Plugin set 2

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Plugin set

Color Path (Andrew's Vector Plugins Vol 02) Plugin set contains plugins for creation of paths.

Installation of Plugins Please place the GX02_GridLock.aip, GX02_LineUp.aip, GX02_NegativeColors.aip, GX02_RandomColors.aip, GX02_SharpEdge.aip, GX02_SpiralCity.aip files in the c:\program files\adobe\illustrator CS\plug-ins folder [pc Illustrator 速 CS] or c:\program files\adobe\illustrator 10\plug-ins [pc illustrator 10] or CS1 or CS2 For the mac, please place the GX02_GridLock, GX02_LineUp, GX02_NegativeColors, GX02_RandomColor, GX02_SharpEdge, GX02_SpiralCity files in HD:Applications:Adobe Illustrator CS:plug-ins [mac Illustrator 速CS] or HD:Applications:Adobe Illustrator 10:plug-ins [mac Illustrator 10] Note: The plugins are sometimes split into different folders, such as plugins for 8 and 9.. The plugins are only for the version indicated.

Initial Use of plugins Please access via the filters menu of Illustrator 速 via the <AVP Paths> menu + <AVP Create> Menu. The gridlock plugins requires a path to be selected to define the size of the grid. The lineup and spiralcity and sharpedge require no paths and purely create paths. The randomcolors and negativecolors plugin requires a path or paths to work.

Applications support macOSX .2 .3 98 ME NT XP Ilustrator 速10 CS1 CS2

Questions Please contact me on Other plugins are available on the site Upgrades are generally available, either as free updates or inexpensive updates/upgrades. Please store the reference serial number or details of order

Copyright The plugins are copyright of 1999-2005, Abneil Software Ltd (Andrew Buckle). This product was released by Abneil Software ltd (UK based company)

Trademarks Illustrator and Adobe and Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe. We have no connection whatsoever with Adobe. Adobe product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Gridlock A grid plugin. To use, please select a path to 'define' the height and width of the grid. Grid Dialog 'Up across' options: By default, the grid settings are set the same in both directions. By clicking the link to OFF, you can modify the across or up / down settings.

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Plugin set

'Type' options: By default, the grid is created using rectangular boxes but the grid can also be made of lines, ovals, or guidelines.

'Number of lines': The number of lines to create for the grid in the current set direction.

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Plugin set

'Line thickness': The thickness of the grid lines

'Alternate line thickness': An additional amount added to alternate lines in the grid.

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Plugin set

'Apply pattern': By default, the grid is created without skipping lines. The apply pattern skips and creates lines, creating many variant grids. The grid can be 2 lines followed by a larger gap (skipped lines) followed by 2 more lines and so on. Does depend on the number of lines in the grid in the first place.

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Plugin set

Modify Dialog 'Shift': The lines are shifted from their default position (generally without breaking the bounds of the grid).

'Skew': A variant scaling option for the grid.

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Plugin set

Fill Dialog 'Fill': Instead of using the current fill (if there is a fill), the lines can be modified (left to right) (upwards) to a new color setting depending on the fill option and the fill channels set. If the lines are RGB, the fourth box is ignored. If the lines are grayscale, the last three fields are ignored. A variety of different color settings can be applied such as targeting the 'final' line in the grid to the dialog color (creating a gradient) or random colors.

'Stroke': As fill, but for the rectangular stroke or the line stroke. Ignored if no stroke set.

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Plugin set

'Width': The line width or weight is modified based on the user defined setting (/10th of a point) and dropdown. Settings Dialog 'Delete definition path': By default, the defining box or path is deleted but you might wish to keep the path and use the grid as a frame or have the original defining path as a background to the grid. 'Settings [R]': Randomizes the values used for the creation of the grid, works best if the values are set to higher values such an apply pattern of 10 10. Very useful for experimentation with 100s of different grid designs.

'Jitter': Instead of just shifting the paths by a fixed amount (see a previous dialog), the shift is random.

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Plugin set

'Shift ratio': A variant randomness applied to grid creation (uses the skew setting)

Lineup Plugin to create lines Line Dialog 'Lines direction' options': Across or up and down

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Plugin set

'Line type options': Create the lines as a rectangular box or a line or oval or guideline

'Number of lines': Number of lines to create in the requested direction

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Plugin set

'Gap between lines': Gap between the lines in points

'Line thickness': Thickness of the lines in points

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Plugin set

Size Dialog 'Line length': Length of the lines in points

'Line angle': Angle or rotation of line in degrees

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Plugin set

'Line scale': Line scaling, vertical and horizontal

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Plugin set

Position Dialog 'Start': Start position in document

Fill Dialog 'Fill': Fill applied to the lines from left to right, bottom up.

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Plugin set

'Stroke': Stroke applied to the lines

'Width': Width modification applied to the lines.

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Plugin set

Settings Dialog 'Opacity [R]': Opacity randomly applied between 0 and 100

NegativeColors Plugin to invert path color 'Color kind options': Set which mode to apply, such as fill or stroke or RGB / CMYK 'Color function options': Type of negative color effect to apply

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Plugin set

'Color': Color settings for the individual color channels.

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Plugin set

'Negative opacity': Reverses the opacity / transparency of the paths

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Plugin set

RandomColors Apply random colors to selected paths Colors Dialog 'Channels': Color settings for the color channels

'Random type options': Type of randomization to apply (and to fill or the path's stroke)

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Plugin set

Variance Dialog 'Interpolate': Interpolates between the original color and the new randomized color. Great for subtle variations of color

'Path factor': Factor applied to the fill based on the path creation order.

