3 minute read
Student experience aims to make your time at U of G as enjoyable as possible
from The Ontarion - 193.3
by The Ontarion
You can visit @uofgstudentexp on Instagram or visit the Student Experience desk on the third floor of the University Centre to learn more. CREDIT: ELLIE PETRAK
Student Experience strives to create equal opportunities and build communities that support students throughout their time at the U of G
The University of Guelph’s Student Experience resources are an invaluable addition to university life. Its goal is to make students’ time at the University of Guelph as easy and enjoyable as possible. Through hosting events, advising students and offering resources when students have specific needs, Student Experience strives to create equal opportunity for everyone to succeed and build communities that support them in their learning and experiences at Guelph.
If you’re looking for ways to get involved, Student Experience has many resources to help point you in the right direction. The Student Engagement and Leadership Unit support students in engaging with Guelph communities and finding leadership opportunities. If you’re interested in becoming a peer helper, starting a new club or organizing an event but are unsure where to start, talking to Student Experience advisors can help point you in the right direction. They can help you find ways to become a better leader in your field or area of interest.
Email is a great way to get in touch with these resources, you can reach out to leader@uoguelph.ca to learn more about the Leadership Intensive program that aids students in professional development, and email students@uoguelph.ca for more information regarding the LAUNCH program for Student Groups and Leaders.
Student Experience also runs its own programming and events. Did you participate in Orientation week activities? That was just a glimpse into how Student Experience works to build a community and create positive spaces that welcome all students to university life.
If you are a first- or second-year student, you might have seen START emails appear in your inbox. START is run by Student Experience to help students adjust to academic life and provide resources to help them connect with other students and campus activities. It also offers orientation programs for First Nations, Inuit and Metis students, international students, exchange students, and students registering with Student Accessibility Services. Regularly check your START emails or visit STARTonline. ca to learn about these programs and get updates and information on seasonal events, services, reminders, and resources.
“It’s been a great experience working in such a welcoming environment and being able to learn about resources that I didn’t know about before,” said Amatulraoof Al-Abassi, a second-year bio-med student in a work-study position with Student Experience. “I’ve been able to work with staff members on projects for all different students.”
Amatulraoof wishes students knew more about Student Experience’s programs, like Cultural Diversity Advising and the Indigenous Student Centre.
“They are open to everyone and welcoming to BIPOC students here at Guelph as well as the LGBTQ+ Gender and Sexual Diversity Advising,” Amatulraoof said.
Other advisory resources are offered as well. If you or a student you know has been having trouble finding housing due to the overload on residence spacing, Off-Campus Living Advising offers support in navigating these potentially new and stressful experiences. For off-campus students, Student Experience offers Rental Living Resources and Commuter Student Programs and Resources. These options help students to become good neighbours in the Guelph community, provide lease reviews, and offer information on bylaws, transportation, and safety.
To further connect with Student Experience, be sure to visit @uofgstudentexp on Instagram for an introduction to different aspects of life at Guelph. The page highlights the life of a Gryphon and is regularly updated on upcoming events for students, program information, and more. You can also visit the new Student Experience front desk located in the University Centre 3rd Floor South, for general questions and inquiries or visit uoguelph.ca/studentexperience.