ONTRAQ Ltd Slides 01
Our Vision Ontraq Ltd was founded to provide local business with flexible a n d reliable IT solutions. With Director level backgrounds in City based financial trading a n d services Ontraq brought this expertise a n d high levels of professionalism to the SME market. Business c a n choose to outsource their entire IT service or request support for their existing IT resources. Reliability a n d dedication are the keystone of our customer IT support a n d we've been doing it successfully
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Best Practices For Cybersecurity That Every Business Should Implement. Employee cyber security Chelmsford Awareness has arisen as one of the critical challenges that a firm m ust address in the current digital world. Instilling fundamental c yber security Chelmsford abilities in personnel has frequently been the essential distinction between penetrated firms a n d those t hat are not. In this article, we will confer on a few fundamental cyber security Chelmsford practices t hat organizations should use to protect themselves from cybercrime a n d the d a t a of their customers, clients, a n d partners.
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Examine Encryption It's vital to evaluate your current Software:
methods a n d keep up with new technology. With cyber criminals growing more clever by the day a n d a rising number of people attempting to steal information for monetary gain, it's more important than ever to check your encryption software a n d make sure it's up to current.
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Invest In The IT The first line of defence a n d offensive Department: for your organisation is your IT team. Your IT personnel has to be taught a n d kept u p to da te on the most recent information on cyber-attacks a n d associated hazards. If you want to develop a strong cybersecurity posture, meetings with your IT staff, understanding their challenges, a n d investing in the best available
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Train Your Employees : Finally, cybersecurity
tra ining
required for all personnel, including IT teams a n d management. Your whole c o m p a n y should get cyber security awareness a n d incident response training in Chelmsford.
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Get In Touch With Us
For inquiries or followups
Company Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Ontraq Limited, 74 Duke
01245 265100
Street Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1JY
Ontraq Ltd
Thank You For Attention Slides 08