5 minute read
I have been teaching golf for 25 years and have had the opportunity to spend some time around some of the best mental performance specialists not only in golf but other sports as well. Some big influences of my mental performance teaching have been Dr. Deborah Graham, Jon Stabler, Rick Jensen, Lynn Marriott, and Pia Nilsson. First let me say, I am a big believer in technique and skill acquisition is an absolute must. I teach golf all day and spend much of my time developing swings and short game skills with my clients. No matter how well you attempt to think mentally if the skill is not there than the results will not be there. But once a certain level of skill is acquired than the pendulum can swing to the other side and golf becomes much more of a thinking person’s game. Confidence can certainly wain when the swing mechanics get off for sure and there is always a delicate balance between
mechanics and the mental game. I teach so many competi tive players that I know the high importance of the mental strategies. This area is not just important for the competi tive player, but for everyone who wants to play their best golf. Everyone has different personalities and will have tendencies they need to be aware of and set their mental goals. The internal challenge of playing and managing the mechanics of technique and the mental performance and strategies is what makes golf such a fun and challenging game (and frustrating at times). Below I want you to take a short 15 question quiz of some basic questions I have my players answer to see where you are with your mental game. I want you to grade yourself honestly of a scale of 1-5 for each question. 1 being you (never) – 2 (rarely) – 3 (sometimes) – 4 (often) – 5 (always). We will discuss results after.
1. I have a strong Mental pre-shot routine which includes picking best shot, committing to shot, visualizing shot, and a good feel of my stroke needed. 9. After I hit a poor shot, I check the quality of my tempo and pre shot routine before I questioned technical flaws.
2. I use the Mental pre-shot routine on every shot and putt. 3. I do not get distracted by other people or external noise. 4. I visualize every shot I want to hit behind the ball in the “Think Box” before stepping into the shot “Play Box”. 5. My game plan is based on my current strengths and the golf course set-up. 6. I can let go of a previous shot and put it out of my mind in preparation of the next. 7. I do not put my self down with negative self-talk which can lead to poor performance. 8. I keep a good attitude and strategy and don’t let my score influence that. 10. I anticipate a good outcome before each shot. 11. Between shots I will compliment myself mentally on things I have done well. 12. I am aware of increasing tension in my mind or body (clenching teeth, quick breathing, loss of feel, etc.) 13.I have at least one technique I use before and during competition to lower tension. (such as deep breathing, etc.) 14. If I notice my thoughts turning negative, I can quickly change those to positive thoughts. 15. I can rebound with a good shot after a poor shot more times than not. 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always) 1 (never) 2 (rarely) 3 (sometimes) 4 (often) 5 (always)
Ok. That is the quick mental game quiz. I get more detailed with my competitive players, but this a good start. Add up your total score out of a possible 75 total points and divide by 15. Here’s a look….
SCORING: 4-5 (Really good) 3-4 (Good but could certainly improve) 2-3 (Not very good and probably holding you back) 1-2 (Needs a lot of work and no doubt is a weakness costing you performance)
My recommendation is to analyze the questions and set some goals next time you go out and play based on some of your answers. As an example, if you scored yourself a 3 (sometimes) on having a strong pre-shot mental routine than this area needs some work. Set a goal next time you play to do this well at least 80% of the time. Just improv ing this one area will help your scoring. Another example would be if scored yourself low on anticipating a good out come before each shot, then you need to assess why? This could be because your skill is not where you need it and in that case that requires more practice or lessons. But in many cases, it could be that you are attempting shots that maybe are not the best choices leading to stress and negative thinking. Maybe you are playing too aggressively or not playing to your strengths. Everyone will perform better when they are playing to their abilities and making strategy decisions based on their current skill level. In conclusion, make it a point to assess all the questions, improve in these areas and start playing to your potential. Good Luck!