Test your vocabulary 16

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Bears do not really ............. because their heartbeat rate, body temperature, breathing rate, and blood pressure do not drop significantly lower than normal, and on mild days in midwinter, a bear may awaken and come out of the den. A) raid D) hasten


B) predict E) avoid

B) competitions E) varieties

B) diverse E)huge


C) similarities


Because the prices are much more ........... many people prefer to shop at the market rather than at expensive stores. A) amiable D) extensive

B) affordable E)profitable


Frogs and toads have a strong sense of location. When taken from their territories or breeding grounds, they can find their way back by smell and ........... by the position of the stars. A) tenderly D) deliberately

B) gradually E)instinctively


The formation of a strategy to ............ poverty in developing countries will require the commitment of all industrialised nations. A) exploit D) combat


B) expand E)recover

C) deceive

Biodegradable waste materials, such as fruits and vegetables, which ............ naturally, are less of a long-term threat to the environment than are more persistent pollutants such as metals and plastics.


D) contaminate

Although some people said it was a bit extravagant and aesthetically disastrous, I thought Diana's wedding dress was quite ........... and really flattered her. A) efficient D) sloppy


B) evaluate E) disregard

B) tasteful E) casual

C) creep

B) precisely E) entirely

C) immediately

B) negligence E) occurrence

C) persistence

B) response E)resource

C) burden

B) become E) fulfill

C) distill

B) avoidance E) recession

C) consumption

I feel very sorry for Vanessa because she is very .......... . Being so shy must be a big disadvantage in life. A) moody D) gloomy


B) travel E) leap

Poisonous gas was employed by Italy in its invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, despite the ............ against its use in the Geneva Protocol of 1925, which Italy had signed. A) prohibition D) retreat

21A) decompose D) ascend

C) argumentative

In order to .......... your ambitions, you have to work very hard. A) desire D) conquer


B) sentimental E) impractical

The cost of imported petroleum is a heavy .......... on the Turkish economy and an effort is being made to develop other sources of power generation. A) explanation D) income

C) evenly

C) rinse

The transport company is obliged to meet any loss or damage resulting from ............ but not an unavoidable natural accident. A) extravagance D) assistance

C) simultaneos

B) sew E) fold

Greg is not completely blind. He can actually see a little through one eye, therefore he is really ............ sighted. A) considerately D) partially

C) dashing

C) comrade

Time is limited, so please only ask relevant questions so that we don't ............ off the topic of debate. A) wander D) hike


B) contestant E)acquaintance

Fred is so ........... that whatever I say, he always disagrees with it. A) contemporary D) innocent


C) climb

I used to help my mother bring in the large bed sheets when they were dry because it really requires two people to ........... them neatly. A) dye D) weave

C) hide

There are all sorts of occupations represented in my Turkish class. The students hold such .......... jobs as shop assistant and brain surgeon. A) passionate D) resembling


B) descend E) dismount

I have known Brian for almost five years, but have not really spoken to him much; therefore, I would call him more of a/an ............ than a friend. A) enthusiast D) companion

C) charted

There are many ........... between rugby and American football; in fact, the former is a direct ancestor of the latter. A) distinctions D) reflections


B) adapted E)provoked


C) hibernate

Some people believe whole-heartedly in alternative medicine. They say that it can ........... patients better than conventional medicine can. A) seal D) heal


B) invade E) coincide

Although we hadn't actually got the tickets, we ............ that everything was fine as the travel agent had sent us the flight times. A) assumed D) dedicated


A) land D) embark

B) timid E) excited

C) outgoing

Nigel is very .......... about the events of last night, realising that pushing Ellie into the pool was a silly thing to do.

C) industrious

It was a silly decision of the airline to let everyone .......... all at once. They should have let the people sitting at the back get on first, then there wouldn't have been such chaos.

A) explanatory D) apologetic 23-

B) oppressive E) convenient

C) relieved

The Chancellor's speech was very ............ to his previous one, in which he had promised to cut taxes. Now he has decided to raise them.

A) appropriate D) contemporary

B) similar E)reluctant

A) trivial D) triangular

C) contradictory 35-


As a boss, Paul found it difficult to write reports .......... staff performances, especially when he knew the employee personally as well. 36A) conversing D) evaluating


B) estimating E) compiling

C) printing

She was only fifteen when she was sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment for ............ burning down her local library in a temper tantrum.


B) participate E) provide

B) refutable E) tedious

B) elaborately E)occasionally

C) incidentally

George's arguments were usually ignored because they were never very .......... . One day he would argue one thing, and the next completely contradict himself. C) consistent

The lady in front of me in the cinema was ........... my view of the screen. I had to ask her to remove her hat so that I could see properly. A) obscuring D) concealing


B) compulsive E) passionate

B) standing E) insulting

C) blasting

Obviously, the team of workers were well chosen by the management because they needed the minimum .......... and rarely needed to be checked on.

C) domestic A) coincidence D) supervision 42-

B) enjoyment E) flexibility

C) elaboration

During the protest, Chinese police treated demonstrators ............ attracting criticism from the world over.

C) compensate A) peacefully D) considerably 43-

C) cease


C) distressing

Little Emily is getting the hang of her new game. She has to put square shapes into square holes and round shapes into .......... holes.

