2 minute read
from March_April_2023
Dr. Cynthia Chestnut
John Crossman
Quibulah Graham
Gary Hartfield
Barbara Hartley
Ann Jenkins
Eugene Jones
Connie Kinnard
Larry Lee, Jr.
Brenda March
Gail Thomas-DeWitt
Hon. Alan Williams
Carla Williams
Dr. Samuel Wright ated from the bondage of ignorance of one’s divinity. Women did not go to these schools because it was believed that women were divine. Men went to school learn what women already knew. Women have the capacity to allow life to gestate within their bodies, pass life through their bodies and then sustain that life with substance from their bodies. Women are seen as a God on earth in ancient Afrikan society.
The full potential of a society is not realized until the women of that society are elevated and allowed to express their divine essence. This was common knowledge in ancient Kemet (Egypt). When examining the various iconography (statues, drawings, etc.) one will see that no aspect of that society moved without women. One has only to reference the headwear worn by Kings in the middle Kingdom. The Nebety Tawy (two ladies), a symbol of protection, was at the center of the head piece worn by Kings. The feminine energy was seen as a great source of protection. Also, there were sacred Queens such as Amanirenas, Nefetari and Tiye among others guided the society. Their divine insight Ancient Kemet represents a great society of high culture and great accomplishments. Women were essential of the ancient civilization’s elevation to such a position.
• Know your worth and value in the world. You are essential society being great. Make a commitment to honor yourself by developing yourself mentally, physically and spiritually daily.
• Read content that elevates your mind, engage in exercise and eating rituals that fortify the body as well as meditate and pray daily. Yoga is a good activity to engage.
• Pass on what you know about life and living to the others. Share insight and enlightenment that will elevate the spirit of others.
Sincerely Rich
Lester and Lillian Seays
Ancient Kemet, which is the home of the earliest universities such as Ipet Isut, is where one can see how women were revered as being sacred and divine. In the ancient schools one went to learn how to be more Divine. These ancient schools, which gave birth to the seven Liberating Arts (Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Astronomy, Arithmetic, Geometry, and Music), were seen on sacred places. The liberating arts existed because a student was to study them and become liber-
The Warrior women spirit has been alive in the U.S. in women such as Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Nannie Helen Burroughs, Ida B. Wells Barnett, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, Dr. Dorothy Height, Mamie Till, Sabrina Fulton, Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks. These women have advanced and continue to advance the cause of Afrikan liberation. These spirits of these women address the inequities of a society. Like the Goddess Maat Of Kemet they seek to uphold righteousness in our society. It is the Divine feminine that allows a society to experience the best aspect of itself. The Western society has to relegate women to being the weaker sex, however societies that rise to their greatest potential always place a high value on the sacred woman.
We need divine women now more than ever.
Black women, ascend into the highest aspects of yourselves.
• Fight for and defend the peace and sanctity of our community. If you are a parent, be active in your child’s Parent Teacher Association/Organization (PTA/PTO). Involve your children in music, dance and art classes. Make sure they know how to swim as well as communicate well with others. Inform them of the beauty and power that they divinely possess.
• Be an example of sacred women daily. Be an active agent of change within your family and community. Live like you know you are sacred and divine. Never allow anyone to move you from your position of sacredness. Respect others. Honor all and be divine. Rise up, Warrior Healer. Your light is our Life.