1 minute read

on site review 38: call for articles

lines borders walls contagion

The here and thereness of things


edges - division - defence - demarcation - membranes -- rupture

hedges - fences - gates - rivers -- floods

difference - apartheid -- [mé]tissage

greenbelts - freeways -- crossings

Proposals due September 1, 2020 Mention how your proposal relates to the theme of this issue (above). Outline possible length, kinds of illustrations: images, maps, drawings, videos. Remember, we are a journal about architecture, landscape, infrastructure, urban design, all as conducted on site.

Send to www.onsitereview.ca/contact-us

Finished articles due October 15, 2020 Images: 300dpi, at least 2000pixels wide, copyright clearance secured if not your own work. Length: 500 - 5000 words

The Green Line


The Green Line


The Green Line

Sometimes doing something poetic can become political and sometimes doing something political can become poetic.

Jerusalem, June 2004 Video in collaboration with Philippe Bellaiche, Rachel Leah Jones, and Julien Devaux 17:34 min

©©Francis Alÿs

This project appeared in On Site review 30: ethics and publics, guest edited by Thomas-Bernard Kenniff

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