C) triumphantly

B) nomadic E) solid

C) sedentary

The crowd couldn't believe their eyes and stood there openmouthed and .......... . In fact, nobody moved a muscle for almost a minute. A) stagnant D) momentary


B) incidentally E) brutally

The Yukaghir are a northeastern Siberian ........... people, who rely on reindeer or dogs for transportation to seasonal fishing or hunting grounds. A) vague D) variable

C) determine

Thank you so much for your help and affection over this difficult time. If you hadn't been so kind and ........... I don't think I would have been able to get through it. A) considerate D) approximate


B) reveal E) activate


C) facilitate

The children won't get bored at the summer camp because there are so many activities to ............ in, such as canoeing, horse riding, painting and creative writing. A) satisfy D) evolve


B) overcome E) underestimate


A) efficient D} exclusive

In order to .......... your new toy robot, you just push this button here and it starts doing things. A) repel D) initiate


B) occasional E) occupational

C) demoralise

C) bewilder

Although he is small, you mustn't............ his boxing ability. If you relax for a minute, then he will take you by surprise. A) encounter D) withdraw


B) remember E) compromise

B) regain E) reckon

The fireplace in Bob's house is ............ decorated. It is beautifully carved with figures from the bible. A) eventually D) constructively

Peter's visits to his grandmother were only ........... which made her look forward to them all the more. A) common D) far-reaching


B) complain E) appeal

I think if you drive that far today, you will seriously ........... your health. You are really not well enough to travel. A) wound D) jeopardise


B) scornfully C) incessantly E) simultaneously

C) absolutely

Certain abbreviations may ............. memory and, if easily pronounced, are spoken as well as written; for example, UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. A) cooperate D) collect


B) knowingly E)closely

If you work hard at your school work, then you will .......... the grades you desire. If you do not, then you won't get them. It is as simple as that! A) attain D) fail


C) reluctantly

"The murderer is the person who had the chance to poison the victim and get away quickly," commented the inspector, ".........., Charles Atkinson." A) namely D) longingly


B) peacefully E) commonly

C) rotational

The prisoners of war experienced many different kinds of ........... by far the worst of which was having their feet branded. A) mischief B) distraction C) torture D) ambiguity E)ache The author and painter Edward Lear was a restless, lonely man, who travelled ........... from one place to another and settled down only toward the end of his life in San Remo on the Italian Riviera. A) eternally D) vitally

37A) punctually D) willfully

B) floral E) circular

B) motionless E) flawless

C) hectic

My mother says I should get some more furniture and kitchen gadgets, but I believe my house is ........... furnished. What I have is enough to provide me with comfort. A) excessively D) persistently

B) merely E) adequately

C) barely


One of the biggest changes in East Germany recently was the ........... of state owned companies, which were sold to privately owned companies. A) nationalisation D) privatisation

B) clarification C) production E) acclimatisation

A) bashfully D) humanely 58-

The lighthouse keeper spent his days ............ the brass stair rail until he could see the reflection of his face clearly in it. A) grinding D) scanning


C) enlighten

B) Candidly E)Customarily

C) Modestly

B) gifted E) valuable

C) sensible

B) confidence E) vision

C) action

James bas recovered quite well from his accident, but he still walks a little ........... . A) fortunately D) sneakily


B) complicate E) compensate

Tony's ............ on the subject of television is completely different from Gordon's. Tony thinks it's highly educational, while Gordon thinks it corrupts the minds of children. A) viewpoint D) suspicion


C) sacrificed

This school specifically caters for .......... children, admitting only those that show an exceptional talent. A) active D) private


C) distracting

............ there won't be a meeting this Friday because it's a public holiday. A) Commonly D) Presumably


C) struggle

If Tom brings his friend on the coach trip, it will ........... a bit of a problem because there won't be enough seats on the coach. A) pose D) offend


B) spared E)revealed

B) punctually E) peculiarly

C) softened

The cinemas here usually have a break half way through the film. I think this is a good idea because during this .............. you can have a chat about the film over a coffee. A) gap D) interval

The leading yachtsman in the race ............ his own personal glory in order to rescue one of the competitors, whose mast had broken. A) congratulated D) won


B) motivating E) stressful

B) terminated E) verified

C) invisibly

I find the motion of the waves coming onto the beach very ........... to watch. Watching them makes me forget all the problems of daily life. A) dripping D) relaxing


B) production E) court

C) convert

When we first got Kaplan, our cat, he was a little wild. He's been .......... now and is not quite so boisterous and vicious. A) befriended D) tamed

Pete Sampras is having such a good run of form that he thinks he can beat anyone and he doesn't care who his next .......... is. A) opponent D) contest


B) closely E) vastly

B) assert E) elevate

C) encompassing

Your idea of the way a football team should play is .......... different from mine. In fact, they are so far apart that it seems as 60if we are talking about a different sport! A) ghastly D) soberly


B) polishing E)staring


C) boldly

We were struggling for an idea for a new play, so we decided to .......... our expertise. After all, two heads are better than one. A) combine D) split


B) silently E)barely

C) longingly

When the oxygen cylinders on the hot air balloon began to leak, the engineer went ........... outside to fix them. It was an act of incredible bravery.

B) power cut E) final

C) screening

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY l.C 2.A 3-D 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.E 8.D 9.A 10.B ll.D 12.E 13.E 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.E 2O.A 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.D 25.D 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.B 3O.E 31.E 32.B 33.A 34.E 35.C 36.C 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.A 41.D 42.E 43.B 44.B 45.E 46.D 47.B 48.E 49.A 50.D 51.C 52.A 53.D 54.B 55.A 56.E 57.C 58.A 59.D 6O.D

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