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Lost for Words

Lost for Words


Most people in Baldock know me as Pinky. I've lived in Baldock on and off for nearly 30yrs. I have. 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren, and a black Cockapoo called The Duchess who is training to be a grief therapy dog. I've been a funeral and wedding celebrant for 6yrs. Funerals are my passion though. Being asked to look aer someone's last earthly journey, is such anhonourandaprivilege.



A Celebrant gives an alternave to a minister/humanist service. Ministers focus on faith and humanists literally have their own faith that doesn't include any religious or spiritual beliefs. My services are focussed on person who has died and reflects their personality.

Mybeliefisthatthefuneralshouldbeaboutthepersonbutalso be a posive experience for the people who are le behind. A service that I lead will concentrate on the wishes of the family. I create a unique, bespoke tribute that tells a life story but recognisesthepersonalityandlifeofthepersonwearetherefor. Whathappensinyourservices…

All my services maintain respect and can be verytradional. But they are ALL different. You never see or hear me doing or saying the same thing.In my services there are no restricons. If you want hymns and a bit of religion - no problem. If you want no religionatall–noproblem.


Garage music to classical, funk to punk, Motown to House, Football songs, theme tunes… Play your own music too if you want to. Live music is always good. I welcome everyone to my funerals, from babes in arms, young children, dogs. I've even hadanowl–yep,aliveonecometoitsowner'sservice!

It'salwaysnicetohavecoloursatfunerals.Somemesthereisa theme such as dressing up as Peaky Blinders, or in Star Wars shirts, over the years I've seen all kinds of football shirts, rugby shirts, checked shirts. Somemes, of course, it's appropriate to wearblack,butitislovelywhenthereisatheme.

Ilovetohavechildrenattheservices.Iftheyhaveneverbeento a funeral, I let them ask quesons, show them around the crematorium, explain what is going to happen and put their mindsatease.

Taking them to a say a special goodbye gives them a chance to understandtoo.Plus,ithelpsgivethem'closure'It'spartoflife. There are lots of books to help now, and schools are very supporvetoo.


Yes,itcanbesad,butmostofthemeIdon'tknowtheperson. Even if I do know the person, I have to try and maintain a professional stance. I have to keep the family together and get themthroughwhatiniallyistheworstdayoftheirlives. Iama posive person and can always find a posive in the most negave of situaons, I'm told that has come across during my servicestoo.Icangohomeandshedatearaertheservice.I'd be a very hard person if I said that services don't affect me. Of course,theydo!


I unexpectedly won an award for Celebrant of the Year in 2020 fromtheAssociaonofIndependentCelebrants.Iwasshocked and had no idea that I was going to win. I just wished my husbandhadbeenalivetoseeit.


Deathis24/7andsoamIpreymuch!IlovetheworkthatIdo, and I'm always happy to give advice and help people. Usually, you will go to your Funeral Director, and you will speak to a funeralarrangerto arrangeyour service.I work alongsidemost of the local Funeral Directors, and some naonal and internaonalones.

Ifyouwouldlikemetoconductyourlovedone'sservice,justlet thefuneralarrangerknowandtheywillusuallybeabletogetin touchwithme.

If you don't know what you want, give me a call and I'll try and helpyou.

Telephone me 07527 788688 or email me pinky@pinkygriefuk.netorFacebookLynn



Don't sele for 'what's expected'. If a person enjoyed their life, thenmaketheirlastjourneyamemorableone.Thereisnothing beer than being able to look back at a good wedding day, so why not look back at a 'good funeral' and remember that the last journey for your loved one was a true representaon of them. Funerals don't have to be shrouded in misery, darkness andblack.

Deathisjustanotherjourney.Weallhaveourownthoughtsto wherewego

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