2 minute read
From the Editors Desk
Moving Further Into A Digital Wold - A Time Of Change!
In the June issue of Ontario Sheep News (OSN), I spoke about some of the obstacles and hardships felt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no doubt that this pandemic has shaken everything up however, it has also presented opportunities. I know that better days are ahead, as we move forward into the new normal, and we hope that this issue of OSN finds you, your family, and friends well.
Given the recent inability to hold in person meetings, and increased social distancing due to the global pandemic, OSF was forced to cancel our traditional annual AGM and Convention. We look forward to hosting this event every year, as we know many enjoy attending. This publication will provide some further details on how OSF plans to proceed with the AGM portion of our annual convention, and more information will come via The Messenger and on social media. This month’s issue of OSN provides further details on the digital OSF Annual General Meeting (page 28), and the fall webinar speakers series (page 27), which we look forward to hosting.
One notable change this year was the moving our traditional in person professional development courses to an online format. By doing this, OSF continues to be able to provide educational courses and share knowledge, which is key to successful sheep production and business operations.
Earlier this summer, OSF presented a six-week Parasite Management course to assist producers to think beyond conducting fecal egg counts, and to work with their veterinarian on implementing a parasite management plan for their farm. The live online course ended in August, and will be offered as a self-guided, online course that can be completed at the participants leisure starting this Fall. It is our hope that next year we can offer fecal egg count labs
The OSN welcomes letters to the editor. Please email: tllewis@ontariosheep.org or mail to: Ontario Sheep News, 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph ON NIK 1BI. to build on this course, and offer some practical hands on training for conducting fecal counts on your farm. For more details on OSF’s online professional development courses visit www.ontariosheep.org/programs.
For several years, OSF and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs has for offered an Introduction to Small Ruminants Production course for Sheep and Goats. This course has traditionally been a full day, in-class course complete with a farm tour. The feedback from those who attended have always been positive and has provided applicable knowledge and training. Despite the success of the traditional course, the one downside has been that the course was offered on specific days, and not always when convenient for those interested in attending. This year OSF is proud to announce its move to an online, self-guided course that can be completed in the comfort of your home. More details on this course can be found on page 22, or by visiting our programs page on the above mentioned OSF website.
Please continue to stay safe and take care of yourself, and each other - and as always happy reading! We hope you enjoy the September issue of OSN. OSN
Covid-19 is still a serious threat!
Even though some restrictions are being lifted, we can't quit now. Protect yourself and each other.
Keep physical distancing
Keep washing your hands Wear a mask when physical distancing is not or may not be possible
For more information visit https://www.ontariosheep.org/COVID19