply opacity or apply different blending modes and much more to the lines. The lines can also be modified by applying live effects such as sketch effects or blurs.

Use as guidelines: the most important thing is to place the center of the path at the VP.. without that, the following steps won't work. Also, it is recommended that you set the grid to guidelines mode. Just duplicate the path a number of times and then use the various scaling / rotation tools to transform the paths

file:///C|/...P17T23027951D7ADC88/Andrew.Plugins.Volume.6.v1.2.for.Adobe.Illustrator/Product Documentation/GX06_Documentation.htm[6/5/2011 5:36:20 PM]

Illustrator (r) plugin documentation

file:///C|/...P17T23027951D7ADC88/Andrew.Plugins.Volume.6.v1.2.for.Adobe.Illustrator/Product Documentation/GX06_Documentation.htm[6/5/2011 5:36:20 PM]

Illustrator (r) plugin documentation

file:///C|/...P17T23027951D7ADC88/Andrew.Plugins.Volume.6.v1.2.for.Adobe.Illustrator/Product Documentation/GX06_Documentation.htm[6/5/2011 5:36:20 PM]

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