2 minute read

body + being

planning in the world won’t let us know exactly when the time is right and the money is “enough.”

So many of us believe—really believe—that we will become the person we know we are deep inside when 1] we meet the right person, 2] we make a million dollars, 3] the kids are in [insert one: grade school, junior high, high school, college, out of college], 4] we retire, etc., etc.

We wait to become what we already are. We believe that if we HAVE a certain something, we will then be able to DO what we really want to do and only then will we BE happy.

What if we’ve got it all backwards? What if we act as if we already ARE happy—right now? That will cause us to DO what we really want to do and we will realize that we really do HAVE everything we want and need. Sound too easy? Yeah, it probably is. We’ve spent our entire lives making everything very difficult. We’ve gotten in the way of our own lives, and our own happiness.


We’ve heard over and over again that we can change our lives by changing the way we think about our lives. That probably sounds all fine and good and then the “yeah, buts” enter. “Yeah, but you don’t have three kids and two dogs and a full-time job and a demanding husband.” “Yeah, but I don’t have that kind of upbringing.” “Yeah, but you don’t know the trouble I’ve seen.”

You’re right. We all have our stories and drama. So go ahead and prove all that “stuff” wrong. After all, that’s what we’ve been doing our whole lives—searching for ways we can prove that what we’ve been doing is the “right” way. And we’re unhealthy, unhappy in our jobs, overworked, underpaid, bored, cynical and resigned. How is that working for us? What if we really can change our reality by the way we look at things? Instead of being so bent on being right, what if we turn instead to being happy NOW?

Do It Now

Take a moment right now to put yourself back in the shoes—or tutu or fire hat—of the 5-year-old you were. What did you want to be? What was possible for you in that moment? Go ahead, close your eyes and go there. I’ll wait.

whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, underappreciated, overstressed and frantic, just take five minutes to reconnect with your being

So, what really changed outside yourself when you allowed yourself to just BE that again? Probably nothing. But, provided you really played along and did take the five minutes to remember, your BEING shifted back to that carefree kid to whom absolutely anything was possible.

You are able to do that. You just did. We all can choose right now to BE happy, which will transfer into anything we DO which will reveal to us that we do HAVE everything we need or want. I’m not saying this is an easy process, especially if we’ve conditioned ourselves over the years that the opposite is true. But nearly everyone I’ve met is able to do it. Not nearly as many people are willing

Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, underappreciated, overstressed and frantic, just take five minutes to reconnect with your BEING. Post a picture of a fire truck on your bulletin board. Go pick up a tutu. Or go borrow some sidewalk chalk from your kids. Display the picture or chalk or tutu [heck, try that one on for real!] and allow that to remind you that the BEING is still there.

When you change the way you look at things, those things you look at really do change. But don’t take my word for it. BE it yourself and notice the outcome.

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