3 minute read

Homecoming How-To

How to party safely at the biggest sporting event of the year


One of the best parts of being in university is getting to be on your own and doing what you want when you want. There are so many events, get- togethers and parties to attend, but only so little time.

One of the biggest events of the school year is homecoming. It’s a day when everyone shows their true gryphon pride and dresses in the school’s signature colours: red, gold and black. The energy is high, the party is poppin’ and the game is on.

Staying safe during large events like this is important, for your well-being. Here are a couple tips to help you have a good time without letting things get out of hand.

#1: Party with a buddy

It’s important to choose somebody you trust to be your party pal for the day. This person can watch out for you, and make sure you’re making the best decisions. Always stay with your party pal, and make sure they stay with you. It’s okay to make new friends, but make sure your buddy is having a good time too. They’ll have your back if you have theirs!

Also, nobody likes partying alone! So, having a party pal can make the experience even more fun for both parties… Ha, see what we did there!


#2: Have a special cup

This one not only makes you look cool, but can be super useful to keep you safe. Things like coffee thermoses, tumbler cups, or any vessel with a lid can make your day go a lot smoother. Firstly, it’ll help you remember what drink is yours if you’re at a party. And secondly, it can certainly give you peace of mind about what might be in your drink.

Having your drink spiked is a very serious thing that can happen to anyone. If you see any suspicious behaviour around your drink, discard it immediately and let your party buddy know.

You may want to leave the party, and that’s totally alright. Have a contingency plan with your party pal in case things seem a little shady or off wherever you may be.

#3: Know how you’re getting home

It doesn’t take rocket science to know that drinking and driving isn’t the vibe. Before you go out, make sure you have a plan to get home! This can include: taking an Uber or Lyft, getting a ride from your mom or taking a bus home.

Guelph is full of great services that will allow you to get home safely - might as well use them! Figuring out how you’re getting home can make all the difference when you go out with friends. It’s a

Having a party pal isn't only the safe thing to do, but it also means you'll always have a partner for beer pong. CREDIT: UNSPLASH

lot cooler to wake up in the morning knowing that you didn’t make any mistakes the night before. Whether it’s your first time going out, or you consider yourself a seasoned professional, party safety is super important. You want to have a good time, cheer on your football team and remember homecoming for the rest of your life. It’s one of the best university experiences you’ll get, so make sure you do it right!

Don’t be scared to have a good time and come into your own, just make sure you know the safe ways to party and implement them. A solid group of friends, a fancy cup and a plan to get home in one piece is a huge component of having an absolute rager without getting scorched.

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