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Plugin set

'Range': Only apply the randomization if the original color settings are between (inclusive) these settings.

'Color options': Variant color operations such as averaging

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Plugin set

Settings Dialog 'Opacity [R]': Randomized opacity between 0 and 100

'Blend mode [R]': Blend mode randomized for each path (to difference, multiply etc)

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Plugin set

'Style [R]': Apply random styles based on the current styles palette (this can be fairly slow depending on the styles in the palette). Perhaps you might just want sketch effects, then remove all the non-sketch styles.

'Width [R]': Randomizes the width of the path's line between 0 and original width

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Plugin set

'Symbolize': Turns the path into a symbol (it will appear in the symbol palette) 'Apply [R]': Apply the randomization or not (randomly, of course)

SharpEdge Plugin to create a frame or sharp edged path Size Dialog 'Teeth height': Height of the teeth in points (from base)

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Plugin set

'Teeth gap': Gap between the teeth in points

'Teeth slant': Slant angle for the teeth

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Plugin set

'Teeth base': Addition to the teeth 'base' (from the starting point)

Teeth Dialog 'Number of teeth': Number of teeth to create (per side - though when the link is set to ON, the other sides are not accessible)

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Plugin set

Frames Dialog 'Start point': Start point for the frame in the current document (this can be set to variable via the settings dialog)

'Number of edges': Number of edges to create. If the start position is not set to variable, all the frames will be created in the same location.

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Plugin set

Apply Dialog 'Skip / create': Instead of creating equidistant teeth, the teeth can be separated by larger or smaller gaps using the skip / create teeth setting

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Plugin set

'Interpolate1': Interpolate points and direction points between calculated and user defined center

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Plugin set

'Interpolate2': As above but a second interpolate center (only display if the setting is not 0)

'Teeth apply pattern options': Variant teeth apply patterns such as base / height combinations

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Plugin set

'Slant options': Variant slant directions for each edge such as follow the edge or reverse of the previous edge or opposing edge or randomized slant

Settings Dialog 'Fill [R]': Fill the sharp edge with a random color (otherwise the color will be the same as the start color). More useful with the number of edges option set to greater than 1

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Plugin set

'Swatch [R]': Fill the path with a swatch color (based on the swatch palette)

'Opacity [R]': Set the path opacity randomly between 0 and 100

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Plugin set

'Link edges': Link the edge settings (by default this is on). When ON, some of the fields are not enabled and cannot be modified.

'Create on new layer': Create the new path on a new layer 'Closed path': Close the path 'Add base to height': Add the base calculation to the height

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Plugin set

'Create [R]': Create a tooth or not. Very useful for creating very random path frames

'Structure [R]': Randomizes the structure settings (more useful if the skip and create are set to large values)

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Plugin set

'Radial distort [R]': Distort the frame points in a radial direction (randomly)

'Edge [R]': Random edge

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Plugin set

'Teeth [R]': Random number of teeth per side

'Warp [R]': Apply random envelopes to the sharp edge for a wide range of variant frame designs

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Plugin set

'Center anchor': Place the anchor points at the center but leave the direction points in calculated position

'Center direction': The opposite of the above, leave the anchor but shift the direction points to the center of the frame

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Plugin set

'Start [R]': Randomized start, more useful if there are multiple frames to generate

SpiralCity Plugin to create unusual spirals such as triangular spiral or square-ial. Spiral Dialog 'Spiral arm type options': By default, the lines are created as a single line, point to point. You can set it to create individual spiral arms (useful for colonization). There is a slight variation between the two for the same settings.

'Spiral type options': Changing this modifies how the paths are created, in reverse direction, or with a jitter / randomness etc

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Plugin set

'Number of points / arm': Number of points per spiral arm (up to 20 - after which there isn't really much variation other than a lot of additional points - an you can always add those via the path command to add points)

'Number of spirals': Number of spiral arms.

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Plugin set

'Spiral arm decay': The decay of the spiral arms. The spiral can rapidly decay or slowly decay or expand outwards rapidly.

'Gap options': The gap between the arms (without taking the decay etc into consideration) options to modify the gap variant point's distance alternately or accumulate

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Plugin set

'Gap': The distance between the arms

'Gap variant': use this in combo with the gap dropdown to accumulate, randomized, or alternate gap settings

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Plugin set

Apply Dialog 'H. Start': The start position of the spiral horizontally

'V.Start': The start position of the spiral vertically 'Skip spiral arm': This will only work if in separate mode. If separate, arms are created or not, leaving gaps between the spiral arms as below. Variant settings such as 1-2 or 5-2 will create totally different spiral patterns.

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Plugin set

'Create spiral arm': Create a spiral arm (by default, 1). No change, if skip is set to 0. 'Initial gap from start': The initial gap from the center.

Star Dialog 'Star gap distance': Alternate points are moved by additional distance.

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Plugin set

'Star angle': Alternate points are shifted radial

Stroke Dialog 'Stroke': Requires separate path option (as well as path stroke). The path's stroke is modified from path to path, creating colorful blends or random color effects.

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Plugin set

'Line weight': Or width. Requires the separate path option (as well as a path stroke). Uses the original stroke width and modifies the width from path to path, either accumulating or randomized.

Settings Dialog 'Opacity [R]': requires the separate path option. The path's opacity is modified randomly between 0 and 100.

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Plugin set

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