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Mod Mom: Dee Doboyou

Dee Doboyou was born in Africa and came to Fargo 17 years ago. She is an entrepreneur who runs Mama Dee Daycare as well as two other businesses and a nonprofit. She and her partner Tutey are also parents to Olivia and TJ. Photo courtesy of Ten Little Chickens Photography

Empowering entrepreneur wants to inspire, help others

By Danielle Teigen

Decontee “Dee” Doboyou was born in Liberia, Africa, and came to the United States in 2004 seeking a better life for herself. She landed in Fargo with an aunt and was eventually joined by her parents and siblings a few years later. She graduated from Fargo North High School and attended college for three years before deciding she wanted to become a full-time entrepreneur.

Seventeen years after arriving in Fargo, Dee is a mom of two (daughter Olivia is 8 years old and son TJ is 5), a successful business owner (actually three businesses to be exact) as well as a new nonprofit founder. And she does it all to make sure her children have even more opportunities than she did as well as give back to the community by empowering others.

“My kids deserve the best in life; they are my motivation and the reason I wake up every day,” Dee shared. “There is no giving up in my dictionary, and I want to give them the life I never had.”

She’s referring to the hard life her family lived in Africa while she was growing up, and now that she’s in the U.S., Dee has realized she can help others who came from similar circumstances live better, more stable lives.

By day, Dee runs Mama Dee Daycare, which she opened just four years ago. She never imagined she’d end up in child care, but she knows life has a way of helping people discover their passion and hers is loving and growing children.

“I come from a large family and carried a lot of responsibility as the second oldest of eight kids,” Dee explained. “I know not many people are able to say this, but I do have a passion for kids...I started out babysitting for family and friends for free and later got paid to nanny for a lady who encouraged me to open my own daycare. I found something very natural about taking care of children. It felt like I was born to do this.”

My kids deserve the best in life; they are my motivation and the reason I wake up every day. There is no giving up in my dictionary, and I want to give them the life I never had.

Dee and her boyfriend Tutey are parents and business partners. Dee was recently recognized at the 2021 Leading Ladies Luncheon hosted by the North Dakota Women’s Business Center.

Son TJ started kindergarten this year and daughter Olivia is a third grader. Photos courtesy of Ten Little Chickens Photography

What started as an in-home daycare in her apartment with a handful of children has transformed into an at-capacity facility in a single-family home in south Fargo within a year. Now, Dee dreams of expanding her daycare to a stand-alone center.

But that’s not all she does. In the last year, Dee also launched D & T Credit Repair and D & T Home Solutions, businesses that provide consultative and educational services for individuals or families looking to improve their credit scores to make purchasing a home or opening or expanding a business possible.

In addition, Dee and a close friend launched Heritage Care Action, a nonprofit organization that supports low-income families and children with child care and transportation services.

“What does a family need to survive on a daily basis? Child care and transportation so they can go to work,” Dee explained. “That’s why we launched Heritage Care Action; if you get to the root of the problem, you have a better outcome.”

While these “baby businesses” as Dee called them haven’t even celebrated a one-year anniversary, she’s excited about how they can help new Americans and low-income families live better lives. She knows firsthand how important a good support system is, and she’s quick to credit many people who have crossed her path, especially her boyfriend and business partner Tutey.

“He is my biggest supporter and the number one reason I am where I am today,” she said. “I tell young women all the time to surround themselves with positive people who support their vision. He supports my vision.”

Dee’s vision for her future includes continuing to grow her child care business and so much more. Read on to learn more about this mod mom.

What do you love most about being in child care?

I love the relationship I build with the children and parents.

How do you celebrate your African heritage with your kids?

We celebrate our African heritage through food, music, games, and family events.

What's a fun family tradition you have?

Our kids love fireworks so every year on the Fourth of July we sit out in the driveway and set off some fireworks.

Favorite place to go with your kids in the Fargo-Moorhead area?

I love taking them to Davies Water Park. My kids love playing in the water.

What drives you?

I am driven by kids. I want to create a lifestyle for them that I didn’t have growing up.

What is your biggest dream when it comes to the two new businesses and nonprofit you founded in 2021?

My biggest dream for my newly launched businesses is to help enough people to make a difference in our community. D&T Credit Repair assists people who have credit issues by educating them and repairing their credit so that they can gain back their creditworthiness. D&T Home Solutions helps families become homeowners through our rent-to-own home program. Heritage Care Action was founded by me and my friend Queen H. Our mission for this nonprofit is to support low-income families by providing a 24-Hour child care service.

How do you balance your work and family life?

By trying to not mix the two, knowing that when it’s time for work it’s time to work and when it's family time I try to keep work out of it and enjoy the moment with my family.

What's something people might be surprised to learn about you?

I love watching sports.

Best advice for other moms?

I’ll advise all moms to not be afraid to have some “me time”. Moms take care of everyone else and often forget about themselves, so I strongly encourage all moms to have a self-care day.

What are you hoping to teach your kids who are watching you be a mom and entrepreneur?

I want them to know that nothing comes easy, but with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

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